HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986 08 13 Planning and Zoning Board Regular Minutes
August 13, 1986
The meeting was called to order by Chairman Smedley at 7:30 P.M.
Richard DeFazio, Vice Chairman, Present
Gene Dorman, Present
Taru Joshi, Excused Absence
Jim Hartman, Present
D. Robert Smedley, Chairman, Present
Jacqueline Koch, Dir. Adm. ICity Planner
APPROVAL of MINUTES of July 30, 1986:
DeFazio moved to approve the minutes of July 30, 1986. Seconded by Hartman. Vote:
DeFazio: aye; Dorman: aye; Joshi: absent; Hartman: aye; Smedley: aye. Motion carried.
ELECTION of OFFICERS for 1986-1987:
Dorman made the motion to elect Robert Smedley for Chairman of the Planning and Zoning
Board. Seconded by DeFazio. Motion carried by voice vote.
DeFazio moved to elect Gene Dorman for Vice-Chairman of the Planning and Zoning Board.
Seconded by Hartman. Motion carried by voice vote.
Smedley stated that the Board will hold a Public Hearing sitting as the Local Planning
Agency, and will convene the hearing and reconvene the hearing and the regular session
alternately to act on the Land Use classification and Zoning category requests one at
a time.
Item a.l.
. Winter Springs land use classification to be assigned to property being annexed
by Seminole County Board of Realtors - 2 acres on north side of Shepard Rd. between
US 17-92 and the Highlands - Request for Commercial land use classification to permit
C-l z.oning:
Koch gave her presentation. She stated that the Board of Realtors property is zoned
M-l-A in the county. The Board needs to decide the proper City land use in accord-
ance with our land use map and the City's goals. The property has an existing building
and the applicants would like to expand with an auditorium. The use of the property
is in accordance with the City's C-l zoning and we recommend to add this tOQur land
use map as Commercial and to our zoning map as C-l.
Barbara Miller represented the Board of Realtors. She stated that they want to add
an auditorium and pave the parking lot. She also stated that they can get water service
from the City. They will not change the use of the building and will not increase the
traffic flow.
James Stacher was there to speak on the request. He stated that he would like the
Board to consider the impact that this would have if the owners later on would decide
to sell the property. He was also concerned about the traffic that would be generated
from the business.
Miller stated that the only changes that will be made are the addition of an auditorium
and paving of the parking lot which will relocate the driveway to align with Wildwood Dr.
Smedley adjourned the Public Hearing and reconvened the regular session to act on this
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Hartman moved to recommend approval to the City Commission to Commercial land use
classification and to be zoned C-l on the zoning map, for the 2 acres.on north side
of Shepard Rd. between US 17-92 and the Highlands by the Seminole County Board of
Realtors. Seconded by DeFazio. Vote: Dorman: aye; Joshi: absent; DeFazio: aye;
Smedley: aye; Hartman: aye. Motion carried.
Chairman Smedley announced a change in order of agendaed items to accommodate the
majority of the audience.
Item 1>.4. Request to Amend Land Use Classification of Property Owned by IGA Holding
Company - 92 Acres on East Side of Fisher Road - Request for Low Density Residential
Land Use Classification to Permit R-lAAA Zoning:
Koch gave her presentation. She stated that th.is property is located east of Fisher
Road and was formerly known as Horseshoe Acres. We are dealing with 92 acres of the
original 165 acres. The request is for 2 units per acre. The only zoning the City
has that is near that is the R-lAAA zoning, with 20,000 square foo~ lots. It does
not a.pecify a minimum living area, and I recommend that the Board propose an ordinance
to establish a minimum living area before any potential rezoning be passed. The
change from one acre lots would require an amendment to the Land Use Map. The applicant
is asking a change from rural density of 1 unit per acre to low density of 2.2 units
per acre.
Smedley asked if there was anyone present to speak for or against this request.
The following people spoke against the request. Susie Reid, Neil Trautman, Carl
Steven, Bob Guskiewicz, Gordon Pierce, Carol Alvon, Dick Maguire, Sam Muskgrove,
and Harry Reid.
John Garlic spoke in behalf of the developer. He stated that the developer was not
going to change the concept or the nature of the land. There would be approximately
90to 95 units in the 92 ac!:e parcel. He stated that this will not be another run-
of-the-mill development, the prices will range from $130,000 to $180,000 per home.
He also stated that I acre lots would be economically unfeasible, 1 acre lots would
end up with 40 to 45 units on the total parcel.
Norman Cutson, the developer, stated that there would be a complete study done by
the Seminole County Hea1J.th Department to determine the usable acreage. He stated
that half acre lots are consistent with the area. He stated that he is willing to
work with the City Staff to keep the lots as big as possible. There will be few
streets, to keep the area as natural as possible. He stated again that this will
be a nice project and will work hand-in-hand with the City Staff and Engineer to do
anything to enhance the land.
There was discussion on the usable acreage. Garlic stated that there is only 60
usable acres due to the power easement and the effluent fields.
Smedley stated that the Board needs to consider whether this property should be re-
zoned to low density of 2.2 units per acre, is the land use consistent with the
surrounding area. He stated that the Board will reconvene the Regular Session.
Hartman made the motion to recommend denial of the request to rezone the 92 acre parcel
located on the east side of Fisher Road for low density residential land use classifica-
tion to permit R-lAAA zoning. He also stated for the record that he is a landowner
on Fisher Road and is opposed to the request of half-acre lots.
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Smedley asked Hartman if he would sign a conflict of interest form and Hartman
agreed to.
The motion was seconded by Smedley. Vote: Dorman: aye; DeFazio: aye; Joshi: absent;
Hartman: aye; Smedley: aye. Motion carried.
Item b. 5. Assignment of Winter Springs land use classification to Property annexed
by Ruby Shane in February 1986 - 4.3 acres on south side of S.R. 434 at S.R. 419
intersection -Request for Commercial land use classification to permit C-l zoning:
Smedley moved to reconvene the public hearing.
Koch gave her presentation. She stated that hhis request is to change the land use
map to commercial. The land use in the County was general rural. She stated that
C-l zoning would be consistent with our land use in that area. She also stated that
the annexation ordinance did not specify the land use.
Raymond Khoshnon was there to represent the new owners of the property.
Smedley reconvened the regular session.
Smedley moved to recommend to the Commission that the request be granted for property
annexed by Ruby Shane in February 1986 - 4.3 acres on south side of S.R. 434 and S.R. 419
intersection for Connnercial land use classification to permit C-lzoning.
Seconded by Hartman. Vote: Hartman: aye; Dorman: aye; Smedley: aye; DeFazio: aye;
Joshi: absent. Motion carried.
Item b.6. Request to amend land use classification of property owned by Avery Wisdom -
3.5 acres on south side of S.R. 434 at S.R. 419 intersection - Request for Commercial
land use classification to permit C-l zoning:
Koch gave her presentation. She stated that this property has been in the City for
a long time and is presently zoned RU, the applicants would like to have the zoning
changed to C-l.
Barbara Watson was there to speak for the applicant. She stated that the applicant
wishes to change the RU zoning classification to C-l zoning classification. The
property is on the market to sell; the applioant is liquidating stock.
There was a discussion on whether a nursery business is allowed in C-l zoning. It
was determined that it is permitted in C-l zoning.
Smedley reconvened the regular session.
Hartman moved to recommend approval to amend the land use map to commercial land use
and to approve the classification of C-l zoning for property owned by Avery Wisdom -
3.5 acres on south side of S.R. 434 at S.R. 419 intersection. Seconded by DeFazio.
Vote: DeFazio: aye; Dorman: aye; Joshi: absent; Hartman: aye; Smedley: aye. Motion
Smedely reconvened the Public Hearing.
Item b.7. Winter Springs land use classification to be assigned to property being
annexed by Joel Pipkin - 5.45 acres on north side of S.R. 434 east of S.R. 419
interse~tion - Request for Light Industrial land use classification to permit C-2
Koch gave her presentation. She stated that this is half of a lot that is adjacent to
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land that has been annexed into the City. She stated that the request is consistent
with what the City has done in that area.
There was discussion on the land use classifications for the S.R. 434 property east
of S.R. 419.
Smedley reconvened the regular session.
DeFazio made the motion to recommend that the land use be light industrial and the
zoning be C-2 for property being annexed by Joel Pipkin - 5.45 acres on north side
of S.R. 434 east of S.R. 419 intersection. Seconded by Smedley. Vote: Dorman: aye;
Joshi: absent; Hartman: aye; Smedley: aye; DeFazio: aye. Motion carried.
Smedley moved to reconvene the Public Hearing.
Since the applicant for Item b.8. was out of state, the remaining small-scale items
were considered before it.
Item a.2. Winter Springs land use classification to be assigned to property being
annexed by Charles Cromer - 1 acre south of S.R. 434 on Helen Street right-of-way -
Request for Light Industrial land use classification to permit C-2 zoning:
Koch gave her presentation. She stated that this is a 90 ft. strip on the west side
of Lot 7, between Belle Ave. and Helen St., 1 block west of Winter Springs Elementary
School. She stated that the land use needs to be decided and adopted at the same
time as the annexation becomes final.
Robert Baxley was there to represent the applicant. He stated that the property is
now zoned M-1-A in the County, which is light industrial. He stated that he wanted
the City's zoning of light industrial which is C-2.
Hartman stated that the intention of the City is to keep all property fronting S.R. 434
in the C-1 zoning classification.
Baxley stated that the intended use of the property which is 250 feet back off the
highway, is for storage and wholesale business. There is already a metal building
on the property that he is renting space out for storage.
Smedley reconvened the regular session.
There was discussion on the land use.
Hartman made the motion to recommend approval of Charles Cromer - 1 acre south of
S.R. 434 on Helen Street right-of-way - for light industrial land use classification
to permit C-2 zoning. Motion died for lack of a second.
Further discussion on the type of land use for that area.
Smedley made the motion to recommend to the Commission that the land use classifica-
tion be commercial with C-1 zoning for property of Charles Cromer - 1 acre south of
S.R. 434 on Helen Ave. right-of-way. Seconded by Dorman. Vote: DeFazio: aye;
Dorman:nay ; Hartman: nay; Smedley: aye; Joshi: absent. Motion failed.
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Hartman moved to recommend to the Commission 1 acre light industrial with classifica-
tion of C-Z zoning. Seconded by Dorman. Vote: Joshi: absent; Hartman: aye;
Smedley: nay; Dorman: aye; DeFazio: nay. Motion failed.
There was discussion on what is in the surrounding area.
Smedley moved to continue this item until the next meeting so the absnet member of
the Board can be there to vote. Seconded by Hartman.
There was discussion on what type of business would be operating out of the building.
It was determined that the business operating there now could continue under C-l
zoning but any new businesses would have to be conforming or obtain a Special Ex-
ception from the Board of Adjustment.
Previous motion and second withdrawn.
Hartman made the:motion to recommend classification of commercial land use and C-l
zoning for Charles Cromer - 1 acre south of S.R. 434 on Helen Street right-of-way.
Seconded by Smedley. Vote: DeFazio: aye; Dorman: aye; Hartman: aye; Smedley: aye;
Joshi: absent. Motion carried.
Smedley reconvened the Public Hearing.
Item a.3. Assignment of Winter Springs land use classification to property annexed
by Robert Baxley in January 1986 - 2~ acres south of S.R. 434 on Bel~e Ave. - Request
for Light Industrial land use classification to permit C-2 zoning:
Koch gave her presentation. She stated that on Lots 1 and 2 there are two houses
converted into offices and that the northern 2 acres of the eastern 360 ft. of Lot 7
is not developed.
Smedley reconvened the regular session.
Smedley moved to recommend land use classification of Commercial and C-l zoning.
Seconded by DeFazio. Vote: Hartman: aye; Dorman: aye; Smedley: aye; DeFazio: aye;
Joshi: absent. Motion carried.
Smedley reconvened the public hearing.
Agenda order returned to full-scale amendments to consider the final request.
Item bo8. Winter Springs land use classification to be assigned to property being
annexed by Lewis and Juanita Blumberg - 21 acres north of intersection of S.R. 434
and Tuscawilla Road - Request for Commercial land use classification to permit C-l
zoning on property fronting on $I.R. 434 and for Light Industrial land use classifica-
tion to permit C-2 zoning on property off highway:
Koch gave her presentation. She stated that the property is located east of City Hall.
There is a small parcel fronting S.R. 434 that the applicant is asking for C-l zoning,
and the parcel off the highway the applicant is asking for C-2 zoning.
There was discussion on the surrounding area. It was determined that the City has
looked at this area for light industrial.
Smedley reconvened the regular session.
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Hartman moved to recommend to the Commission the property being annexed by Lewis
and Juanita Blumberg - 21 acres north of intersection of S.R. 434 and Tuscawilla
Road - Commercial land use classification to permit C-l zoning on property fronting
on S.R. 434 and for light industrial land use classification to permit C-2 zoning
on property off highway. Seconded by Dorman. Vote: DeFazio: aye; Dorman: aye;
Hartman: aye; Smedley: aye; Joshi: absent. Motion carried.
The meeting was adjourned at 10:13 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Margo Hopkins, Recording Secretary