HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986 07 16 Planning and Zoning Board Regular Minutes .. ~ ~l.ANNING AND ZONING BOARD MINUTr- July 16, 1986 The meeting was called to order by Chairman Smedley at 7:30 P.M. PRESENT WERE: Richard DeFazio, Vice-Chairman, Present Gene Dorman, Present Taru Joshi, Excused Absence Jim Hartman, Present Robert Smedley, Chairman, Present CITY OFFICIAL: Jacqueline Koch, Dir. Adm./Planner APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF JUNE 25. 1986: Hartman moved to approve the minutes of June 25, 1986. Seconded by DeFazio. Vote: DeFazio: aye; Dorman: aye; Joshi: absent; Hartman: aye; Smedley: aye. Motion carried. ELECTION OF OFFICERS FOR 1986-1987 TERM: This item was withheld until the August 13, 1986 meeting when all Board members will be present. ANNEXATION ~QUESTS: a) PART OF LOT 56, SPRING HAMMOCK - SITE OF EXISTING OFFICE OF SEMINOLE COUNTY BOARD OF REALTORS. SHEPARD ROAD Koch gave her presentation. This property is located on Shepard Road directly across from Wildwood Drive. The land is zoned M-1-A in the County and is shown on the County's Adopted Land Use Map as Low Density Residential. The annexation will be considered separately. The matter of land use must be processed according to the new law as an amendment to our map. Their existing development is compatible with the City's C-l zoning. They plan to expand their development by an addition of an auditorium, to be built for their own use. Warren Barty was there to speak for the Seminole County Board of Realtors, and ex- pressed his concern that the auditorium be granted. He was assured this is allowed in our C-l zoning. The City will be able to serve the property with water lines and a fire hydrant. Hartman made the motion to accept the annexation of the existing office of the Seminole County Board of Realtors, part of Lot 56, Spring Hammock. Seconded by Dorman. Vote: Dorman: aye; Joshi: absent; Hartman: aye; Smedley: aye; DeFazio: aye. Mot ion carried. ANNEXATION REQUESTS: b) PART OF LOT 7, BLOCK A, JOHNSON'S POULTRY FARM, HELEN AVE. NEAR STATE ROAD 434: Koch gave her presentation. She stated that the property is the remaining 90 foot strip that was not annexed when the rest of the property was annexed into the City earlier this year. The advantage to this annexation is that this fragment has no access to State Road 434, (Helen Ave. exists only on the plat). Development of all of Lot 7 together would 'eliminate the need to build Helen Ave. and avoid another intersection on State Road 434. Dorman made the motion to approve the annexation of part of Lot 7, Block A,Johnson's Poultry Farm, Helen Ave. near State Road 434. Seconded by DeFazio. Vote: Hartman: aye; Smedley: aye; DeFazio: aye; Joshi: absent. Motion carried. INFORMATION ON 1986 CHANGES TO 1985 COMPREHENSIVE PLANNING STATUTES: Koch gave her presentation. There has been a change in the law to exempt smallscale developments from the full procedure involving review by the Department of Community Affairs. They can be processed as a normal land use/rezoning ordinance with only one additional requirement to publicize the change in the regular news section in ~, ~ PLANNING AND ZONING BOA""'-'1INUTES July 16, 1986 page 2 continued ~ a quarter-page ad. For commercial property the size of the property may be no more than 3 acres, and for residential, no more than 5 acres. REQUESTS FOR SMAL1-SCAL~ AMENDMENTS TO WINTER SPRINGS ADOPTED LAND USE MAP/ZONING MAP REVISIONS: There was discussion on items a, b, and c, and it was determined that the Board will hear these later at the Public Hearing. REQUESTS FOR FULL-SCALE AMENDMENTS TO ADOPTED LAND USE MAP/ZONING MAP REVISIONS: Koch gave her presentation. She stated that the Land Planning Agency needs to find the requests to be consistent with the Land Use Map. The Board will recommend to the Commission and from there it will go to the State; the State has 90 days to review them, then refer the findings back to the City. There was discussion and it was determined that there will be a Public Hearing set for August 13, 1986. LAND USE STATUS ON "305" ACRES: Koch gave her presentation. She stated that bhis land can be developed at no more than 400 units. The ordinance that changed the land use was overturned, and although the map was adopted 2 years later, the land use is still reversed. The City's agree- ment with Florida Land was to permit them to develop 40 acres at zone R-3; they have the right to pick on what 40 acres to build the 400 units. There was discussion on the use of the remaining acres. It was pointed out that the eastern 100 acres is conservation easement. REVIEW OF REMAINING PROPERTIES ZONED IN NONCOMPLIANCE WITH ADOPTED LAND USE MAP: Koch gave her presentation. She stated that the Board needs to bring the zoning map up to date in compliance with the Land Use Map, or find consistent changes to the Land', Use Map to comply with the zoning map. She stated that she is in the process of making a map to show what properties are inv10ved. COMPLIANCE OF PROPOSED ORDINANCES WITH WRITTEN COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: Koch gave her presentation. She stated that the new PUD Ordinance may come before the Board for full-scale review. If it does, the Board will review the new PUD Ordinance to see if it is consistent and in compliance with the existing plan. STEEING OF PUBLIC HEARING DATE FOR FULL-SCALE AMENDMENTS TO ASOPTED LAND USE MAP (and AMENDMENTS TO WRITTEN ELEMENTS OF COMPREHENS IVE PLAN. IF ANY): It was determined that there will be a Public Hearing on August 13, 1986, for the re- quests for Amendments to Adopted Land Use Map/Zoning Map Revisions. The meeting was adjourned at 8:17 P.M. Respectfully Submitted Margo Hopkins, Recording Secretary