HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986 03 05 Planning and Zoning Board Regular Minutes
Wednesday, March 5, 1986
The neeting was called to order by Chainra.n Snedley at 7:51p.m.
D. Ibbert Snedley, Chairnan, Present
Richard I:eFazio, Vice-dlairnan, Present
rene Ixmnan, Present
Taru Joshi, Present
Jon Hall, Present
Jacqueline Koch, Present
Richard ~Fazio made the notion to approve the minutes of January 22, 1986, Seoonded.
by rene ~nnan.. Vote: All Aye. M:>tion carries.
Arrerifirst ~velopnent Corporation for arrendrrent of preliminary developnent plan for
Mt.. Greenw:xrl PUD:
Applicant present: phil Wallace, Arrerifirst ~velopn::mt Corporation.
JaC'qIEline Koch gave her presentation. She stated that this request is to change the
designation of Tract 5 from garden apartrrents to townhouses I which w:>uld be the sane
as Tracts 3 & 4. The original number for the garden apart:rcents was 252 which would be
decreased to 187 townhouses. Also to increase the mmber of patio hones in Tract 7
to 171 (up from 150). She also stated that this is an inproverrent and an up-grade to
the area. The increase in patio hones would not have a negative effect. She stated
that the other aspect is to delete the recreation area in Tract 7 and locate all re,...
creation open to all residents of the PUD in Tract 6. The Staff had no negative OOHlIents.
She raised the question of the relocation of all the recreation facilities to the
central location; eliminating the one that was to have been in the patio hones section
and ooncentrating everything in Tract 6. She stated that it w:>uld concentrate the
nuisance elerrent being right across from one particular residential area.
Phil Wallace from merifirst ~velopnent Cbrporation gave his presentation. He stated
that the only thing they are roving is a tennis court to Tract 6. He stated the re-
quirerrents for Tract 6 was for a playing field, tot lot, and playground. He also
Stated that the developers want to give all residents t.he use of the t.ermis court.
He stated that the developers want to concentrate all constructed types of arrenities
into one locationp
Gme ~nnan asked if Tracts 1 & 2 have their own anenity packages (recreation areas) .
Phil Wallace stated no they do not, that it is only required in multi-family areas.
rene ~nnan asked if the horreowners docurrents have been prepared.
phil Wallace stated they have a rough draft prepared.
JaC'qIEline Koch stated that Tracts 1, 2, & 7, have public streets and that the residents
in Tract 7 will belong to the overall association.
Chainnan Srredley asked 'What anenities will the recreation area part include.
Phil Wallace stated that there will be a playing field which could be used for foot-
ball, baseball, soccer, or anything else. He stated that the total recreation area
is 3.7 acres.
PlaIIDing and ZOning Board Minutes
March 5, 1986 ~
Page 2
Chairrran Srredley stated that 1 termis oourt in his IX>int of view is not enough for
a 200 acre develop:rent.
Richard DeFazio asked what percentage of the PUD was the recreation area.
It was determined that 3% of the whole PUD was the recreation area.
Jon Hall asked what will be done with the area in which the tennis oourt will be noved.
phil Wallace stated that the developers will leave access to this area and there will
be nore green area and will add park benches.
O1ai.rrren Srredley stated that this is a request for Anendrrent to the Preliminary ~velop-
:rrent Plan.
Richard DeFazio made the notion that the Master Plan of Mt. Greenwood PUD change Tract
5 from garden apartnents to townhouses and increase the nurrber of patio hones in Tract
7 and also the tennis oourt be noved to the center of the project in Tract 6. To be
increased to double tennis oourts due to the number of dv.elling units that will use it.
Seoonded by Taru Joshi.
Discussion. Gene Ibrman. stated the Board has to find that the proIX>sed alterations
is oonsistent with the previously approved developnent plan.
Richard DeFazio withdrew his notion.
Taro Joshi withdrew her seoond.
Richard DeFazio made the notion to find that the Master Plan for the Mt. Greenwood
PUD be consistent along with changes in Tract 5 to townhouses and increase the number
of patio hones in Tract 7 to 171 and also oonsolidation of the proposed facilities
in Tract 6 to include 2 tennis oourts because the total PUD will be all~d to use
the tennis oourts.
M>tion died due to lack of a seoond.
Gene Ibrman. made the notion that the proIX>sed anendrrent to the Mt. Greenwood PUD to
be consistent with the previously approved Preli.mi.n.ary ~velo~t Plan and that they
approved anendnents to change the type of housing m Tract 5 from garden apartnents
to townhouses, and reduce the number of units from 252 to 187 and approve the addition
of units in Tract 7 from 150 to 171 units and nove the tennis oourt from Tract 7 to
Tract 6, and with the stipulation that the tennis oourt be made a double oourt.
Seoonded by Jon Hall. Vote: All Aye. M>tion carries.
Iequest for the winter Springs (blf Club for addition of use to the final developnent
Ian in the Hi hlands PUD for a. roval of construction of lightin arid . as for a .
~Vll1g range.
Jac:qteline Koch gave her presentation. She stated that this is part of an overall
nodification and renovation to the (blf (burse, that included a number of alterations
that were approvable on the Staff level. The one that was oonsidered by the Staff
and the City Manager to be an actual addition was the creation of a lighted driving
range. The oonstruction would oonsist only of putting in ooncrete walks and mats to
tee off and installing flood lights. The actual open area is already.there, and is
Plarming and zoning Board Minutes
.March 5, 1986 ..
Page 3
surrounded by trees, so there is no land clearing involved. The only aspect that needs
review by the Staff is to assure the safety of the lighting so that it will be sub-
stantial enough to withstand the winds and to require the lighting to be shielded so
there would be no nuisance factors to any residents. She also stated that the concrete
sidewalks and lighting would be reviewed by the City Engineer.
Qme Ibnnan nade the notion that the proposed alteration to the Highlands PUD to
be consistent with both the previously approved Preliminary and Final IEveloprrent
Plan and that the Board awoves the proposed alterations.
Seconded by Olainnan Snedley. Vote: All Aye. MJtion Carries.
Iequest of Cedar ~urces, Inc., for annexation of SunlakePUD - 56 acmson south
side of S.R. 434 near u.s. 17-92 and for approval of PUDpteliminary plan . (Section
44.85.5 and 44.85.6)
'Ihis request was withdrawn by the applicant.
The neeting was adjourned at 9:15 p.m.
:respectfully submitted,
Jf1aJ7~/ tJ~
Mary Wil , Secreta.I:y
Planning d ZOning Board