HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986 01 08 Planning and Zoning Board Regular Minutes PIANNING AND ZONING BOARD MEETING MINUTES, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 8, 1986 The meeting was called to order by Chairman Smedley at 7:30 p.m. ROIL CAll..: D. Robert Smedley, Chairman, Present Richard DeFazio, Vice-Chairman, Present Gene Dorman, Present Taru Joshi, Present Jon Hall, Present CITY OFFICIAL: Peter Cowell, City Planner APPROVAL OF MINlITES OF DECEMBER 11, 1985: Taru Joshi made the lIDtion to approve the minutes of Decenher 11, 1985. Seconded by Jon Hall. Vote: All aye. Motion carries. CHANGE OF ZONING - WIILIE G. AND JOY T. MARTIN: Peter Cowell, City Planner gave his presentation. He stated that Mr. & Mrs. Martin own a lot in the Meadowlark Subdivision. In the Canprehensive Plan the entire border of that neighborhood was intended for a change in the zoning to a C-l. In 1982 there was an administrative rezoning of that neighborhood for the peripheral properties; and the residents came back and requested that rather than have their taxes raised at that time, that they would individually bring them in as they were ready to make that change. The property to the west has already been .rezoned to C-l zoning, and the property to the east is still zoned R-l. The staff has no objections to the rezoning, and it is consistent with the Canprehensive Plan. GereDorman asked the applicants what the intent of use for the prospective buyer? The applicant, Joy Martin stated that it will be used for professional office space. Jon Hall made the lIDtion to approve the rezoning of the property to a zoning classification of C-l as recannended by the staff. Seconded by Gene Dorman. Vote: All aye. Motion carries. FINAL DEVELOPMENT AND PRELIMINARY ENGINEERING PLAN - ST. STEPHEN CATHOLIC CHURCH: Peter Cowell, City Planner gave his presentation. He stated that if developed as proposed, this church will be the tallest building in Winter Springs. St. Stephen Catholic Church is on a site in 'fuscawilla fonnerly part of what was known as the Stables on 'fuscawi.lla Road north of Unit 6. The Staff Review on the project on December 24, 1985, the developer stated that he had intended to develop in two phases. Since that time, he has amended his plans to develop in three phases. Initially, the Church and the outside of the Chapel and the office portion and the infrastructure in Phase I, the interior of-the Chapel in Phase .II, and the remain- ing Parish Hall and Sunday School Classroom in Phase III. Mr. Cowell stated that he had not planned on putting this on the agenda at this time, because he did not have an Architectural Review Board approval for the Administration Building until January 6, 1986. There is still no Architectural Review Board approval for the sign that is proposed for the initial phase. The concerns of the staff on this project have been answered. The floor area ratio have been defined. The Planning and Zoning Board will have deterrnin additional parking spaces that mayor may not be necessary for the Classroom Building and the Parish Hall. The retention for the site is adequate and the engineering has been approved at this time. There are a few issues that will have to be resolved at the final engineering. They have shown the relationships of the houses in Unit 6 as they abut the property at this time. Sane of them even though the setback requires 30', t..~e side setback for those on a clu-de-sac is 20' and many of the houses along that area have swimning pools Planning and Zoning &- _~ d Minutes Jarruary 8, 1986 Page 2 that extend up to 5' from the fence. This is another concern that had to be dealt with. There were concerns over addressing their sprinkler system and fire hydrant on the same system. They have agreed to loop the system. They will also be pro- viding for the traffic stabilization as necessary along 'fuscawilla Road. The major problem that has been an issue every since this project was originally brought up to preapplication conference is the height of the building. Within every other portion of the 'fuscawilla Pun by DeCR the maximum height is 35'. This project has a granted height of 65' by the Architectural Review Board. This is the one issue that the staff did not reconrnend approval on at this time, and for that reason will have to be reviewed. This project has been given conditional approval by the staff with exception of this one issue and the issue of parking spaces to be addressed. These issues will have to be discussed as well as be discussed with the Corrrnission, and then the Corrrnission will have to make a final decision based upon the staffs conditional approval and the reccmnendation from the Planning and Zoning Board. Chairman Smedley asked Peter Cowell to list the outstanding issues as far as the staff sees them at this time. Peter Cowell stated that the buffer on the south side, how it is to be addressed ans with what materials; parking and reccmnendations and decision of the Planning and Zoning Boa:ttl on any additional requirements that are necessary, acceptable fire protection, noise and pollution caning from traffic situations, ilhnnination that will be caning from the building, and additional uses other than those specifically addressed to the day in and day out operations of the Church that will cause additional factors of noise and nuisance for the abutting neighbors. These are the issues that are the major concerns and also the 60' height. Father Bluett stated that he has talked with all the neighbors going door to door, and he also have signed statements from them supporting everything including the height and the setbacks. Rick Swisher, Architect, gave his presentation. He stated that they have decided to provide a 20' buffer along where there are going to be buildings which is the Church and the proposed Parish Hall and 5tmday School Classroom, then bunp up to 25' in the parking lot area. The side setback for the Church is roughly 67' identifying how the berrning is handled. The landscape area is 20' wide. The berm is approximately 4' high with 30" hedge on top, and will be planting 10' :j?ine Trees and 13' Oak Trees along the benne The plan shows the worst condition. Robert Wisor, Plarmer, added to the presentation. Rick Swisher stated that there Will be 1000 seats in the Church and 100 seats in the Chapel and the calculations came up with 144 parking spaces required. The office facility is reqUired to have 10 parking spaces. The proposed Parish Hall is required to have 33 parking spaces using the ordinance having one space for each 6 seats. Stmday School Classroom which is roughly 17,000 square feet used ordinance that required 2 parking spaces for each 1000 square feet One parking space for each 10 seats in the Classroom which required to have 82 parking spaces. Added together came up with 269 parking spaces. He stated they are proposing to have 303 parking spaces. The ordinances that were used were not the same ones that the staff suggested in respect to the Parish Hall. Planning and Zoning B.. _d Minutes J~ 8, 1986 Page 3 Richard DeFazio asked Father Bluett why do they need 65' to have worship service? Father Bluett stated that when there are a 1000 people in a worship service the worship is uplifted. Gene Dorman asked is this defini tel y going to be three phases? Father Bluett stated that they would like to do all of the work in one phase, but financially it is not feasible. The are anticipating doing the main Church, the shell of the Chapel and the ground floor of the Administration Building in Phase I. If they have the finances a year later to put the Stmday School Classroom and the rest of the Administration Building and the Hall, then they woul do that; but they probably will put the Hall up after the Administration Building and then the Sunday School Classroom. Robert Wisor stated that all this will. have in Phases II and III are the interior canpletions. All the outside factors will be canpleted prior as of Phase I. All of the parking will be done in Phase I. Jon Hall asked Father Bluett did he notify all the residents to the side of the project; and have they seen a plan of what is being done? Father Bluett stated yes they have talked with all of the residents and some of them are present tonight. They are supportive and excited with the fact that the Church is going in there. They are very supportive of the setbacks and the buffer. Jon Hall asked, in the future with the amotmt of Sunday School Classroan space, are there any future thoughts of making this a school of any sort or is it basi- cally a Sunday School? Father Bluett stated that there is no likehood in making this a school. There are excellent schools in the area. The Stmday School is actually a Wednesday School. There are no classes on Sunday at the same time as services. Sunday School classes are on Wednesday evenings for one hour each. Jon Hall asked Peter Cowell if the Church would want to make multi-use, would they have to Call: back to the City for approval? Peter Cowell stated they will have to because it would be an amendment to their plan. All they are~allowed is a Church. Chairman Smedley asked which building will be used on which days, and which building will be used at the same time? Father Bluett stated that the Hall would be used after Church on Stmday. At the same time, the children might be in the Classroom on Wednesday and the parents in the Hall at the same time for adult sessions. They would not conflict schedules. Chairman Smedley stated that he can see the problem that the staff have in trying to categorize what they fall under because there are a nunber of uses. If the max used facility is considered and planned for that, if not used concurrently you should be able to handle the other facility. Peter Cowell stated that a facility of this type is not used once or twice a week. Planning and Zoning:& .d Minutes Jarruary 8, 1986 Page 4 Ash Wednesday falls on a Wednesday so the Church is going to be used and the Class- room Building is going to be used. If there is another religious holiday that falls on a Wednesday or a mid-week day, or a ftmeral that falls at the same time, then you have lIDre than one use happening at the same time to that facility. The reason he chose cxnvertion centers rather than gymnasiums is because of the size of the structure. He stated that we are not talking a standard gynmasium, we are talking about 4600 square feet. This is why he left it for additional parking requirements might be determined by the Planning and Zoning Board. Chairman Smedley asked what are the problems that the Fire Chief have with the 60' height? Peter Cowell stated that they could handle the 60' high building in the fact that it is only going to be a one story building that is canparable to a 5 story height. He stated that the question was whether alenot the sprinkEr system could be rtm off of the same line that the fire hydrant could be rtm off of, in that if that same line is blocked forbotfl. reasons, then you have neither a sprin:k"l=r nor a fire hydrant; therefore, it was reviewed that the system should be looped so that there are two directions for the water to come in on. The developer has agreed to this. He also stated that the issue that was brought up in earlier meetings is the fact that there will be four services every Stmday. Peter Cowell stated that the Architectural Review Board controls the height restrictions because it is in a pun. It is up to the Ccm:nission to decide whether or not they still find it acceptable. Within the Canprehensive Plan when there are ca:rmercial uses abutting residential uses, there were suppose to be a residential height entitled, which is canparable to what is being done along S.R. 434 where C-l abuts R-lA, R-3 and R-lM. The mazi1rn.lm height of any building in that area is 24'. Chairman Smedley stated that what he understands Peter Cowell to say is that as far as fire, police and everthing else as far as the code is concerend is satisfactory. His concerns are related to noise and whether or not SaIleone sees this 60' high building through the trees rathan than does it violate the code. Gene Dorman made the motion to approve the final development plan and preliminary engineering plan for St. Stephen Catholic Church provided that any questions or objections of staff are resolved prior to the City Comnission Meeting on this site. Seconded by Richard DeFazio. Robert Wisor stated to the Planning and zoning Board that he questioned the motion. He stated that Peter Cowell could still be against the 60' height. He also stated that he hop the Planning and Zoning Board would say that they approve this in accordance with sanething other than saying that the staff could raise a question. Chainnan Smedley asked Peter Cowell to list the issues that are outstanding at this point? Peter Cowell stated that the rest of the issues will have to be resolved with the final engineering plans, at which time, he will need a full landscape plan on what is to be proposed. The buffering and the fire system will be addressed at final engineering as well. The only other issue is traffic, and they are going to do some type of mediation study to figure out what is going to happen. Peter Cowell stated as far as he is concerned every issue has been addressed and taken care of as long Plarming and Zoning:& d Minutes January 8, 1986 Page 5 as the Planning and Zoning Board approves the height and the parking spaces. Gene Dorman withdrew his motion. Richard DeFazio withdrew his second. Gene Dorman made the lIDtion to approve the final development plan and preliminary engineering plan for St. Stephen Catholic Church as presented. Seconded by Richard DeFazio. Vote: All aye. Motion carries. The meeting was adjourned at 8:45 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Mary Wils ,bQ~ Planning and Zoning Board