HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009 01 26 Other - Document Re: Neighborhood Stabilization Program Distributed by Mr. BalagiaDate: January 26, 2009
The attached document was distributed to the
city Commission during Awards And
Presentations "300" by Mr. Buddy Balagia at the
January 26, 2009 city Commission Regular
Grant Amount = $7,019,514:
Project Funds = $6,317,563
Admin Funds = $ 701,951
NSP-Funded Activities
A. Soft 2nd Mortgages for purchase and rehab of foreclosed homes (County-administered)
B. Purchase and rehabilitate foreclosed-upon homes in order to sell or rent (partner-implemented)
Partner-Implemented Activities (Request for Proposals)
A. Acquisition/Rehab/Resale -Budget $3,007,563
a. Ineligible housing units
i. Condominiums
ii. One bedroom units
b. Partner duties
i. Locate and show qualified properties to applicants
ii. Acquire qualified properties
iii. Prepare rehabilitation plans, specs and 3 price quotes for any outside service
iv. Obtain required permits
v. Ensure applicants receive 1St mortgage approval from County approved lender
vi. Ensure all necessary documentation is submitted for closing
vii. Unconditionally guarantee to the buyer the structural, electrical, mechanical, and
plumbing integrity of each home
viii. Guarantee the labor for any roofing improvements for a period of three years
c. County duties
i. Approve each home acquisition
ii. Provide and pay for appraisal, home inspection, and closing services
iii. Approve all rehabilitation plans, specs, price quotes
iv. Inspect completed units prior to resale
v. Provide income qualified purchasers to buy rehabilitated homes
d. Applicants
i. Utilize the 48 applicants from the SHIP Purchase Assistance Waiting List who
choose to be funded through the NSP Grant. (Note: 22 applicants selected to
receive Purchase Assistance subsidies in the amount of $1,500,000)
ii. 22 applicants to fill the first 20 acquisitions/rehabs processed ($150,000 x 20 =
$3,000,000). Remaining 2 applicants will be funded from the program income
generated from the subsidized sale of the first 20 units
iii. Remaining 70+ applicants on the SHIP Purchase Assistance Waiting List will be
given a 2°d opportunity to be funded through the NSP Grant
e. RFP
i. Open to developers, for profit/non-profit organizations, realtors, banks, mortgage
lenders, property management companies, and any other qualified organization
ii. Anticipated combined average acquisition and rehab cost of $150,000 per unit
1. Maximum home resale price (before subsidy):
a. Low income ($80,000 subsidy) - $120,000
b. Moderate income ($50,000 subsidy) - $140,000
c. Middle income ($20,000 subsidy) - $167,000
iii. Fixed Fee schedule (amounts to be determined based on RFP submissions)
iv. Minimum amount of rehab required per unit - $3,500
v. Maximum amount of rehab per unit - $15,000 (can increase to $20,000 under
certain circumstances)
vi. County to provide appraisal, home inspection, and closing services
vii. Agreement must be completed by February 28, 2010
B. Acquisition/Rehab for Rental (incl. Group Homes) -Budget $1,800,000
a. Rental Properties
i. Ineligible housing units -same as resale
ii. Partner duties -same as resale
iii. County duties -same as resale
iv. Applicants
1. Can sell/convey completed units only to County approved entities -
partner can refer prospective purchasers to County for approval or County
will provide approved entities to partner
2. Each unit's subsidy will be based on the purchase price required to support
the subsidized rent for potential renters for their particular income level
v. RFP -same as resale except for the maximum home resale price
b. Group Homes -same as rental with one exception: County approved rehabilitation
estimates related to group home conversion home will not be included in the calculation
of the $150,000 single unit ceiling price
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