HomeMy WebLinkAbout1984 01 19 Staff Report Planning Dept. Work performance product. addresses JOB TASKS: Support CITY CODES: Land Development. Zoning: Walter Thomas Elwell. CITY PLANNER. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS. FLORIDA. ~. j ly/f~ of Commission and Boards t STAFF REPORT, PLANNING ~. ~ ORDER/~: 83,12,7,1 / 19 JAN 84 Development/Unit: HIGHLANDS GLENS Applicant/Agent: ROLLINGWOOD DEV. CORP., KEN LEVITT/HARLING,LOCKLIN ASSOCIATES,CERRETTI ~ev1ew/Action Requested:CITY COMMISSION REVIEW/APPROVAL OF PRELIMINARY PLANS Report Text, Page 1 Assessment/ Validation Re: STAFF REVIEW-for action toward approval of the above identified develop- ment. To: CITY MANAGER/Rozansky. and all parties who may become to the above identified request for review/action, From: CITY PLANNER/Elwell (sign/date)...................................... BACKGROUND-Information available on prior review/action includ~ ,;' 01. Recommendation-by Planning/Zoning Bd.: *Approval, subject to conditions specified (refer: minutes of Regular Meeting, 11 Jan. 84, not available at the time of this report), and; Findings of review-by the Staff (specified, refer: Staff Report to City Manager dated 8 Jan. 84, attached), and further; e02. '- FINDINGS RELEVANT TO CITY COMMISSION PROCEDURE-for reviewlaction on the reques (identified) are as follows: 03. Section 14-31, Action on Preliminary Plan ~ City Commission - Specifies that the Commission must act and report to the applicant: *Approval, or; *Conditional Approval, or; *Disapproval, or; *Request additional information from the applicant, and; 04. Section 14-32 specifies-that the Commission shall: *Upon disapproval-indicate the Chapter 13 sections not complied with by applicant, or; *Upon conditional approval-specify the conditions, and; 05. Section 14-33 specifies-that approval of the preliminary plan shall be construed only as authority for submitting a final plan, and further; FINDINGS RELEVANT.TO THE DUTIES AND POWERS OF THE COMMISSION-in review/approval on the request (identified) are as follows: .6. Section l4-60(a) (3) specifies-that the Commission is required to make finding by motion duly passed that: _ *the land is suitable for development as proposed, and if so; *the plan shall be approved for further processing, and further; ~ , STAFF REPORT, PLANNING DEPT. WORK ORDER/DATE: 83,12,7,l / 19 JAN. 84 . Development/Unit: HIGHLANDS GLENS Applicant/Agent: ROLLINGWOOD DEV. CORP., KEN LEVITT/HARLING, LOCKLIN ASSOCIATES, CERRETTI Review/Action Requested: CITY COMMISSION REVIEW/APPROVAL OF PRELIMINARY PLANS Report Text, Page: 2 ASilessment/ Validation Certain specific action by City Commission is required for approval of the development as proposed by the applicant (to date) and as follows: 07. Section l4-ll9(b)-requires specific Commission action to waive public street (sidewalk) standards: * sidewalks proposed on one side only of private easement of access (refer: record of applicant's negotiation with Planning/Zoning Bd., item 01. herein), and now therefore; . . STAFF REPORT, PLANNING DEPT. !Q!!! ORDER/DATE: 83,12,7,1 / 19 JAN. 84 , Development/Unit : HIGHLANDS GLENS . Applicant/Agent: ROLLINGWOOD DEV. CORP., KEN LEVITT/HARLING,LOCKLIN ASSOCIATES, CERRETTI Beview/Action Requested: CITY COMMISSION REVIEW/APPROVAL OF PRELIMINARY PLANS ( ., Beport '.rext. Page 3 AssessJlJI!nt/ Validation IN CONCLUSION, BASED UPON THE FOREGOING REVIEW-.the applicant/agentl:s request (identified) is approvable subject to: 08. All conditions identified herein and by reference herein, and as they may now be sanctioned/imposed by' the Commission as conditions of their approval, and; 09. Any/all additional requirements (to be specified by the Commission pur- suant to the Codes (identified) and as they may be imposed as conditions of their approval. WTE/mn Attachments: attached cc: City Commission/Mayor Applicant/Agent, All Departments, City Attorney, File. - ~.. ~ --- ADMINISTRATION (administrative system analysis through teamwork methodology) It is suggested-that for an expeditious and otherwise effective review (limited to salient points) of the request (identified), the parties relevant to the request may wish to annotate, by the numbers, in the column provided herein throughout-on the right, their personal assessments of this reports' logic/information. Such a regular and uniform system of analysis may serve to: 01. Call to attention-for review by all relevant parties any errors or mis- information herein', and to; . 02. Validate conclusions-arrived at abo~e, and to otherwise; 03. Assist.COmmission and Board members-in formulating their>motions (work- able and otherwise-;anageable by Staff) on the action they may wish to take, and ~ . It is further suggested-that where parties (identified) may wish clarification of this work performance product, their annotated copies may be used as reference in correspondence, or returned for a response by the author (identified). ( <..