HomeMy WebLinkAbout1984 11 28 Planning and Zoning Board Regular Minutes PLANNING & ZONING BOARD MINUTES Wednesday. November 28. 1984 7:30 P.M. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Smedley. Flag led by Hall. Pledge of Allegiance to the ROLL CALL: Robert Smedley. Chairman. present Taru Joshi. Vice-Chairman. present Richard DeFazio. present Jon Hall, present Arthur Hoffmann. present CITY OFFI CIALS : Peter Cowell, City Planner APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF NOVEMBER 14, 1984 Joshi moved to approve minutes as submitted. Hoffmann second. Discussion. Chairman Smedley requested the minutes of November 14, 1984, in reference to the Southern Bell Annexation reflect that Mr. Hoffmann, who made the original motion and Ms. Joshi, who second the motion were in concurrence with the amendment to the motion resulting in only one vote for the motion and amendment. Vote: All aye. Motion carries. Minutes approved as amended. OLEDA & WARD ANNEXATION City Planner presentation. Discussion. DeFazio moved to accept the application for annexation of Lots 13, 15, 19 and 20 along S.R. 419 to include right on down to the motion recommended by staff review to have the ordinance drawn up prior to the City Commission Meeting, so that annexation and first reading can be offered at the same time, to accept it as Agriculture as it has been stated on the applicant's request. Hall second. Vote: All aye. Motion carries. RICHARD CASSELBERRY ANNEXATION City Planner presentation. Discussion. Hall moved to annexation from staff as it has been introduced to us. Chairman Smedley clarified the motion to be annexed as Vote: All aye. Motion carries. accept this recommendation for Hoffmann second. Discussion. RU with conditional C-l. PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER A REQUEST BY FLORIDA RESIDENTIAL COMMUNITIES, INC. (FRC), FOR THE ill. GREENWOOD PUD PRELIMINARY DEVELOPMENT PLAN, ON A 190 ACRE SITE LOCATED OFF HAYES AND MOSS ROADS IN THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS. Howard Lefkowitz, representing Florida Residential Communities, came forward and made his presentation. Discussion. The following residents came forward to asked questions of the developer. Gil Artman, 672 Silver Creek Dr.; Ray Bradshaw, 252 Hayes Rd.; J. R. Hattaway, Winter Springs; Harry Reid, 285 Hayes Rd.; Carl Stephens, 600 Fisher Rd. Discuss ion. Smedley moved the Board recommend approval of the PUD to the City Council, that the proposed land use plan exhibit 7 submitted by the developer be designated as the density ruling document both for the individual tract and the PUD as a whole, that the project phasing exhibit 8 be designated as the official phasing document, that the staff recommendations as presented in their memo dated October 9, 1984, be agreed to with the following modifications: 1) all perimeter fences be of block or brick and installed on the inside of buffer area; 2) arrangements be made for reimbursing the City for damage to Hayes Rd. during construction; 3) arrangements be made to insure that funds will be available for the lights (traffic) when they are warranted 4) spine road be required to be fully Planning & Zoning Board Minutes November 28, 1984 Page Two developed at the point that Unit 3A has been sold to 50% of capacity; 5) that code required sidewalks be provided; 6) the developer provide the City Engineer with a report on the structural capability and usability of the bridge on Hayes Rd. and Gee Creek, and to discuss the ramifications of the traffic generated by the project on the bridge; 7) the road widths be per code~ but that case by case be provided during the final development plan; 8) the parking spaces per code; 9) recreational amenities be installed no later than at the point that the 50th unit is started, the amenities package is defined to be tract 6. DeFazio second for discussion. Discussion. DeFazio amended the motion on the following items to include not only Hayes Rd. in case of damage by the developer or any of his subcontractors to include Moss Rd. and any of the other dirt roads which may surround it, such as Panama or whatever which may be used. Hoffmann second. Vote: All aye. Motion amended. DeFazio amended the motion to delete the requirement of the sidewalk on the east side of Moss Rd. and require the developer to put that money in escrow, the cost of that sidewalk, make that money available to the City for use elsewhere. Joshi second. Discussion. Vote: DeFazio, aye; Joshi, aye; Smedley, nay; Hoffmann, aye; Hall, nay. Motion carries. Motion amended. Discussion. Smedley moved the motion be amended so that the fence in the Southeast portion of the property be of a wood nature and be located on the perimeter of the property. DeFazio second. Vote: Smedley, aye; DeFazio, nay; Hoffmann, nay; Joshi, nay; Hall, nay. Motion defeated. DeFazio moved wooden fence on the southeastern boundary be setback within the 25' buffer area and be a wooden fence in nature. Hoffmann second. Discussion. Vote: All aye. Motion carries. Motion amended. Vote on the original motion: All aye. Motion carries. Meet ing adj ourned at 10: 30 P. M. Respectfully submitted, Pam Lawrenz Recording Secretary