HomeMy WebLinkAbout1983 12 08 Other Staff Report Work performance product, addresses JOB TASKS: Support of Commission and Boards, CITY CODES: Land Development, Zoning; Walter Thomas Elwell, CITY PLANNER, CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA. (tt STAFF REPORT, PLANNING DEPT. WORK ORDER: 83,11,16,02 Development/Unit: CYPRESS VILLAGE, PHASE TWO Applicant: NEWLANDO INC., WARREN WILLIAMS Review/Action Requested: APPROVAL OF PRELIMINARY PLAN Text, Page: 1. Assessment/ Validation: Meeting: Attendance: 8 DECEMBER 83, 9:00 A.M., CITY HALL, WINTER SPRINGS, CITY ENGR./HASSLER, POLICE CHIEF/GOVORUHK, FIRE CHIEF/HOLZMAN, BUILDING OFFICIAL/SMITH, CITY PLANNER/ELWELL Background Information: l. e 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. II. 12. 13. 14. 15. Multifamily (two (2) story townhouse) development, adjacent and north of Moree Loop in the Highlands P. U. D. Dwelling units to be sold "fee simple", .,.nr9 lilt liF1e.~. ,.- J Streets all "private." 14 Present zoning P.U.D. Total area 8.37 acres. Total units 66 Density 7.89 units/acre Minimum setbacks: property lines 20 ft., bldg. to bldg. 20 ft. Parking: 2 per unit - 136 spaces (one space is in the garage); guest parking - 12 spaces. Internal access to units provided by 24 ft. wide ingress-egress ease- men t . cq~S VtII'4t Z- Il':'!,1.l!nu~--Cltl~t!tVHomeowners Assn. to maintain all open space. Landscaping: one (1) tree each 75 linear ft. of perimeter, existing trees (healthy, not conflicting with development) to be preserved. Utility services: water and sewer by North Orlando Sewer and Water Co., Power by Florida Power Corp., telephone by United Telephone Co., Solid waste by local franchise, fire protection by City of Winter Springs. Recreation facilities (clubhouse, pool) will be provided for residents. 2nd of two (2) required parking spaces will be provided in "garage" of each unit. Coordination/Synthesis of the Findings of Staff Review: , The preliminary plans are approvable subject ~ the applicants ability to meet the following conditions of Staff Review: 1. The City Planner must verify from evidence to be submitted by the applicant that there is compliance with the requirements of the City Code: Article II Division 2, Sec. 14-30, Subsection (a)(2), as per the City Engineer's memo (no date) to Planning/Elwell, received 8 Dec. 83 (attached) ,and including compliance with the "Standard provisos of engineering approval" (attached) and; 'IN'tkd () r,"''8:z. piC' ~_-:,(I . 6/"'"' .,~1t.I a&~ 'n # EI';"" I \. . e . --~f'f-:C-:~:;::-- Work performance product, addresses JOB TASKS: Support of Commission and Boards, CITY CODES: Land Development, Zoning; Walter Thomas Elwell, CITY PLANNER, CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA. STAFF REPORT, PLANNING DEPT. WORK ORDER: 83,11,16,02 Development/Unit: CYPRESS VILLAGE, PHASE TWO Applicant: NEWLANDO INC., WARREN WILLIAMS Review/ Action Requested: APPROVAL OF PRELIMINARY PLAN Text, Page: 2. Assessment/ Validation: 2. The applicant must indicate bdy. of the tract by "heavy line", and; 3. The applicant must show legally established centerline elevations of existing street (Moree Loop), and; 4. The applicant must show types and widths of pavement of proposed streets, and; 5. The applicant must show existing street lighting on Moree Loop, and; 6. The applicant must comply with requirement to show contours, and; 7. The applicant must submit drainage calculations of pre and post runoff, and; 8. The applicant must comply with requirements for submittal of sub- surface conditions on the tract, and; 9. The applicant must submit draft of restrictive covenants, and; Other conditions - arising from Staff discussio~ are as follows: 10. The City Planner must "verify" through the City Attorney from evidence to be presented by the applicant whether perpetual easement of access is necessary for ingress/egress of Cypress Village owners over a private street (Moree Loop) to a public street. 11. The applicant must submit street cross sections proposed, for review, and; 12. Piping and outlet structure is required by City Engr. at south pond on west bdy. of tract, and; 13. City Engineer requires that "for further review", the preliminary plan must be signed and sealed by a registered engineer, and; Other conditions - relative to Article III DESIGN STk~DARDS are as follows: 14. In accordance with Sec. 14-64- there can be "no ditches" developed along the bdys. of the tract (drainage plans must be clarified by detail for "swales", or the drain must be shown to be "underground", or otherwise in accordance with city specifications), and; 15. In accordance with Sec. l4-75(d)- each lot, for a minimum distance of twenty five (25)feet, shall abut a public street or "private right of way", and; 16. In accordance with Sec. l4-84(c)(i)b- for the reason that the develop- ment is multifamily and "more" than 20 residential dwelling units accessing via a private street (Moree Loop) The City Planner may, after further consideration, require the applicant to perform an analysis of traffic impact on Moree Loop, to be submitted with the "final" development plans, and; 17. In accordance with Sec. 14-93 - the applicant must certify "by illus- tration" to the satisfaction of the City Planner that "special provision" will be made in the design of the intersections on Loop "A" to resolve traffic problems which may arise from the angles of intersection (400, 650) not being shown to City standard (no less than Work performance product, addresses JOB TASKS: Support of Commission and Boards, CITY CODES: Land Development, Zoning; Walter Thomas Elwell, CITY PLANNER, CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA. e STAFF REPORT, PLANNING DEPT. WORK ORDER: 83,11,16,02 Development/Unit: CYPRESS VILLAGE, PHASE TWO Applicant: NEWLANDO INC., WARREN WILLIAMS Review/Action Requested: APPROVAL OF PRELIMINARY PLAN Text, Page: 3. Assessment/ Validation: 700) at the "entry", and; 18. In accordance with Sec. 14-95- the private streets must meet the design construction and inspection standards established for public streets unless waived by specific Commission action, and; 19. In accordance with Sec. 14-95- appropriate covenants and restrictions are required of the applicant to facilitate applicants plans for pri- vate streets, and; e Other conditions - relative to Article IV REQUIRED IMPROVEMENTS are as follows: 20. In accordance with l4-ll0(a)- prior to the instalation of any required improvements of the developm~nt, all supplementary data (specified) shall be submitted to the City Planner, and; 21. In accordance with Sec. l4-ll9(b)- sidewalks shall be required in all developments unless specifically excepted by the City Commission, and; 22. In accordance with Sec. l4-l24(c)- plans for fire hydrants must be sub- mitted for approval by the City Fire Chief, and now therefore; All the above conditions- may be sanctioned/imposed by the City Planning Bd. as conditions for their approval, to meet the applicants "expressed" desire/need for approval not later than 14 December 83. ItIwPJ I~ PttC. 83 / City Planner/Walter Elwell HE/mn Attachments .