HomeMy WebLinkAbout1983 11 02 Prelim Plans Doug's Quad N. Moss Rd. . -- --!.p /~~~TE:q~~<, RtC)\'j e { ,.:, ; . . , ~ " '" ".f' ~:~:p CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FWRlDA 400 NORTH EDGEMON AVENUE WINTER SPRINGS. FLORIDA 32708 Telephone (305) 327-1800 November 2, 1983 MEMO TO: Planning and Zoning Board SUBJECT: Preliminary Plan for Doug's Unit 1 Quadruplexes on North Moss Road A Staff Review was held on Wednesday, November 2, 1983, at 11:00 AM, to consider the preliminary plan for a quadruplex development on North Moss Road. Present were the developers, Joe Abrams and Don Engelhardt, Jr., a representative from Land Engineering; and City Officials Charles Hassler, Charles Holzman, Sam Smith and Jacqueline Koch. The development comprises fourteen quadruplex complexes on fee-simple lots on a cul-de-sac to be dedicated to the public. Adjacent to these fourteen lots will be a common area, including a storm drainage retention pond, to be maintained by a homeowner's association. The property to the south may be acquired and developed as a future phase of this project, under the same association. - Although the development will probably be ready for occupancy prior to completion of the construction of North Moss Road, the applicants were granted a variance by the Board of Adjustment on September 1, 1983, to develop without connecting to the nearest paving (Section 14-87 and 14-88). A condition placed on this variance is that the developers maintain North Moss Road to alleviate any deterioration of the unpaved road due to their construction activity and then to assure the road will be passable for residents of the quadruplexes. This maintenance shall continue from start of the development until the road is paved. An agreement shall be drawn up to the satisfaction of the City and be executed as soon as possible after preliminary approval, to enforce this condition. The consulting engineer reviewed this preliminary plan to coordiante this engi- neering with the North Moss Road engineering plans. In the attached memo, he recommends approval subject to ten conditions. At the Staff Review, technical modifications were made: (1) the Public Works Director will determine whether the fence mentioned in Condition No.6 is necessary, depending on the final slope of the pond; (2) the Fire Chief prefers the looped water system described in Condition No. 10. The storm drainage design includes a link-up with the "Indian Ridge" master drainage system for this area, so an easement will need to be secured to permit run-off to be diverted into that system. e Access to eight lots will be over common driveways between two adjacent lots. Cross-access easements will need to be executed to provide permanent legal access to owners of each of these lots. e e e . Planning and Zoning Board Preliminary Plan for Doug's Unit 1 Quadruplexes on North Moss Road Page 2 Property adjacent to the south and east will be all compatible multi-family development. To the north, however, the land is zoned commercial. A buffer of hedges will be installed by the developer and maintained by the homeowners association, who will augment it when necessary. Since this is to be a subdivision with public improvements, Section 14-62 applies, so provision for a park area or contribution to the City recreation fund needs to be discussed with the Board. The preliminary plan for Doug's Unit 1 quadruplexes on North Moss Road is in complance with the City Code,' subject to the foregoing comments, and is found satisfactory by the Staff, subject to further review by the Board. 9'1<j~J:;~ ~ Jacqueline Koch Director of Administrative Services -.--..---.-----..- ~" /J/ P =; e - 'e h'" ,._. .._...__,_.... . - .-.....---.--......... ,,,.............,........................,.,...........,..,.,,......".....,;.... .........-... ..-----....-... .._._~,----- : .:.":~..:.::.:.;..":'''...Iw...\'..."...-''.: .'~' .".,..__...l,;...;,,:jo~::"''; ,;.. .., ..,....."..'. ':':';.~';:..,._... ... . ~ :l:.:::..:.~'_.':;;.:..;~~~.~.::~ .~.:..._~~.~..:;~:...t'....:..:.~:..~__;:~:~..:.~~;'.'~.... "~-"'.:"" .:;;.,..;...,.::;:~.:;;,..,,~ ~ e......... ~...... ~" .... ..... - e~ F ".IIC. . . 0 W. FULTON TN!tT . T 0flFlCE 80ll ,." . . ClN). FLOM)A .", , r..u..., tEL._,..,,? . ,'ft..~~26, l~83 :..-<, '!;.' '...~ ,'( '.; ;!\ ~~<l'~' ~!'~ ,(... ( .... dlc..el ine locll .t1ty Planner Cftyof Winter S,r1A91 \ 400 .~ Edge.onAvenue ~.~~ Vfnter Iprfnl.~~'L Il,.' f ,( . ,. .r.: t;.....4~ ; <\ ,." ;~. ,\,. '. ' "~Jf;>"<1:/ it. .; :1!' ',.. ;~~"~L.';~-~, ,;; f..J.>f . ,.'-' ,,-~' 1 Ile: l.'ftuadraplexe. on .... 'toad ,ePH Job 10. W0402~OO ,', .~~ .', ': .;~ l. ~ ,.,! '.. ';' ;, ".~ , \ Dear .Jackie:.." ,;::';\'. ~*";" ,J''' f s 'S tot" fo "',1'0"., t..t'bjia .'l'<<O.p let.. \.. r?:.,,;t..'. f.lh.~':c ,fJrel1f.fnary plans '''. t"."ovI.ref.reneed proJeeti..'. kn.wn .s <.'1)oug., Unit tle.,il,.,.and:"ec....nd l"roYl,l 'w.fth th,'...110w'n, com.ents and co.'itt.a. te:"e'.ddressel and nsol..lt:,_tct". 't..e ,'Of final eng1"e.'..'_.. ~:,,/';,~ ')H,'" I,t, r '" j'\!r~~ ,. It;,'''~''-, {: " " .!~ ,; 'f;':j; ~'. '!, 'if .. ~.j"";. J:f ~;i, ~~i~f~\ t.f , 1. A detailed topographic plan of the nltural site ..d a s1~e grading pl~ft show1ngftn.' stte elevlt'ons lad....,..,.fl.w arrows.' '" " ;, ,:,., ,- ~:'~J~;;,<i,!-: ~.: '; {J ~.-:::"} ':, .;. ", '; r t, ~";~ '~ ':~'! '~;, ~,i 'jJ'~ ~'''.(;&.''ft 2. A soil s eng ineer II report and" f'eeoll.eftdlt1ons ., to tile <; : demuck i ng and backff11 proced..",s'oll owed up by'. ;' certification of-the W01"t during the actul1 de.acting and lot filling pr~cesses. ~ 3. Stormwater calculations including routed flow t~rough the retention basin Ind out into the outfall system for a lO-year. 24-hour ,tor. and a lOO-year. 24-hour stor.. The Engineer should contact us for blctwlter tnferutfoll'.. ,the outfall system at the t1.e he tonducts~i' flo..touting cllculations. r. 4. An access easement suitable to the CIty Ind North Orlando Water I Sewer Company shall be provided to the lift station. 5. We do not recommend the use of metal or aluminum pipe in close proximity to building foundations such IS shown between lots I and 9 and Ilong the east side of lot 7. These types Gf pipe systems are subject to joint leakage Ind may cause cave-in or loss of fill next to the foundations. ~ .' t~-,;: em Of W1MTER SPRINGS RECEIVED OCT 2 6-1983 \ on IUHtlEI ~'>- 'I' '~--"'''_'_'",,,,,,,-,,,,,",,_,,,.,., ''''~-'.'''_''~''''''';;','h<,....".".,......, '. " -""~""''''~~'~~:'^-:-'.''~,,''''~-'''':~'',:;--r{':",-,;:'_'-_'':':",,!:'.~' ~-", ,- . ....... ~Porter .... ....... _ f.... IMC. e. ~O '. M_.FULTONITIIIIT fIOIT OFFICE BOX tiN '. ~QM). F\.QM)A .", _101.,....' 1B. _ .1>47" r :: . e 10'26(13 tI. _ "'C;,"1" f:.~t., ~ i ty "aa.... l::~lf"t'd~."" , '-'.:~},~, ;~/ ~~t~t._,:>. ~- ,7 . -- +-~i ',.', ~'.i,i~;;~::......ent...o..cI t....,;'rop.s... ~.t..tto..area .,1"1.',,-'. ....: f.;;t",.'1:P~'" teled aDd the ....t."tl.o.a ".asltould taefence' t~~t.cl v.ae "' ..'f,'ta ,.svitabl e ,..intenpcI:,:"". ..d..acee.s ,.a....ent;,~....~- ;:. ~;'h~~,..t.t.nanc..'u.,ose.t !'f.<<__fs 1:'ls (,,1'loo._ld.d eve,,: W ,,'1M ;~ retentionar.. 1s to 'Jt..tn:tn-,rfvat. ~coatrol .s .tJa. ....4s:' l>' for .aintenlnee stfll.,exist. .Side slopes -on the retention area should be such that they can be grass.d and ,.owed.wit~ut,"lIl.r.to!.,t,uip.ent operating thereon. . .' ":'.'.,:Tlte street, .....toft. '... ','.vation within thtspa..to' tile watershed, wfl.',pr.. obabl,..ed IInderdrl ins, and th.y.lloul d .i :~be installed ... ~.tb..t...., ts'.,r.eco..ended by t", .oil s engineer. T",~..n$ e"11neer,fnhis report, sllould acldress .et..-son.;'ifd'e'f, '.....1. wtthin the area based Oft IItstoric ,. el evatfonswbtctl"I'Ni .t present, above the nltural,round. e f"~ 8. In dotng t~e stor..ater calculations, the Engineer shill include natural runoff r.tes co.fng fro. the adjacent upstrel. watershed that naturally falls onto this site fro. up ftear the bank and the property adjacent to this project. If there are Inl ~uestions .bout the watershed, they may consult the Cfty'. en,ifteer for veriffcation of the extent of the watershed IS shown fn his Master Drafnage Plan. The developer fs di..ected to Sectfons 14-122 and 14-123 of the Cfty Code for other drainage specifics. 9. In reviewing the actual sfte plan, we would recommend that . the parkfng a...as be chlnged to include at least a 5-foot minfmu. center fs1 e blckup ~trip next to the bufl ding fn order to improve the egress from the end parking spaces. This could be accomplished by .oving the total parking area forward by about 5-foot toward Corey Lane for the front parkfng areas. This also needs to be looked at in the case of the rear parking areas. 10. The water mafn shall be 8. due to the hfgh density of the site unless it cln be looped fnto I 6. lfne in the Indian Rfdge systell. At the tfme of final engineerfng, the Engfneer wfll review the plans in accordance wfth the City Ordinances and the above comments, and .ake final recom.endatfons IS to their approval. - c.....l..... ... .... I , . .. ..... ,,; . '" , . ." j 'I j I it ~ .. i! . ". .t~ ~ ~ 1 , ! ~ " -I' :1. !; 1 * . - . -,~~,,;':":~T-" Jt: -, . Conklin, ~ort.r and Holm.. ~ ~O ENGINEERS, INC. !lOO W. FUlTON STREET POST OFFICE BOX 1976 SANFORD. FLORIDA 32771 TEL305322-6841 TEL 3O!l831-!l717 ." .. . 10/26/83 Ms. Jacqueline Koch, City Planner City of Winter Springs Page 3 .. . We understand that the City will allow construction of the stub road prior to the completion of Moss Road, and if such occurs, a suitable edge protection at the turnout onto the unpaved Moss Road right-of-way will need to be provided. The elevations of this street in relation to the current final engineering on Moss Road should also be coordinated at the time of final design. If you have any questions, please contact us. Sincerely, CONKLIN, PORTER & HOLMES-ENGINEERS, INC. ~~~ William R. Holmes, P. E. WRH:pat ,T) f:?OAD 421 423 ~ 't -.---- ----- '6"43'02"E 535.87' 1/~' r:c , E:" E- ~ ~ ' I D P A. I\J T 11'-1 I GV -; BOY' . :=-x < T I- Y -, I "" I~. "~ L ,:r. ,.. ~ .~; 14 . ' """/ " I ~ -------- i K (J . ~ t.l) 13 , ..3 ~; , 2C>' ;'_r: ~ .. ------ -_._---~- --. .-. ~ . f- ~ , 5 . ~ . 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