HomeMy WebLinkAbout1983 10 24 Prelim Plans Casa Park ,,----' -;"... e e e ~ ~ " ~7~~i;i~ '" ~ /' ,y>,,--":, s.)>'. ; . '" j""'" l.'f'~: ? j','," 'llo .... "' / 1..~'" ~) fj t .:,' .:~~ '\ -. \~~f,> . ."i-" ~ 'I, ':':;:;~i)l' CITY OF WINTER SpmNGS. F~~!~:; ~ 400 NORTH EDGEMON AVENUE WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 32708 . Telephone (~05) 327-1800 October 24, 1983 To: City Nanager Subject: Preliminary Plan for Casa Park Villas in Tuscawilla Urban of Tuscawilla requests approval of the preliminary plan for Cas a Park Villas on Trotwood Blvd. in Tuscawilla. This development would comprise 324 units on 28 acres, a density of 11.6 units per acre. All units will be attached townhouses constructed on fee-simple lots. Lots will range in size from 858 to 1976 sq. ft. Access to lots will be over a private roadway system consisting of a primary circle drive throughout the property, with individual drives into parking courts bet~veen units perpendicular to the main road. The primary circle road serving the development will have 24 feet of pavement ~vithin a 30 foot right-of-way. The developers ask a waiver according to Section 14-95 to approve the 30 foot right-of~way. Around the perimeter of the property, buildings will be set back at least 40 feet from any single-family development. In addition, a buffer of existing orange groves will remain for at least 25 feet adjacent to single-family homes. The developers amended the original plan to create double entrances on Trot\vood rather than a single entry road, to improve accessibility. Also, an emergency interconnection with Tuscany Place will exist in the form of a stabilized sod passageway between a partial street in Tuscany Place and one of the parking courts in Casa Park. The Police Chief approves the traffic circulation design and location of parking spaces along the private road. The Fire Chief approves the location of hydrants and size of water lines. Public Works will accrue no additional work as result of this develop~ent, in th~t all roads and storm drainage will be maintained by a homeowners association. In the center of the development will be an artificial lake. Section 44.85.4, paragraph 4g, of the Code requires all buildings be set back 50 feet from the mean high water level of a body of water. In similar situations in Fairway Oaks and the Tennis Villas, the consulting engineer required this distance be met. The plan for Casa Park Villas indicates fifteen buildings closer than 50 feet to the edge of the lake. Final engineering should address this Code requirement. Setbacks of buildings froD paving vary. Parking rows parallel each building, Hith a grass area about 9 feet deep separating the building from the sidm.;alk adjacent to the parking lot. Hhere buildings are perpendicular to the roadHay, a distance of 20 feet is proposed bet~een the building and the edge of the paved road. e e e ..;. This is one of t\-lO concerns of the Planning and Zoning Board. Hhile they accept the overall concept of the development, they expressed concern that the density utilized results in inadequate building setbacks. This plan was compared to the case with a standard right-of-\~ay of 50 feet, with which there is 13 feet of grassed area in the right-of-way along the road, in addition to a setback on the lot adjacent. Using 15 feet as a minimuQ setback, a distance of 28 feet would exist between building and paving. Comparisons were made with Lori Anne Acres, where buildings are 38 feet fronl the edge of paving. and the Tennis Villas, which I indicated were 28 feet. Although the engineering records indicate this figure, measurement of the Tennis Villas as built demonstrates the houses set back much less. The issue of building setbacks and the matter of whether maximum allowable density can be attained in any particular development, when reviewed with respect to the comments of the residents of Units 8 and 9 of Tuscawi11a in hearings last year on redesignating the commercial area on Trotwood to multi- family, raise the question of \vhether this preliminary plan convincingly demonstrates that this proposal satisfies the intangible factor of community preferences. The discussion at the Planning and Zoning Board meeting centered around this question. I believe it is accurate to say the Board favors approval of the preliminary plan under the condition that the development be "opened up" \vith greater setbacks. They also suggest addition of a playground for toddlers, since the individual fee-simple lots will have very small yards--about 10 feet behind each townhouse. o~~~x~ ~acqulline Koch Citf/ planner - ~ ,. e .-'" ".. _< -f."-;,>'U, -'. ..-',- ."__~.s:.-.. /... ';!'~"':If.. ~-.~. .;' *:::.$".& .~ 'to ')-~., .;" ( ) ." ; 1, .~; . ,-" ~ ) ~ .A' ~ j." \.,>>_~ .- _ J:/ f'. "'" ...~_../.-. '. 'r~ ""'., -0,)..'/ "'.. .....:-~r' CiTr or WE\TER SPRI;XGS. FLORIDA -------"--~---_._--_._----- .._.- _._----~-_._~ .---,--- ---~ - ,-~----_."'"----- 40') N08TH EOG~r.tCl:~ A'.:9:U=- Vi!NTER S~'ir~GS. FLO"l!:>'; 32/"03c T"--!C'p~l:>:1" (30S} 327-18:::J ItI/YJ/SJ KEr-:O TO: Jacqueline Koch, Direct.or of Adr::::inistrat. hoe Sen"ices [.f FRm1;~j A. Hassler) P .E., Director Of Public Uo:-:..;:s SUBJEC'T: Review of Casa Park VillaG, Prelirr:in2.ry (Tu3cany Pl2.ce II &: III) I have revim.red thesubj ect proj ect and find it is not in co:;r,91i2.nce vi th the following listed subsectio~s of Juticle II, Divisiorr 2, Section 14-30 of the City Code. /7 ;; )..bJ ~i~t...e..,. L (a)(2)b.3. Legal descriptio:: or tr2.ct to be subdic.-ic.~d not subY!!.itted. 2. (a)(2)b.5. Required information for existing stree-:'3 is not shm..-n. 3. (a)(2)b.6. Proposed streets, infonnation not sho-..;::".. 4. (a) (2)b. 7. Propos~.d ease<<lents infol'L'.ation not ShC,.7__ e 5. (aJ(2)b.8. Building setback lines are not clear. E::-:. 32.c:.@; 1:0'5 47 & 48 are set back 20 I on one draT.dne: fro::;_ e:.€e of pa-....ezent, and on another drC'_~,.rir,~ as 22' from. cente~c::" ir-,c of rO:=.d.way. 6. (a)(2)b.9. Playgrounds, public areas, is t!'l~LS an :=.':;Jllt orlly area'? 7. (a)(2)b.ll. Size of existing water main to 1:,e conr,e~te;:;. is Il:lt shmm. 8. (e.) (2)b..:.L2. State,~ent on proposed utilities not s....io:dtted. 9. (~.)(2)b.18. ZO::lin.; or abutting property. v./ . 17 10 .r-i Io-A~ ~ . / (a)(2)b .20. Draft of restrictive covengnts if applica-ole has noe been provi. 11. '.["oe total detention pond syste-.cn ,.fill be req-:.lired 2;:: its entirety for construction of either Phase I or f'hp.se II. 12. The typical road:.re.y section does not 511o-;.r side\';~clk5. The preliminary engineering is approved sUAjF~O the additional information listed above being added to the plan. Xf-J c.Llli.l pkl e I ,. ~ /" e e e URBAN OF TUSCAWILLA, INC. 1306 SWEETWATER CLUB BLVD. LONGWOOD, FLORIDA 32750 J~@~UWOC~ OCT 21 1983 CITY of WINTER SPRINGS CITY MANAGER October 18, 1983 Honorable Mayor and City Council Members City of Winter Springs Winter Springs, Florida Re: Proposed Casa Park Villas Tuscawi11a P.U.D. Development City of Winter Springs Dear Mayor and City Council Members: Please allow this letter to serve as our request for the following two (2) items concerning our proposed Casa Park Villas development to be located within the Tuscawi11a P.U.D.: A. Approval of the Preliminary Site Development Plan as submitted and reviewed per Section 14-31 of the Code. B. Waiver of roadway easements as allowed by City Council action per Section 14-95 (Ord. No.#235, Sec. 2, 5-26-81) allowing 30 foot easements with a minimum of 20 foot setbacks from the paving line. The specific reasons for requesting approval of these requests are as follows: A. As to Preliminary Site Plan Approval: 1. Planned density is only 11.5 units per acre, less than the 12 Units per acre recently re-approved by Council. 2. Parking Spaces planned provided for more than the 2 per unit code requirement, allowing for over-flow and recreation parking. 3. All proposed buildings will be well screened and properly set-back from existing or future residential development (minimum 40' for single story and 50' for 2 story). 4. More than 50% of the area is green landscaped open space, while code allows 25% green area. 5. Preliminary Plans have been approved by the City of Winter Springs Fire Chief as to Safety and space for fire vehicles. 6. Preliminary Plans have been .approved by the City of Winter Springs Police Chief as to suitability for proper safety and protection. ; f' . . e e .>,.",,'-,- "'-';~,.'.1" ;.:-, Honorable Mayor and City Council Members October 18, 1983 Page-Two 7. Preliminary Plans have been approved by the City of Winter Springs Engineer as to adequate utilities, site drainage and roadway configuration, subject to minor corrections, which have been made as of this date on the plans. 8. Parking space size approved by the Winter Springs Board of Adjustment (no opposition or decenting votes). 9. Approval of The Planning Commission with exception of two recorded objections: a) A "tot lot" area was not provided. b) Objection to less than a 28 foot set-back from a paved street. Minutes of the Planning Commission meeting are attached, reflecting the reasons for their objections. B. As to the requested Waiv~~ Specific Easements for Private Streets: 1. All streets will be private and all land area and streets, with the exception of the platted unit sites, will be easements dedicated to the Homeowners Association who will be responsible for continuous care and maintenance. 2. The closest side-yard building set-back to a paved street is 20 feet. The paved streets are 24 feet wide. 3. The proposed 30 foot street easements, if required, would be in accordance with the attached suggested design, taken from the current City Code for private subdivisions, Page 806. Pending your approval of these requests, we are prepared to immediately move forward and present Council with final development plans and plats for recording. We are prepared to start construction within 30 days. We respectfully thank you for tion on these requests. Alan H. Ginsburg, President Urban of Tuscawi11a, Incorporated -..... e e . , .y :.-.~,.~+ :~~'~_c /:..J ~w:',,~.~.~ "', ,/-:f .~""'':; \~! .r ~ ~ "r" .... ?:-. ,_ :~.(t:: Jl ,-I- 0"1') y). , ;. J~ . J~' --~ ; ~ - J '~"'" . '~~.\ /~.j ';", "'" - - y ,', .'t. . , 1) ~ I'",..."", It"P '. :.:-:..~.;.~;:.':.--;; < CITY ()}' WINTER SI'RINGS~ laf4f~ 400 NORTH EDGEMON AVENUE WINTER SPRiNGS, FLORIDA 32708 Telephone (305) 327-1800 October 25, 1983 MEMO TO: Jacqueline Koch, Director of Administrative Services FR~aSSler, P,E" Director of Public ~orks/Engineer SUBJECT: Casa Park Villas, (Tuscany Place II & III) The subject preliminary plan is approved, subject to all standard provisos where applicable.