HomeMy WebLinkAbout1983 02 02 Regular , I'J . /.: Gj/ f7 ~-",-~./-A' /I,~ \., C-P I'IlOFESSIOirAL AND OFf H.:E CO~.::':-':;P.CIAL (Replace;<i C-l) (Cbsest COLL.'1ty Zone is OP) LO'.!-intensity cornmercial activity co",prlslng professional operations and business offices, in Jmr-rise detached structures or attached structures of limited squo.re footaee, allmrable in c.ny cor:lmercial zone but beir'.E the only permitted use adjacent to sinGle-family housing, ",ith adequate buffering; this category to include residential conversions, conditioned UpO:1 meeting the cite development standaYds belO'.!; no COITl.'nercial activity ....,ith more than one characteristic above the level de:;ignated as "lo~'r" on Cha~.t A shall be allowed in this zone. !ypical Uses A~~inistrative public buildings Advertising agencies Attorneys Bookkeepers ::~:- '~-' ;..~;....r-::v~r: t. :-~f~~:..i.-:~ Ie.=; H~ypnotists Insurance agencies Libraries Medical clinics and laboratories Regulated professions, licensed and regulated by the State of Florida Department of Professional Regulation pursuant to Chapter 455 and Section 20.30, Florida Statutues, as now existing or as hereafter amended. Title companies Travel agencies Accessory Uses (Located only within multi-lli~it structures--never in separate structures-- to provide convenience for tenants conducting the t~~ical uses and their clients,) Pharmacies Post office branches Quick printers Snack shops Stationers ~ L-7- C-G GE:iJSHAL CO;,[,LEf<CIAL (INCLUDE!G C-X RE:STRTC'l'ED USES) (Closest County Zone is C-2) (R-::places C-2) r'~cJill:n-intensity co!m;:~rci81 activity comprlslng sales and sen"ice of general goods and equip;nent (excluding hazardcms and volatile products). allm';able only in the specified zone and never nem'er than 200 feet to any land zoned for or de-,-el,o~led 1Tit~ h0usins:; no cOIitserciel activity \,,-ith ar,y che.::"a'~":eristics d::>si::".?,tei as "hiGh" on Char-t A m:1Y be allo'..;ed except according to the proYisions for restricted Uses cited belovo Typical Uses ;': "'~: C'_~ ..... ... 1""-:" . 'J .c. : \... :]....: \ .~; -~ 3 ..).::.~ i~.:; :~ :,_12::; .:t:-u~~ i!:~ ::~~~_.}_t~.t iC.~l Auto:riooile renting and leasing Automobile sales and service Automotive glass, vinyl tops, and seat covers, sales and service Automotive tires, sales and service Bicycles, sales and service Bowling alleys Building and plumbing supplies, sales and service Computers, hardware and software sales and service Feed stores Hotels Laboratories for testing nonvolatile, nonhazardous materials and chemical analysis LQ~ber and building supplies, sales and service Nobile homes, sales and service Hotels Movers, of furnishings and supplies Nurseries, plants and trees, wholesale Outdoor advertiSing sign equipment and sales offices Pest control and exterminating, sales and service Printers, cOIDnJcrcial Radio and television broadcasting studios, excluding tavel's Recreational vehicles, sales and service Skating rinks Swimming pool dealers, sales, service, and sl~plies Taxicabs Utilities Re':itricted Uses (C-GX) Ir;peC't-intensive cormnercial activities, with one or more ch2.l'f':cteristics d,c~::; '~ed Et~~ n~,igh" 0;; Chart A, such 8.S those listeci oelo',;, ar'c allm-red in this zone only if the site ha.s no property line in COr:-&on 'With a!1Y residential Zon~ and further is s~pn~qtcd fro~ housine by at least 508 ~~~t prorerty line to ~rop~rty line. 511S t':r:7~inals Cc:<',-':niencc !',:'_!'~:ets anr~ stores IJ~~ i ~\.::::,-i::l. thec~.t.ers r:~ ~~& r'-:';~'Lets, open-air F':<::- :'"i!"~ '*' 1_~; " ,~ -~/'.,-y-- , - ~\ :;;,,)/~ l~~ J-. ( -0 \ ~ \ ) \J-~'\.~:,>/ '0\~) ~ \\~\\~~. J .~ c.. _I C-R F:;:;:TAIL cor,~.rEf\CIAL (Close~;t County Zone is CH) Moderllte-intensity co"cr'lercial activity comprlsH12; ret8.il est~blish.?Eents cealing in na~perishable personal and household goods, in low-rise detached structures or attucr.e:l structures of limited squ'-".re footage, allm'lable in e.ny cor....rr..ercial zone excep~ adjacent to land zoned for single-family housing, with buffering adjacent to other' housing types; no cOrIl'nercial activity l:ith r.,o~e thf:~~ t,,;o characte~istics above "he le,-el uesign8.ted CiS "mo:lerate II on Char t }..... she.ll be allo,;.:ed in thi s zone. Typice.l Uses A~"':it i -.! t. +~ Altera,tions ar.i tailoring ~.~i ~ (,,' =, '- ~ _.. S~1.0P0 Applie.nces, sales and service Artist's studios E'.nd art shops Bathroow accessories, sales Bookstores, stationery, newsstands Carpets, rugs, and linole~~ Coin dealers Drug and sundrf stores Florists and gift shops Furniture, retail, new and used Gun shops Hard,,-are stores Hobby and craft shops Interior decorating and draperies Jewelry stores IJocksr:d ths Lue;gage shops Nurseries (plants, trees, etc.) Paint stores Photographic studios Radio and television, sales and service Sporting goods Tailoring shops Taxidernists Tobacco shops Toy st.o~es Wearing apparel stores (-I (Cl03f~St COQ'1t.r Zone is C-l) C-3 PHOVISIOH OF' SE5\VICES A..lVD FOODSTUF'F'S /.;0 j ""ate to !Codi un,~ intenSity retaU and commcl'ci al activity COC'PC1S2ng on~site dol i vcry of Pcrsonal, household, financial, and bas i c automat i Vo scrvices, in 10" to "edi"'",~rise structures, to include detached bUildinp ani attached units within complexes on adequnte acreaee, according to the site development standards set do~ b.lo~; not allo~ble adjacent to land zoned for or dev.l~ed ~th hOUSing; "0 C0 :"'1'. h! ac t hit,. ,;i t h any ella,.. c 'e,'", ti C S dcsi;;nctad e s ",'ieh" 0:1 Chart A shall be allo'l-red in this zone. T:Jrpical Us~ iJ:i~(e.r~ ie.s !, '0 "" 'Lo ts,'cc', ,'0 "'..le ,. (p>, ''''',n,.\ '"" CI'P".",,,,. C CCcS "cr t loa Butcher shops Car washes ChurChes Cleaners Confcctionary and ice cream stores Dance and music studios D~ nurseries, kindergartens and daycare Financial institutions, banks, savings and loans, loan companies Full~service gas stations, requiring that mechanical repair be provided Grocers, whose business inclUdes and is limited to the retail sale of groceries, inClUding produce, meats, and household gOods, but shall not include the sale of gaSoline Health fOOd shops Hospitals and nursing homes Ice-vending machines LaQ~derettes and laQ~dromats Parking garages Pa~rn shops Pet shops and grooming Physical fitness and health clubs Post orfices Quick printers Rental shops (personal and household items) Re3taurants Retirement homes SchOOls (pUblic, private, and parochial) and senice vocational schools (Such as cosmetology, medical and dental aSSistant's training) reqUiring no mechanical equiP~ent Shoe repair shops T~l~P:-:O:le t',-csincss offices and excha'le;Cs Theaters, indoor " c.,..2-- C--LI LIGHT IrIIJUS'rRIAL (Closest County Zone is C-3) Hich-intensi ty commercial acti vi ty co::,prlslnC Hsser:bly) raa:-,1"; :'acture, ":holesale dist,:'ibu.tion and storage, and major repair of general goods a..11d equipm.ent (excluding haz~:.ruous and volatile products and processes)) located in !'elatively isolated areas or on major arterial roads. Typic:al Uses Autvwtive body repairing and painting Bakers, wholesale Bottling and distribution plants C:,::~':-,I ::".t. makers c.~ (' !: ~.: ._~<~g rn,::-J.il u. -:~;j (;'l: l".tr"e r,,;.:: Conb'actor's equipment storage yards) including s~ri:r:!.c':.ing pool contractors Gas, bottled, suppliers and distributers Grocers, wholesale Junkyards Ice, vholesale Industrial trade schools Manufacturing and assembly of scientific and optical precision instruments Meat and produce distributers, wholesale Public maintenance buildings Roofing manufacturers Sheet metal shops Warehouses <: E; :~ <: ~ (,) \ CJ) c..> H 8 CJ) H p::; r=:I E-t c..> -< ~ ::q o ~ H c..> p::; ~ c> u ~ (.) H c... >l E-t ""'l . >l P::; E-i OH 0:> qH 8 E-; :=>u 0< :c; r=.0 OH CJ)~ P:;P::; :::>r=:I OP-. ~O r=:I ~ t5 r.1 -) ~f-; CJ) r=:I P-. 1=. >l0 8 ~ N H C!) ~ Ci) H o ,c. U H l'::.. ~ p:::; f; ~ ~ 8 U Fl 8 H ~ c..> p:::; <: >-< 8 ~ ~ C..... o ~ .P. ~-.. o .'-0 c--: f-~ Ci) ~ [,; H cn ?; '-'l ~~ '" I...' ~-::: ::-~) ~ . -p tJ .G '0 t::) r-: .,..... y .. - ~ u -,-j c.-. c.-. cj H +' >, J.. r-f cj G o 0 ri cj (!) .,-j H H U U H ;:1 H+'O+' (!) lJ1 0 -,-j ~ ~:s e o :::l :::l ;:1 t:.) I"jj 0 \;.-; CII P, .:-f ~ '-' H ;... Q "+> (j) U :>, p... d riO o'A s:: LA >, CIl lJl o a:l OrOOH CII +> 0 0 H H 0 0 c;jp.,(!) "r-f o ;J A rl Cr-. ::E: P-. \0 o +> ~ co rl (!) cj rl -rl .0 +> orl.t::s:: +>+'(!) cj -rl rcl p., ~ .rl ~ 01 o (!) O' ~ 'V (i) .r::+> U c,.; . d X +!t . cj +' 0' <= < CII ~ +' HO,.<:::; 00 tS O'rl "" .. () '00.r:: (!)r-f .c UO,p c+,c;.; +' CJ 0. tc\ H :::> C-": (!) H (J C r-l o +' A :::> -- q ) ,p ) rC s:: t-) :r~ .: ~ ~(!) H CII (!) 'r! > rei rl -rl s:: m ,-j cj t:: (!) ..c: o rd (} 'r! H tl r~ Cl) cj (} ~ (J ;:1 (} H ..... 0+'0 (J) b0 a:l rcl H (!) 0 ..c: +, c':' t:l g~ ,-j . lJ1 o :::<.>::: +> lJ1 (} ;:1 AO H ;::l0+, o ",-j +' CII .r:: HHb:J c;j <!J 'r! o A..::! ~ p., o ,-j o +' ~ co ,-j cj s:: o -rl +' 'M lJ') El H ;-. rcl (!) .::l+' CJ c.-. . d X .D . c;j <-P 0' <= to ~ .p ~ 0 ,L-: o 0 t8 o -M .. "(!) -gg..c: .s:: . CJO+, d +, ..... +' 8~~ II Cl) ~, CJ cj LC\ I r-f ~ E; -< c:-; r,~ ~ ~3 " ..::~ :fj () -r! +' P r~ rC .r:: HWt;0 .-i .~ _-j ~~~ .-, r-! r'< CJ ;::l H +' tl H +' >, <lJ G J., E (lJ (lJ o ;::l > +' o"r! II <!J r-~ ;:1 H (J) or,.. rcJ tl (lJ rl d CII H H -M <lJ OcdbJ Old rcl G H +> (lJ 0 ;:1 p, +> () 0 l1 O+, oc.-. C\l . tl o 0' ~..~ +' ca CJ ;::l H +' (J) l:lO H H (J) a:l PI...:! AO ;::l0 o ",-j C7.l H cd o ~ C\l rl o +' ~ \0 rl d -rl CJ H (J) S I=: o o ~ . X o'cj CII ~ Op o .C: Ot::) "ori O<!J '2 ~.s:: .s:: CJ d +' ~ . O+, +'c.-. P<:..r\ ~) l.f'\ tl (lJ H tl (J (!) cj H CJ 0 ClJ C\l 0 H (\; (J) I > LA 0 ...~ :3 H q ~ "'; ~,- ! >=...: I 1-1 I ~ <!J ;:1 tJ ;:J ~ CJ.J-'rl " .oJ :" ~. r- .~ ~ >, +' -r! > 'r! +' (J :>,d H CJ H s:: 0 'rl 0 ..c: r.j (J+' d ;:1 ~:: 0 rcl Cl) <!J H > (J) >, 'rl :>, +' +' to d r-f -rl t:: rl (!) > (!) Pi.r::-M +' to t1 +' X-r!t::CJ ~~ '-0 ::.~ rj +' O~to o r'< C\l . (J ~~ H t1 H Cl) +' >. 0 .00 H O(J) ",-j rl 0) 'M H H ctl aj (!) H o A8 ~ \0 o +' ~ \0 rl cj 'rl H +' to ;::l rcl s::: H . CIl +'el ~H ;::l . +' o'CJ Ul ;:1 H o -p o tl o ">, o H o d r-i -rl r-i H 'M (!) X > ;:1 0< :r. o t:! .,