HomeMy WebLinkAbout1983 01 19 Regular d ~ ...~c f U itt" ... .,.0" ~ ." '. . ..... OlChitectU((l\ .< . . _ . _"- " ,_, ,,,,,"" ~'~'\Q" a~urn\"'U.t"t'\ U "'.".'.", ~,,,.-,.~-,,,~.~,,., v" " "" 8 . ..' .,. ..~"'__pc .- ( v ' C . ~,~> .oN ~ .~ . =.-.",;.; ,,:1...> - - tJ//1jr:.3 A / /) //r;? -?lElll . ,/-. (a~"~/ -I- "'----" ~_~l) k5 . -- ' January 1983 ~inter s~rings Commerce center ~1nter spr1ngs, f10r1da PROPOSED RESiRICilONS RE: 4. of bU1101ng not to e~ceed 35% of iota1 Square footage property area. ~:~~t~~~b~~~m~~i~~:~rtys~~~~\~~~gC~~~~~~)~;~~ (~~er o~~osed to fenced-off e~ca,at,on often use . , . d t owners re,iew board ~uilding ~lans to b~ sUbm,~t~cti~n 0,era11 neignt of for a~pro~a1 pr10r tOdC~s f:et on ~est side and 20 feet bui1d1n9 not to e~cee on east side of ~ro~osed road. lnese 1 acre' si~es to be occu~ied.bY o~~;~~/:~r~~~~se on east side and Off1dce/~ar~~oUgS~r~~~~~IY during daylignt side of ~ro~osed roa o~era ,n e hours. io ~hom it maY concern: 1. 2. 3. 6. attorney L. ~. carroll, Jr., Fina' regu,atiOns to be drawn u~.bY on nurcnase of ~ro~erty. casselberry, F,orida, after c'os,ng e RespectfU"Y subm1tted, ~aP ~a't Dittmer, Jr. OMner \ rooms paint and bOOY E~C,udes ,ideo game ~arlors, ~oo ' shOps, and s1mi1ar uses. sub;ect to maintenance fee required to I'a.."'ers to be .J b d 0'" .-oad u~" co~o'" a...eas. 'fee to be ase \I I maintain a" ,.."..' \ frontage. ) 5. \ 006 '3\'1eoard road ~:;r,r, \'0(\<:":'\ 3270S - 20\ S PET I T ION We, the undersigned, who are homeowners of Wildwood/Rustic Woods, hereby oppose the proposed change in zoning of the 30-acre parcel of land west of Wildwood Phases I, II and III. NAME ADDRESS ~{j~l}f -;t~ q: n1/t; . T -rJ1M. /11. P- . ~4-L ~~ t2u~ ~V0 · 'I1zM- UJ~ U.u.Ico dCL /1""14 <t~ ~ t\\l~ ~,,~~~ ,~~~~"~~~\~ '~*h:~.~ ~t Af}v~ . (/~ 1 C ~J 11tt. J IM-s . -file,r I),.e,r{l( ~. t fJvu. tJ.PArunV ~~ , '1:1;;}~~~ v.. '/01 ' 7~! {U.J{~1~~-::I- A PET I T ION We, the undersigned, who are homeowners of Wildwood/Rustic Woods, hereby oppose the proposed change in zoning of the 30-acre parcel of land west of Wildwood Phases I, II and III. NAME ADDRESS f " ,d, ""I}.&,. -/ ~c.lc {;Cf 'I t' ; C',~,r1.L u ~,&'1., - /0 t. ;it, ~ ~ .,{~,. 76'7> (.-;;I.h-'{.v'd7>C~ 1)". . ('......, . . . (', . '"" " . . <;;-- .'.r-. <, \ c~c . \ _ "-'Ul\r'C.!... Y \_J~.:,,~ .x. Ic7l <., Q .:>U1-~ :c 0 Q A -.~~(-- t\ ~ ~ ~. .' . ~ , ',.....J.... '-" " --. . ;;, . . 0 I . . c.6. d2 ~ : 1 "';:' . /',/ >;J.7lJ 8 '{m .7" PET I T ION We, the undersigned, who are homeowners of Wildwood/Rustic Woods, hereby oppose the proposed change in zoning of the 30-acre parcel of land west of Wildwood Phases I, II and III. "'-' NAME ADDRESS J63~~~..1. ~..' /, ;/ ;(] ~~ .. 7~1 ~~ "100 I' ( l (, ~ .... I \ I \. I I I JeUNJu -" ( . ~ /1 .~ . . ~~. _?:- ~\l J~ ~.~~'J~~ 7d~ !-~ jh, 0;J:,.. Sr'{r ?o3.1e t. (c II 7!Jb ~1-~4J jJ2t tJ~j \~fJ 7/3 ~de~ A..v//]/t~ ~r , , ~. - . ~ , .e 0ruH uI~~~. ~~ k/;/4ttl pro M ~r (f I ( . ... PET I T ION IO~ -,~....- We, the rmdersigned, who are homeowners of Wildwood/Rustic Woods, hereby oppose the proposed change in zoning of the 30-acre parcel of land west of Wildwood Phases I, II and III. NAME ADDRESS .~ . 7A ~:IZ;C \t" * Yn''5' ~. Q. llJa M.o.. 'f/IJv +- f1W $,./V~ cfJo 1h/1 ( 1r~ ~~l, ~::j22~,"r' IJ (76'S"";;" ,., '7 I) 'f t,,-J. J ])-?2-. 70 '3 S O/"'\-:l\..vv--t v~- 7 0 :J. ~~./ 7 ~? If ~411t.'1' {t<~-( ~IIO~~;;~~ ~ PET I T ION We, the undersigned, who are homeowners of Wildwood/Rustic Woods, hereby oppose the proposed change in zoning of the 30-acre parcel of land west of Wildwood Phases I, II and III. NAME ADDRESS <<' y{~/ 'v' t(~ ~'-;~irr, j - t' ~,~t A . '''~ '^',,:~, \ "" "- ~ .. '" ""'-A ~~~~ ~/ /~~ /: .-;tt'./-f. .?Jrt; ..' "...~a \ ~ 1 / 'I 7(~-+f:L~rl, ~v~. \0,\ \\......."'.l. ~ \....v-.... h 7~i;:JL~" ~. log \-\'\tj""qn.-te br. 'l CJ;2 7 c. 2. l~ i I /['/' C ,.,0_ 1(.-" ,,', '-?1. / i );2. " . .... .:1o-'....'='l.-T- '1"':- ~H.H.:-:A...f,\- .' (y.".d'..........ls"'?\ 1,"" r- -:r.t If-/~' "\. 7:"\~\ ,',: i' . T{>'J ,~ .. ~ ~ H)', I J '; \... .'~ ..1 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 400 NORTH EDGEMON AVENUE , " ......., ." .', , , ";': ~ ~'~::~ ~~y '/t!N rER SPRINGS, FLORiC.~ 32705 Telephone (305) 327.1800 January 25, 1983 M E E TIN G NOT ICE TO ALL OWNERS OF C011MERCIAL PROPERTY WITHIN WINTER SPRINGS The City of Winter Springs is in the process of revlslng its commercial zoning codes, creating five commercial zones to replace the current two zones of C-l and C-2. Our Planning and Zoning Board will be in workshop session on Wednesday evening, February 2, 1983, at 7:30 PM~ to meet with owners of com~ercial property within the City limits, to present the concept of the proposed five zones and to receive comments on the pending changes from property owners. We hope you will be able to attend this meeting which will be held at City Hall, 400 North Edgemon Avenue, Winter Springs. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS i2 ~~L la;tline Koch City Planner JK/saz