HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009 01 12 Document Provided to Commission by City Manager McLemore - Resignation LetterDate: January 12, 2009
The attached document was provided to the City
Commission by City Manager Ronald W.
McLemore towards the beginning of the January
12, 2009 Regular City Commission Meeting.
ncorpnrated 1126 EAST STATE ROAD 434
~LORIDP' Telephone (407) 327-5957 Facsimile (407) 327-6686
Ronald W. McLemore
City Manager
TO: Mayor & City Commission
FROM: Ron McLemore, City Manager
DATE: January 12, 2009
SUBJ: Resignation
In light of the changing dynamics in the City, I believe that it is in the mutual best interest of
both parties for me to submit my resignation from the City effective this date, provided , of
course, that the Commission honors the full terms and conditions of my severance
In consideration of this decision, I have requested the City Attorney to prepare an amicable
separation agreement mutually acceptable to the City and myself.
In reflection upon the past twelve years of my service to the City, I want to share with you a
few parting thoughts.
I am of the following that believes that a great God brings us into this world with certain
appointed gifts to accomplish worthy outcomes for the good of mankind. Numerous
evaluation models have consistently indentified my natural gifts to be the gifts of analysis,
discernment and leadership.
One would expect someone with these gifts to exhibit a deliberate and disciplined approach
to discover facts, the wisdom to utilize this information to make wise decisions for the long
term good of all concerned, and the courage and tenacity to do what is necessary to
accomplish intended outcomes.
Furthermore, to the credit of educators and mentors who have molded my values over my
career, my passion is not for power, control, fame or fortune. My passion is for the pursuit of
A previous Commission believed that these attributes, along with my proven career
performance, were appropriate to facilitate their desire to turn Winter Springs in a new
direction toward a new vision of excellence.
With the cooperation of elected officials, City staff and the residents of the City, over the past
twelve years we have written one of the great chapters in the book of Florida local
government. These combined efforts have taken Winter Springs from an unsophisticated and
embryonic organization to a city acknowledged for being one of the best addresses in the
United States for its stellar quality of life and exceptional levels of municipal services.
Serving our elected officials, our staff, and the residents of our city over the past twelve years
has been a joy and a blessing for my family and me. I am so proud of the astonishing
progress that we have been able to accomplish together in such as short period of time.
A city is a very complicated organization. Over the forty year landscape of my career, I have
come to appreciate how easy it is to manage this complicated organism toward the successful
completion of a set of challenging goals when the leadership is united. In recognition of the
reality that the unity I have been privileged to enjoy does not exist today to the degree that it
did in the past, it is my hope that my departure will allow this Commission to come together
with a new City Manager that you believe is appropriate for your vision of the future at this
time in the history of the City.
Leaving is difficult. However, my departure will allow me to focus my attention upon new
opportunities to serve and new opportunities to facilitate worthy outcomes in other venues.
Kip Lockcuff, who has served as the Acting City Manager in my absence, is available to
serve you in the Acting position for a short period of time beginning tonight if you would
desire that service from him.
In closing, I want to thank the elected officials with whom I have served, my great staff,
especially Jan Palladino who has been my ever present friend and rock of support, and the
residents of Winter Springs who have contributed their support and cooperation to this
uncommon epic of "building community."
I wish all of you the very best of luck and good fortune in the days ahead.