HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982 12 16 Planning and Zoning Board Regular Minutes Planning & Zoning Board Minutes Thursday, December 16, 1982 7:30 P.M. The Planning and Zoning Board was called to order by Chairman Hatfield. The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was led by Cindy Kaehler. ROLL CALL: CITY OFFICIALS: John Hatfield-Chairman, present Cindy Kaehler-Vice Chairman, present George Kaplan, present Richard DeFazio, present Tim Johnson, present Jacqueline Koch, City Planner Chairman Hatfield welcomed and introduced Tim Johnson to the Board. Motion was made by Kaplan to accept the minutes of December 8, 1982. Second was made by Kaehler. Vote. All aye, motion carried. REQUEST OF WALT DITTMER AND NATIONAL HOMES CORP., PROPERTY OWNER., FOR AMENDMENT OF THE WILDWOOD PRELIMINARY MASTER PLAN TO REDESIGNATE 30 ACRES FROM PUD MULTI-FAMILY TO PUD-INDUSTRIAL, IN THE WESTERN SECTOR OF THE PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT. The City Planner illustrated with a drawing that the property is in the northwestern section of the City, west of the power easement. The adjacent land to the east is currently platted as a cluster/patio homes development. The request is to redesig- nate'from the currently approved land us e of townhouse and garden apartments to PUD Industrial, to be developed as an office park and industrial park. Larry Carroll, attorney for Walt Dittmer, came before the Board to speak on behalf of Mr. Dittmer. Mr. Carroll explained that last spring the Board granted a similar re- quest to what whey are asking for now (3.37 acres to the north on Shepard Road, changed to PUD Industrial). Mr. Dittmer is currently negotiating a contract to purchase the property from National Homes Corporation. The purchase is contingent upon securing a modification in the approved land use. The length of the property runs to Florida Avenue. Mr. Koscicki waived his first right of refusal clearing the way for Mr. Dittmer to proceed with the purchase. However, Mr. Dittmer had been asked by an officer of the Wildwood Homeowners Association to postpone his request tonight until the January 5, 1983 meeting. A postponement was requested of Mr. Dittmer a month ago also from the Homeowners Association. Mr. Carroll submitted to the Board a letter from the Homeowners Association indicating this request; subsequently Mr. Dittmer is not asking the Board to vote on this matter or make a decision here tonight. Mr. Carroll stated in lieu of this, they would be happy to discuss any questions the Board or the audience might have. Chairman Hatfield suggested that Mr. Carroll make a formal presentation, due to the large audience. Mr. Carroll then proposed that this requested use is in line with the City's ordinance, an industrial use co-existing with a residential use, in reference to A~ticle 9 and Permitted Uses 44.85.3 of the City ordinances. Mr. Carroll stated that the main problem as he sees it is the compatability of the two uses. Discussion: on a road thru the center of the project; buffer area; noise and odor controls. Ken Steeves, a land planner who also represents Mr. Dittmer, came forward to give a pre- sentation on the property: there will be one road thru the project, breaking the pro- perty into 27 lots with one acre minimum; some would be an acre and a half. He said a multi-family land use would create more traffic than the light industrial, office park use they are requesting. The buffer would be landscaped, but more important ~s the Planning & Zoning Minutes 12/16/82 Page 2 advantage of the power easement being on the property. This results in a 175 foot separation. Question by Kaplan on where the nearest industrial plant would be located on this acreage? Mr. Dittmer answered by stating that he has no immediate plans to put any building of his own up; his intent is to sell 10 lots (interior) upon closing on the property, then develop it with income-producing buildings. This would be a mix of office space on Shepard and office space coming in from Florida Avenue in and around the lake front, with possibility of 2 to 3 acres in mini-warehouses. Mr. Dittmer went on and explained that he would like the option to expand somewhat from his current facilities, but has no direct plans to build a larger plant, or move from his current location. However, if he was to expand it would be immediately across from his present facility. In addition, he explained that the interior of the development would house the industrial and commercial sites and offices the outer perimeter facing Shepard Road and coming in from Florida Avenue. Discussion on the semi-trucks entering and leaving the development. The City Planner explained that the Code reserves to the City Commission, after recom- mendation from this Board, the approval of the specific types of businesses to go into a PUD industrial park, and these have to be shown on a preliminary development plan, which is also presented to this Board and the City Commission. A conceptual approval of this type would not automatically allow the developer to do anything other than to present a 'preliminary development plan, on which must be specified types of businesses, locations, buffering and traffic patterns. Each business has to be approved; there is never a blanket approval given on industrial parks. Question from the audience and dis- cussion on what light industry is. Question from the audience and dicussion on what is to prevent this from going into a heavier industrial classification. Clarification from Chairman Hatfield on Mr. Dittmer's previous request last spring of a land use modification; that was from Neighborhood Service to PUD Industrial. Discussion. Question by Kaehler to Mr. Dittmer on his intentions with the proposed development. Mr. Dittmer responded that he would move part of his plant (would like that option), as an extension, but he has no definite plans to move over there. Question by Johnson on whether the initial plans include development of a road through Florida Avenue. Dittmer stated his plan was in two phases; the first phase is to come up to a cul-de-sac, and then 3 to 4 years later continue out to Florida Avenue. Question by Johnson if he would have any objections to putting the road through all at once. Dittmer stated that if he had to he would, seeing how it could only enhance the property value. Mr. Dittmer named possible buyers of some of the parcels: Merit Fasteners (nut and bolt business), Mid-South Glass Company, and a PVC pipe distributer. Question by Kaplan on how much property would be converted into mini-warehouses. Dittmer stated possibly 2 to 3 acres maximum, elaborating that a third of the property would be office space and the balance in industrial sites of one acre plus. Discussion. Question from the audience on how this Board can change the land use in a PUD to in- dustrial park. Discussion. Kaplan iniated a motion at this time that this Board in fact table this topic until January 5, 1983. Second by Kaehler. Discussion. Vote. All aye, motion carried. Chairman Hatfield ajourned the meeting at this time, and the Board went into a workshop session on the revision of the commercial zoning codes. R.esJ?j., .tfullY.;}'b~:ed., / . j ~~;~ut~' cd. -&' ?J;N~L- Sherry . {i~lonka Recordi Secre!_1:L~:r_,__.