HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982 12 08 Planning and Zoning Board Regular Minutes e e Planning and Zoning Boa~d Minutes December 8, 1982 7:30 P. M. The Planning and Zoning Board WaS called tQorder b:y Chaixman Ratfi,eld. The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was led by George Kaplan. ROLL CALL: CITY OFFICIALS; John Hatfield-Chairman, present Cindy Kaehler-Vice Chairman, present George Kaplan ,present Richard DeFazio, present Jacqueline Koch, City Planner Jack Cooper, City Engineer Motion was made by DeFazio t.o approve the minutes of December 1, 1982. Second was made by Kaehler. Vote. All aye, motion carried. CONTINUATION OF CONSIDERATION OF PRELIMINARY PLAN FOR THE HIGHLANDS SECTION .12, TRACT lA. The City Planner stated that on the revised preliminary plan the front setback has been moved to 20 feet. In addition the revised plan indicates paved parking areas for two cars in tandem and a stabilized grass area along side for a third vehicle to park. Streect C as indicated on the plan has been shifted approximately 15 feet to lengthen the lots on the east side. Question by DeFazio concerning Street C. Discussion. The City Planner went on to state that the other items should remain as conditions; further information on tract development in the multi-family area, the creation of a mini-association; and that the _ sidewalks be shown on the finai plan, The Police and Fire department have reviewed the revised plan and state they find no problem with the proposed revisions as they pertain to traffic flow and safety. Kaehler asked if Sections 1 and 2 will be developed simultaneously as indicated on the revised preliminary plan. The Planner clarified this by stating this means the land development improvements will be put in simultaneously. Ms. Koch expressed concern for a fourth parking space, with the understanding of the economic standpoint of the developer. The City Planner felt that the mini-association document should have controls on excessive use of vehicles. Discussion on deed restrictions. The City Engineer stated the engineering satisfies the City's criteria, with the provisos as previously given. Input from DeFazio on future garages being built on the property. Discussion. Discussion from Kaehler on future developments of this nature. Clarification by the City Planner on comment from the developer that they could have increased their current density and still be in compliance of the City Code. The Planner stated that the code allows up to 7 units per acre with this type of dwelling, with all other things being equal. And in this development it has been shown that all other things have not been equal. Discussion. Chairman Hatfield asked the Board for their comments on the proposed 20 foot front setback. Discussion. Point was brought to the Board's attention by the City Planner that this development will not come before this Board in the final engineering stage, unless some radical change is proposed. Meaning this is the Board's only opportunity to speak on this development. Under the new land development ordinance it goes to the City Commission for final approval, unless there is some radical proposed change to the plan. Chairman Hatfield commented on approving with the revised 3 parking spaces when all things considered 4 would be far more adequate. Suggestion by the City Planner that the developer might want to look into the condominium document of the Patio Homes in the High- lands, because th~y have single car garages with parking space behind that and then another along the side. And they are functioning this way, on private streets with some overflow parking areas: the developer may want to check and see how this is regulated; do they prevent anyone from parking on the front lawn, etc. Discussion. e - Planning & Zoning Board Lfinutes December 8, 1982 Page 2 Commment from DeFazio on this Board's recommendations of last week, to the developers on the proposed revisions. Discussion among the Board. Ms. Koch stated the developer was to specify what the buffer is to consist of in order to preclude bootleg~ driveways. The developer stated this would be a landscaped buffer of hedges and have plans to preclude the bootleg driveways through the deed restrictions of the homeowners association. Clarification frOm the Planner that this is not only intended to be done legally (the City required access right be dedicated) but physically, as to density and size of hedges, etc. DeFazio made a motion to recommend to the City Commission to accept the request of the Highland PUD, Tract lA preliminary development plan as received on December 6, 1982 by the City Planner. In addition, would like to comment to the Commission that there will be no garages and that there is a 20 foot front setback instead of 25. Second by Kaplan. Dis- cussion on the motion. Kaehler amended the motion to include; (1) that on the final engineering plan there be specific descriptions of the 20 foot buffer along the collector road with respect to the types, size and permanency of the buffer, (2) the mini-association document indicate the control of the parking aspects of the project; provide the maintenance of the drainage system; and maintenance of the buffers within the project that are on private property, (3) further information on the internal development of the multi-family area(s) be pre- sented to this Board for review prior to building permit(s) being issued, along with the final engineering plan. Second by Kaplan. Discussion. Vote on amendment. All aye, amendment to the motion carried. Vote on original motion. All aye, motion carried. REQUEST OF EDWARD, ROBERT, AND RICHARD PARKER TO ANNEX' LOTS 1,2,18, (LESS 75 X 120 FT), AND 19 (LESS 30 X 100 FT), BLOCK D, D.R. MITCHELL'S SURVEY OF THE LEVY GR1\NT, 47 ACRES NORTH AND SOUTH OF S.R. 419, EAST OF COTTLE AND LEFFLER PROPERTIES BEING ANNEXED. The City Planner stated this annexation was agendaed for this meeting so that it may go before the Commission on the 14th of this month for the first reading of the ordinance if recommended by this Board. On the Cottle property there is a small portion; (lot 19) that is currently being annexed on another request, and on Lot 18 there is a Southern Bell relay facility that will be invited in the near future to annex. The Pl?nner .went on to state that since the Parkers have requested annexation, the City can proceed now to contact the adjacent land owners for annexation. The current request is for a C-2 zoning classification, stated Ms. Koch. Discussion on whether the C-2 zoning is appropriate in this location. Ms. Koch stated this would be the same situation as the previous property this Board rec- ommended for annexation; requiring going to the County Commission and asking for a waiver for the 2 year waiting period due to the fact the owners are asking for annexation as C-2 from agriculture currently. The property on the north of the current annexation would have no problem with the C-2 zoning, however on the south the property abutting there is zone R-T (mobile home park) (under the revised plan this' would be changed to R-3 multi family). Ms. Koch stated this was pointed out to the Parkers and they could foresee no problems with this; they mentioned the possibility of building a multi-family developm~ftt' themselves here. Ms. Koch also informed them if this was developed commercial a sufficient buffer would have to be required. Question by the Board on the status of the last recommendation to the Commission on annexa- tions. Ms. Koch replied that the Commission accepted this Board's recommendations as is, that is to say, they said lets go ahead and put the ordinance in those terms and that will be discussed further at the public hearing. It is not settled yet, it will not be until after the public hearing is held, which is currently scheduled for Jan 11, 1983. e Pl~ning and Zoning Board Minutes . December 8, 1982 Page 3 e The Planner added further rationale that the traffic in this area will never be such that you will have any direct roads coming from residential areas, it would not be feasible for neighborhood professional or retail development because it would be accessible by only by going down to the highway. Discussion. Kaehler made a motion to recommend that the request of Edward, Robert, and Richard Parker to annex lots 1, 2, 18 (less 7) x 120 Ft)~ and 19 (less 30 x 100 ft), Block D, D.R. Mitchell's Survey of the Levy Grant, 47 acres north and south of S.R. 419, east of the Cottle and Leffler properties being annexed.to the City Commission for approval and if this property cannot come into the City as C-2 that it be accepted into the City as R-U with the consent of the property owners. Second by Kaplan. Vote. All aye, motion carried. The Planning and Zoning Board meeting was adjourned by Chairman Hatfield at 8:36 p.m. The Workshop on the revision of the commercial zoning code was then convened. ~~sP~t~~ Sherry . Zielonka Record'ng Secretary