HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009 01 12 Consent 210 3-Year Pavement Resurfacing Master PlanCOMMISSION AGENDA
ITEM 210
January 12, 2009
MGR /DEPT „~/~
REQUEST: Public Works Department requesting City Commission approval of the 3-
Year Pavement Resurfacing Master Plan
PURPOSE: The purpose of this agenda item is to request City Commission approval of the 3-
Year Pavement Resurfacing Master Plan
• Staff performed a review of all paved City streets in November and December 2008. The
review consisted of a field evaluation of current pavement condition on all City streets
and a review of the available paving history data. Streets for resurfacing were selected
and ranked based on the following factors:
o Overall ride quality
o Traffic volume
o Pavement age
o Signs of pavement deterioration and/or structural failure
o Completion of multi-phase paving programs in specific neighborhoods
o Funding availability
• Based on the pavement review and the available funding, a 3-year pavement master plan
was developed, as shown in Exhibit A. The master plan consists of two types of paving
projects: reconstruction and resurfacing. Reconstruction refers to the removal and
replacement of at least a portion of the existing roadway base in addition to the asphalt
surface course. Resurfacing refers to the milling and re-paving (or an overlay) of the
existing asphalt surface course.
• The 3-year pavement master plan lists projects by fiscal year for construction and funding
source, with the two primary funding sources consisting of the Roadway Improvement
011209_COMM_Consent 210_Pavement Resurfacing 3-Year Master Plan
January 12, 2009
Agenda Item #210
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Fund #115 (One-Cent Sales Tax) and the Transportation Improvement Fund #104 (Local
Option Gas Tax). The FY 2008-09 budget includes $125,000 from the Roadway
Improvement Fund and $250,000 from the Local Option Gas Tax. In addition, the
reconstruction of Moss Road from Kristi Ann Court to Lombardy Road, with an estimated
cost of $104,345, is anticipated to be eligible for reimbursement from FEMA due to
damages sustained during Tropical Storm Fay. Available funding for fiscal years 2009-10
and 2010-11 from the Local Option Gas Tax and the One-Cent Sales Tax are anticipated
to slightly increase over the FY 2008-09 amounts, and this is reflected in the master plan.
• In addition to the projects on the 3-year pavement master plan, two special projects are
planned for FY 2008-09. Special projects are major capital projects funded by the One-
Cent Sales Tax that are performed as stand-alone projects, whereas the remainder of One-
Cent Sales Tax projects can be combined with other paving projects and completed as a
part of the City's annual resurfacing program. The special projects consist of the
following with the status of each project as noted:
o Wade Street Reconstruction:
Design is scheduled to be complete in January 2009 with construction from
March-June 2009. The City has entered into a Joint Partnership Agreement with
FDOT which will include the FDOT-funded construction of right and left turn
lanes on S.R. 419 at Wade Street in addition to the City-funded reconstruction of
Wade Street from S.R. 419 to Old Sanford-Oviedo Road.
o Paving of Dirt Roads in the Ranchlands:
Scheduled in two phases with Phase I in FY 08-09 and Phase II in FY 09-10.
• Based on the 3-year master plan, the Year 1 (FY 2008-09) paving projects include the
following streets, listed by priority ranking with additional detail provided in Exhibit A.
Exhibit B shows a map of these seven (7) projects.
1. South Moss Road -Reconstruct from Kristi Ann Court to Lombardy Road
2. Shore Road -Reconstruct at Stoner Road (southbound lane)
3. Murphy Road -Resurface from Moss Road to Edgemon Avenue
4. Edgemon Avenue -Resurface from Lombardy Road to Murphy Road
5. Antelope Trail /Swan Street -Resurface
6. Eagle Nest Circle -Resurface south half
7. Davenport Glen -Resurface Phase 2 (Warrington, Tiverton, Littleton)
• Greenbriar Lane is currently scheduled for resurfacing in Year 2 (FY 2009-10).
Greenbriar Lane was considered for resurfacing in Year 1; however, it is anticipated that
during much of Year 1 Greenbriar Lane will be utilized as part of a haul route to transport
soil from the Northern Way Borrow Pond to the Tuscawilla Greens condominium project.
Deferring Greenbriar Lane to Year 2 reduces the risk of having the new pavement
damaged by heavy trucks. The area on Greenbriar Lane near Bentley Way is deteriorating
and will need to be closely monitored and repaired as needed until the street is resurfaced.
January 12, 2009
Agenda Item #210
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• In Glen Eagle, there are two remaining pavement resurfacing phases. Under the proposed
3-Year Master Plan, Year 1 includes the completion of the remainder of Glen Eagle
Circle, and Year 2 includes all remaining streets to be resurfaced in Glen Eagle including
Wingspan Way, Overlook Way, Nature Court, Golfpoint Drive, Forest View Court, and
North Greenleaf Court. A resident on Wingspan Way requested that Wingspan Way be
moved up to Year 1. Staff recommends resurfacing the remainder of Glen Eagle Circle in
Year 1 as planned because it has a higher traffic volume than the remaining side streets
and the current pavement conditions are generally similar on all of the remaining streets
including Glen Eagle Circle. Wingspan Way could be added to the Year 1 program either
by substituting it for a street of equal cost currently on the Year 1 program or by adding it
in after project bidding if construction unit prices allow for additional resurfacing within
the project budget.
The Year 1 (FY 2008-09) resurfacing projects are currently out to bid with a scheduled
bid opening date of January 28, 2009. Any changes to the Year 1 plan can be made by addendum
prior to the bid date.
The construction contract is expected to be submitted for City Commission approval at
the February 9, 2009 Commission meeting. Construction of the seven segments on the Year 1
program is expected to take a maximum of 90 days.
No funding is requested at this time. Funding will be requested after project bidding as a
part of the future agenda item for the construction contract.
Staff recommends City Commission approval of the 3-Year Pavement Resurfacing
Master Plan.
1. Exhibit A - 3-Year Pavement Master Plan
2.. Exhibit B - FY 2008-09 Project Location Map
Coat f F 9~ouos
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Pro T Mi8 8
Total Yards
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1 South Moss Road from Kristi Ann Court ro Lombard Road Reconstnict 0 2,036 2,036 $104,345 $104,345 50 $0 $104,345
2 Shore Road at Stoner Road Southbound Recornstnict 0 722 722 $37,003 $0 537,003 50 $37,003
3 M Road from Moss Road to Ed Avenue Resurface 3,245 0 3,245 $36,506 50 50 $36,506 $36,506
4 Ed mon Avenue from Lom ro M Resurface 5,406 0 5,406 $60,818 50 50 $60,818 $60,818
5 Antelo Trail /Swan St. Resurface 7,868 0 7,868 $88,515 50 EO $88,515 $88,515
6 E Nest Circe - Soutlr Half Resurtace 7,347 0 7,347 $82,654 50 $82,654 $0 $82,654
7 Dave rt Glen - Warri on, Tiverton, Littleton Resurface 4,961 0 4,961 $55,811 50 50 $55,811 $55,811
Total 28,827 2,758 31,585 $465,651 $104,345 $119656 $241650 $465651
.L Y
8 GreenbriarLane Resurface 12,636 0 12,636 5142,155 50 5142,155 50 $142,155
9 M Road from Ed ro Gee Creek Resurface 4,160 0 4,160 546,800 $0 $0 $46,800 $46,800
10 Glen Ea - Wi n, Nature, Overlook, Forest View, Gotl Pt, N Greenleaf Resurface 11,360 0 11,360 $127,800 50 50 5727,800 $127,800
11 Fairfax Avenue from 1st Street ro SR 434 Resurface 1,816 0 1,816 520,430 50 SD $20,430 520,430
12 S b Road at Sheoah Blvd Resurface 2,394 0 2,394 $26,933 50 50 $26,933 $26,933
13 Vistawilla Ddve from Metro Ctxrch ro Trail Crossi Resurface 4,982 0 4,982 556,048 50 50 556,048 556,048
Total 51,199 0 51,199 $575,989 50 1142155 5276010 5420165
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14 3rd Street from Bombe ro Ed Resuface 1,590 0 1,590 $17,888 So 50 517,888 $77,888
15 1st Street from Moss ro Bombe Resurface 4,202 0 4,202 547,273 50 EO $47,273 547,273
76 Sheoah Circle - Galsron ro S East Ha Resurface 5,703 0 5,703 $64,159 50 50 564,159 564,159
17 Northern Wa from Shetland Ave ro Duncan Drive east Resurface 9,279 0 9,279 $104,389 SO 5104,389 50 $104,389
18 E Avenue from M ro Bahama Resurface 4,530 0 4,530 550,963 50 SO 550,963 550,963
19 She rd Road from Erica Wa ro Lisa L west Resurface 5,173 0 5,173 $58,196 SO 50 558,196 558,196
20 Meadowbrook Drive Resurface 2,704 0 2,704 530,420 50 50 $30,420 $30,420
21 Cortez Ave. from SR 434 to 2nd Street Resurface 4,427 0 4.427 549,804 50 f0 549,804 549,804
22 S iewCourt Windi Holbw Resurface 1,867 0 1,867 $21,004 SO $21,004 $0 $21,004
Total 14,006 0 14,006 5157,568 50 5125 393 5378 701 $444 094
3-Year Totals $104,345 $387,204 5838 361 51 329,910
Exhibit B -Paving Location Map
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1. South Moss Road
2. Shore Road
3. Murphy Road
4.: Edgemon Avenue
5. Antelope Trail /Swan Street
6. Eagle Nest Circle
7. Davenport Glen
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0 1,2502,500 5,000 7,500 10,000