HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982 09 08 Planning and Zoning Board Regular Minutes Planning & Zoning Board Minutes September 8, 1982 7 : 30 P. !l1. Meeting of the Plarming & Zoning Board was called to order by Chairman George Kaplan. Cindy Kaehler led in the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag. ROIL GAIL: CITY OFFICIALS: Cindy Kaehler, present George Kaplan, present Richard DeFazio, late Motion was made by John Hatfield to approve the minutes of July 21, 1982, meeting. Seconded by Grove. Vote. All aye , with Kaehler abstaining. Motion carried. John Hatfield, present Learme Grove, present Jacqueline Koch, City Plarmer Election of Officers for 1982/83 was placed first on the agenda. Chairman Kaplan stated that he would like to step down as Chairman and make a rrotion that we enter- tain a unanimous rrotion to keep the same officers as we had last year. Mr. Kaplan for Chairman, tlJrs. Grove for Vice-Chairman. He asked if he heard a second. Mr. DeFazio arrived at the meeting. Chairman Kaplan advised Mr. DeFazio of the motion and that he was waiting for a second. tlJr. DeFazio seconded. Discussion. The City Plarmer advised that there was a third officer--Secretary-who is no longer a member of the Board. Chairman Kaplan stated that the Secretary's position would be open. Chairman Kaplan asked those in favor of Mr. Kaplan as Chairman of the Board to signify by saying yes. All aye. He asked those in favor of Learme Grove as Vice-Chairman of the Board to signify by saying aye. Discussion on the matter of having two separate votes on the motion. Chairman Kaplan stated he stands corrected and the vote will be repeated. Chairman Kaplan stated the motion has been made and seconded for George Kaplan to remain as Chairman of the Board and for Learme Grove to remain as Vice-Chair- mID of the Board. Vote: DeFazio; aye, Grove; nay, Hatfield; nay, Kaehler; aye, Kaplan; aye. Motion carried. Chairman Kaplan stated will will now hold a nomination for Secretary. No response. Chairman Kaplan said he would norillnate Cindy Kaehler for Secretary of the Board. Seconded by DeFazio. Discussion. Vote. All aye. Motion carried. Chairman Kaplan appointed John Hatfield as Parliamentarian and Mr. Hatfield accepted. REQUEST OF WJNI'ER SPRJNGS DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION FOR AMEN1)tIENT TO APPROVED FnJAL IEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR BEAR CREEK ESTATES, TO ADD TEMPORARY SECOND ENTRANCE ON NORI'HERN WAY (SECTION 44.85.10 2 B.) The City Plarmer stated to the Board that both Items 5 & 6 on the agenda come under the provision(s) of Section 44.85.8, which allows the Planning and Zoning Board to approve a change in the final development plan (by referral from Section 44.85.10, 2b via Section 44.85.9) or a change in the approved preliminary overall development of Tuscawilla or any PUD, as long as they find the revision consistent according to the criteria listed in that section. If found inconsistent, it is referred on to the City Corrmission, which must hold a public hearing prior to any decision on whether or not to approve the change. Discussion. -~.,--"--~_.-._-,..._' ,..._ ,_"___",_"~~__"""_",,,_,~",",__,~_________,~_'-.n,.,,.~_ Plarming & Zoning Minutes September 8, 1982 Page 2 The City Planner stated that Item 5 is a request for a approval of a secondary en- trance way to be added into Bear Creek Estates. This is a change in the approved final development plan. Currently there is just one main entrance off Northern Way, and since there is construction and some occupancy in the area, the developers wish to add this secondary entrance so that further work and home construction will not be a nuisance at the entrance or to the home owners in the area. The secondary entrance will be approxirrately one-third mile east of the main entrance and opposite Running Bear Court in Unit ll-A. :rv.tr:. Jay Alpert, Vice President of Operations with the Winter Springs IBvelopment Corporation, pointed out that in the City Engineer's meITD dated September 3, 1982, item #2 was presenting a problem, due to the fact that the existing wall on Northern Way is feathered on both sides. ]Vlr. Alpert felt hopeful that the City Engineer would allow reITDval of something slightly less than 30 feet (28 to 30 feet possible) of the wall to permit construction of the secondary entrance. Chairman Kaplan stated he could see no problems with this request as long as the City Engineer's conditions are met. Hatfield moved to approve the request for the temporary second entrance on Northern Way. Seconded by Grove. Discussion. Vote. All aye. Notion carried. REQUEST OF WINTER SPRINGS DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION. FOR . AME:NJ:1v'IENT TO THE APPROVED PRELDrrNARY DEVELOPIVENT PLAN OF THE TUSCAWIILA P.U.D. I (A) TO DESIGNATE 16 ACRE PARK SITE EAST OF HOWELL' CREEK TO CONDOJ.VITNIUM: .AND 14 ACRE SCHOOL SITE ON TRaIWOOD TO PARK: (B) TO REDESIGNATE 44 ACRES OF THE COMJVIERCIAL SITE BETWEEN NORI'HERN WAY .AND WINTER SPRllJGS BOUlEVARD TO CONDOJ.VITNIUM:: (C) TO REDESIGNATE A 43 ACRE Sm-Gill FAMILY SITE som OF BEAR CREEK, NORTH OF WINTER SPRINGS BLVD., AND WEST OF THE EASTERN END OF NORI'HERN WAY TO CONDOJ.VITNIUM:. Bob Ogus of 616 White Oak Court, Winter Springs asked for a point of order. Citing the last paragraph of Section 44.85.8 he stated he would like to have read into the minutes before we discuss it that I'm requesting under that paragraph a public hearing on this, before the Board does anything else. Clarification asked by Chairman Kaplan. JYIr. Ogus repeated his request for a public hearing, before the Board considers this rratter, so he could appeal the action of this Board, subsequent to this and any action taken by the Board, if they do not have the public meeting. Kaehler stated that the paragraph Mr. Ogus is referring to leaves the decision with the Board, after the subject has been presented, whether to have a public hearing. :rv.tr:. Ogus stated that this meeting had not received the p'L1blic attention it deserves and this was just cause for a public hearing. Discussion. Jacqueline Koch provided the Board with a chart noting the various changes in the PUD Plan, a chart showing what was originally approved; what is approved now, including the revisions approved earlier this year; and what these current proposed changes would do. Discussion. Under this discussion Jacqueline Koch stated there are two things that needed to be considered: the high multi-family visibility if the bulk of this area under consideration is redesignated from single-family and nonresidential to multi-family, and the close proximity of this many multi-family areas. In addition to this, look at the specific locations and the impact it would have to change a commercial area and park area to multi-family, when it would have been more open area. This will bring about a greater traffic density than originally at these specific locations. Plannirlg & Zoning Minutes September 8, 1982 Page 3 Ms. Koch concluded by sa,;ying that Winter Spring~ Development CQrpomtion is not going beyond the number of dwelling units that were originally approved in the POO, even with the proposed changes but the acreage proportion will be reduced where single family is concerned and increased wher>e multi-family is concerned (3 to 1 ratio versus 4 to 1 originally). Kaehler inquired as to why Winter Springs Development Corporation wanted the Howell Creek park site for condominiums. Mr. Alpert stated that the Howell Creek park was to be a passive park, with nature paths and picnic facilities. The Corporation, upon extending development east of Howell Creek is required to start installing facilities. Mr. Alpert went on to state that the Corporation is attempting to give the citizens equal value in this and is looking at the need for addition ballfields and expansion of active play areas in the Lake Tuscawilla Park. The Lake Tuscawilla Park is to small for two baseball fields and a football field; also they have been asked to add a soccer field. The adjacent school site acreage is dry and flat, making it quite suitable for ballfields. Discussion. . Mr. Alpert stated that, as part of h.i..s proposal in the 38 acre tract of land surrounding the Seminole Utilities Plant, they would offer a passive amenities package similar to that planned for Howell Creek Park. This would give the residents living on the east side of Tuscawilla the same passive park as planned for the 16 acre site, and on the west side they will have a larger active park, more usable than the current park. Mr. Alpert stated the Corporation would corrrrnit themselves to the presently required two ballfields and one football field and in addition to expanding the outfields, to clear an additional area and add one soccer field in Lake Tuscawilla Park. Too, he agreed to place a ballfield and a soccer field in the south Bear Creek park (north of sewer plant). Surrrrna.rized: two soccer fields, expanded outfields, an additional ballfield. Discussion. Hatfield inquired to the City Planner on the notification method of meetings. Discussion. Grove moved to table all three items listed on the agenda, article number 6, and call for a public hearing before the Planning and Zoning Board on the matters. Hatfield seconded. Discussion. Vote. All aye. Motion carried. Chairman Kaplan adj ourned the meeting. ~espectfullY sUbmitted,. j 01fe1<#Lil~~o~,ftf/~ Recording/Secretary