HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982 07 07 Planning and Zoning Board Regular Minutes PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD MEETING "CITY OF 1,<JmIER. SPRINGS JULY 7, 1982 Meeting of the Planning and Zoning Board was called to order by Chairman George Kaplan. Joel Weiss led in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. ROLL CALL: CITY OFFICIALS: Joel Weiss, present Leanne Grove, present George Kaplan, present Cindy Kaehler, absent Richard DeFazio, present Jacqueline Koch, City Planner L. Grove rrade a motion to approve the minutes of June 30, 1982. Seconded by Joel Weiss. Vote. All aye. lVIotion carried. George Kaplan inquired if anyone had anything to add on Ordinances 264 and 265. Ellen Weiss inquired about the Board recommending a limit on convenience stores by square footage. City Planner responded that as she understood, the City Attorney had stated there would be no problem with limiting convenience stores by square footage. Ellen Weiss inquired if the City Attorney could put this opinion in writing for the Board. Kaplan asked for clarification from the City Attorney on the limiting of convenience stores by square footage, in writing. Mr. Hatfield inquired as to paragraph 2, page 2 of June 30, 1982 minutes; whether this was a motion or just a recommendation to limit square footage to at least 5000 square feet on convenience stores in C-l? Kaplan stated that this was just a recorrmendation to the City Cormnission. DeFazio inquired on clarifying groceries stores, convenience and retail stores. Discussion. J. Weiss rrade a motion to amend Ordinance 264 to read: Retail grocery in C-l must be at least 5000 square feet. Seconded by Grove for discussion. Vote. DeFazio, no. All others aye. l'vbtion carried. MJtion made by Joel Weiss to amend Ordinance 264 to read: Full garage service with rrechanic in C-l. Seconded by DeFazio. Vote. All aye. Motion carried. Discussion then followed with Kaplan and J. Weiss on comparison of convenience stores to retail grocerers. lVIotion made by J. Weiss to clarify in C-2 and omit convenience stores and add: Retail grocers with no size limit. Seconded by Grove. Discussion. Vote. All aye. IVIotion carried. Chairman Kaplan inquired as to the adviseability of allowing a drive-in restaurant, and might sorre limitation be put on drive-in restaurants? Discussion. Grove stated that the Ordinance read previously, "Restaurants, drive-in, restaurant, not drive-in, restaurant, curb-service in C-l permitted uses." Kaplan stated he would like to see drive-in restaurants in C-2. Grove made a suggestion to recorrmend C-l read: Restaurant, not drive-in or fast foods. Koch responded that exists in the current ordinance. Grove made a motion that Ordinance 264 be amended Planning and Zoning Board Meeting July 8, 1982 Page 2 to read: Restaurants, not drive-in or curb-service. Seconded by J. Weiss. Discussion. Vote. All aye. JVbtion carried. Ellen Weiss requested that the City Attorney put in writing any oplnlons. Kaplan made a motion that any future recommendations from the City Attorney be placed in writing to the Board. Seconded for discussion by Joel Weiss. Discussion then pursued as to; all opinions from the City Attorney or just the ones relevant to this Board be placed in writing. Koch responded that only legal opinions regarding matters before the Board are within the purview of the Board. Mr. Hatfield stated that he understood the City Attorney reviewed the Ordinances and no comment from the attorney meant that everything was in order. City Plarmer stated that only matters relating to the Planning and Zoning Board would be relavent to this Board. Kaplan made a rrDtion to amend his original rrDtion to read that any future opinions from the City Attorney relating to the Planning and Zoning Board be placed in writing. Seconded by Joel Weiss. Vote. All aye. Motion carried. DeFazio made a rrDtion to include in Ordinance 264 that import and specaility grocers be permitted in C-l. No second. JVbtion failed. Recess was called by Chairman George Kaplan. At the end of the recess, Kaplan stated that the Public Hearing on the Comprehensive Plan of the City of Winter Springs Eivaluation and Appraisal Report - 1982 - Part II will be continued at the meeting of July 21, 1982. Meeting of the Planning and Zoning Board, July 7, 1982, was adjourned at 8: 35 p. m. WORKSHOP: A workshop followed at which commercial development in PUDs was discussed. Workshop adjourned at 9 :40 p. m. RF ~~ectfullY. ~Ubrni tte.d. ./). \ / / / (, ': ! ,; I " )')/ f _'''. '/ //.' ,/ _ !,'Ir\i _./" ...... _ v,-_ I :/ i /J'-:'(''. I. ' - Sherry A.Zielonka Recording Secretary