HomeMy WebLinkAbout1981 10 21 Planning and Zoning Board Regular Minutes PLANNING & ZONING BOARD MEETING CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS OCTOBER 21, 1981 Meeting of the Planning and Zoning Board was called to order by Vice-Chairman Leanne Grove. Joel Weiss led in the pledge of allegiance. ROLL CALL CITY OFFICIALS: Bill Daucher, present Joel Weiss, present Leanne Grove, present Cindy Kaehler, present George Kaplan, absent Jacqueline Koch, Jack Cooper, Jim Hartman APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF OCTOBER 6, 1981. Weiss moved to approve the minutes of October 6, 1981. Seconded by Daucher. Vote: All aye. Motion carried. The City Planner informed the Board Mr. Kaplan had phoned and stated he had family business to take care of. Weiss moved to excuse Mr. Kaplan from the meeting. Seconded by Kaehler. Vote: All aye. Motion carried. Corrections were noted for the Deed Restrictions regarding Winter Springs Dev. Corp. (from Meeting of October 6, 1981). REQUEST OF CITY COUNCIL TO CONSIDER QUESTION OF REZONING LOTS 8, 12, 13, 14, 15 AND PART OF LOT 16, BLOCK 16, NORTH ORLANDO, FROM R-IA TO C-l, IN ADDITION TO LOT 9 RECOMMENDED FOR REZONING OCTOBER 6, 1981 (NORTH FAIRFAX AND FLAMINGO AVENUES) . The City Planner stated that at the last meeting the Board moved to grant the request of the owners of Lot 9 to rezone from R-IA to C-l and that the Mayor recommended that if the other lot owners wished to rezone their property it would be more efficient to do them at all one time and that she had contacted three of the five and that they all indicated they would go along with the idea. It is not mandatory, but would be less expensive for them to make application together. Daucher moved approve the request to rezone lots 8, 12, 13, 14, 15 and part of lot 16',. block 16, North Orlando, from R-IA to C-l. Seconded by Kaehler. Vote: All aye. Motion carried. REQUEST OF CHEMICAL ENTERPRISES TO REZONE LOT E, CHASE AND COMPANY'S SUBDIVISION OF WAGNER, FROM C-l TO C-2 (S.R. 419 APPROXIMATELY 1000 FEET EAST OF S.R. 434). Mr. Tom Binford, 409 Sheoah Blvd. , was present to speak for the request. He stated the request is to rezone the parcel from C-l to C-2. He stated they feel it would be better suited for an industrial park because it is contiguous to the property that has been purchased by the Emerson Electric Subsidiary Fourdee Corp. to construct a large manufacturing facility. At this time they do not anticipate service by the railroad. Discussion. Weiss moved to approve the request of Chemical Enterprises to rezone Lot E, Chase and Company's Subdivision of Wagner, from C-l to C-2 (S.R. 419 APPROXIMATELY IOOO FEET EAST OF S.R. 434). Seconded by Kaehler. Vote: All aye. Motion carried. Weiss moved to amend the land use plan from commercial to industrial. Seconded by Kaehler. Vote: All aye. Motion carried. Planning & Zoning Board Meeting October 21, 1981 Page Two. REQUEST OF CHEMICAL ENTERPRISES TO REZONE LOTS 1-5, BLOCK A; LOT 7, BLOCK B; LOTS I, 2 AND 11, BLOCK C; AND LOTS 1-3, BLOCK D, NORTH ORLANDO RANCHES SECTION 3, FROM RC-l TO R-lAA (EAST OF SOUTH EDGEMON AVENUE FROM B.AHA.MA ROAD TO SUNSET DRIVE) . Mr. Binford stated he has the above under contract. He stated Florida Land had come before the board about a year and a half ago requesting R-IA. Mr. Binford stated he felt the transition to R-lAA would be a normal transition between RC-I and R-l. Kaehler asked what was wrong with the present zoning. Mr. Binford stated you can put more houses on R-IA, the requirements are less stringent than RC-l. Kaehler said Florida Land knew when they purchased the property that it abutted the Ranchlands and that they would have opposition against having it rezoned. She stated she did. not see any reason to rezone it unless we are going to let everyone who abuts it and everybody surrounding it rezone it to whatever they want to to. Mr. Binford stated that you have to be practical and that if you had that attitude this would all still be grasslands and no houses in the State of Florida. Kaehler asked if he was aware of the traffic on South Edgemon, stating they now have a problem with speeders. Kaehler stated she had talked to some of the residents who face the property and they seemed to want it to stay under the present zoning. The City Planner stated the property was originally zoned R-1AAand rezoned against their wishes by the City to RC-l. Mr. Binford stated 90% of the people in RC-l are going to live here facing R-l. Grove questioned whether it was his intention to create a 40' wide continuous greenbelt easement the full length of Foxmoor East. Mr. Binford stated it was not. She asked if there would be any type of buffer. Mr. Binford stated the City stipu- lates a certain buffer setback. There was discussion as to the 5% to be dedi- cated to the City for parkland, as well as the paving requirements. Daucher stated he would like to see the 40-foot greenbelt as part of the approval. Weiss moved to gmnt the request of Chemical Enterprises to rezone Lots 1-5, Block A; Lot ~Block B; Lots 1, 2 and 11, Block C; and Lots 1-3, Block D, North Orlando Ranches Section 3, from RC-I to R-lAA (east side of South Edgemon Avenue from Bahama Road to Sunset Drive). Seconded by Daucher. Vote: Daucher, aye; Weiss, aye; Kaehler, no; Grove, aye; motion carried. Weiss moved to amend the adopted Land Use Plan from rural residential to low density residential. Seconded by Daucher. Vote: Kaehler, no; Daucher, aye; Weiss, aye; Grove, aye; motion carried. REQUEST OF FLORIDA LAND COMPANY FOR APPROVAL OF THE PRELIMINARY PLAN OF UNIT 1 OF THE LEVY SITE (80 ACRES SOUTH OF S.R. 419 AND EAST OF RANCHES SECTION 9). The City Planner stated she was under the impression information would be supplied to ascertain whether or not there was good land that could be developed into a park, however the developer has suggested this is not necessary and that the offering of this wetland area is well within the policies defined in the Comprehensive Plan. She stated they maintain their request that you accept the 112 acres of wetland surrounding the 15.25 acres within the subdivision. Ms. Koch stated she would prefer to see a preliminary plan that shows the configura- tion of the whole area and how it will connect to the rest of the City. She stated the City Engineer had received additional soils information and that this land is recommendable for development with stringent guidelines. The Planner stated as far as the paving, drainage, and the water and sewer pro- visions for the int~rnal layout of the area - they can~t recommend that. She stated where she finds it lacking is that it shows a small piece rather than the rest of the puzzle so that we would know what the whole area would be like. Additionally she stated she still objects to taking 112 acres swamp rather Planning & Zoning Board Meeting October 21, 1981 Page Three. than 15.25 acres of high and dry land. The Planner stated this plan does not show a park at all, but that Mr. Crosby does have another drawing which he proposes to put some parks in the northern area. Daucher stated his concern over the traffic and stated he would recommend that Florida Land put money in escrow to defray the cost of a traffic light if and when DOT deems necessary. Daucher stated there is a sharp curve there where they propose the ingress into the development. The City Engineer informed the Board this road was approved about a year and a half ago and is under construction. Discussion. Daucher moved to table the request of Florida Land until such time as the developer can come in with a preliminary of the entire area of the three phases. Seconded by Weiss. Vote: Daucher, aye; Weiss, aye; Kaehler, aye; Grove, aye; motion carried. REQUEST OF CONSTRUCTION ENTERPRISES FOR APPROVAL OF THE PRELIMINARY PLAN OF LORI ANN ACRES QUADRUPLEX DEVELOPMENT (NORTH OF S.R. 434 BETWEEN FAIRFAX AVENUE AND MOSS ROAD). There was discussion on the traffic pattern. Mr. Bob Schumaker, builder, was present to speak for his request. The City Planner stated a privacy fence had been suggested and that additional buffering would be required once the surrounding property is developed. Regarding paving assessments it is suggested that in the deed restrictions a provision be incorporated so that expense will be divided equally. Discussion. Kaehler moved to approve the request of Con- struction Enterprises for approval of the preliminary plan of Lori Ann Acres Quadruplex Development (north of S.R. 434 between Fairfax Avenue and Moss Road), and that the stipulations of the Staff Review be adhered to. Seconded by Weiss. Vote: Daucher, no; Weiss, aye; Kaehler, aye; Grove, aye; motion carried. Daucher stated he could see a potential traffic problem there. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In the interim, Mr. Dale Crosby from Florida Land showed up and asked that the Board allow him to present his request. (for informational purpose). Motion was made by Kaehler to add Florida Land to the agenda for the sake of information on the action taken on the preliminary engineering of Unit 1 of the Levy Site. Seconded by Weiss. Vote: Daucher, aye, Weiss, aye; Kaehler, aye; Grove, aye; motion carried. The Vice-Chairman informed Mr. Crosby of the previous action taken prior to his arrival. Grove stated it was the consensus of the Board that they did not feel they had enough information to go on with just the preliminaries of the 80 acres in the first unit. She stated they felt they needed to see the preliminaries on the entire 305 acres, so that they can see how the things Fla. Land is requesting in the 80 acres will affect the whole area. Mr. Crosby stated they had submitted a preliminary plan and anything beyond this preliminary plan is in fact, preparation of a preliminary plat. He stated he is not aware of anyone who submits 800 lots at one chunk to a P & Z Board. Mr. Crosby stated what they would like to do is submit the one plan for review of the first unit. The City Planner informed Mr. Crosby that the preliminary plan requires provisions for the streets, paving, drainage, water and sewer. Discussion. Kaehler moved to allow Florida Land to make their presentation. Motion died due to lack of a second. Daucher moved to adjourn. Seconded by Weiss. Vote: All aye. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 9:15 p.m. C}.;Z, (JJdJ~~f.&./'C1: \.. Rec. Sec.