HomeMy WebLinkAbout1981 04 15 Planning and Zoning Board Regular Minutes PLANNmG AND ZONING BOARD April 15, 1981 Minutes The meeting of the Board was called to order at 7: 30 p.m. by Chairman Jerry Fusco. ROIJ.. CALL CITY OFFICIALS: Robert Dixon, present Joel Weiss, absent Glen Burford, absent Louise Poole, present Jerry Fusco, present Jacqueline Koch, City Plarmer. Motion was made by Poole to approve the minutes of April 1, 1981. Seconded by Dixon. Vote: All aye. Motion carried. WORKSHOP ON TRANSPORrATION. An advance preliminary plan of the northern portion of Oak Forest was presented by Winter Springs Development Corp. The plan included provisions for three roads to connect with the western half of the City. One would lead to the Bel-Aire property recently armexed west of Oak Forest. Two others could connect Oak Forest and Florida Land Company's 305-acre parcel to the northwest. Winter Springs Development offered to confirm their intent to provide these three roads connecting to the western area of the City by including them on the revised rmster plan for the remainder of the Tuscawilla PUD which will be presented for City approval this S1.IDIDer. Flor:id3. Land Company showed a conceptual plan for the road system wi thin their 305-acre parcel. The nID.n entrance road from SR 419 south into the property would connect to a circular main boulevard within the 305 acres. No provision was shown to connect to other City streets except for Alton Road. Florida Land offered two suggestions for connecting the eastern and western halves of Winter Springs. One would route traffic from Oak Forest westward through the 200-foot wide strip of property south of the 305 acres, eventually to Bahama Road to connect to Edgemon Avenue. The second comprised adding a diagonal spur to the proposed circular road within the 305 acres, running southeastward to either of the two roads proposed for connecting Oak Forest with Florida Land's property. Florida Land was asked if they were willing to commit to the diagonal road connecting to Tuscawilla wi thin the time frame the City has to review the Comprehensive Plan, that is, by the spring of 1982. They responded they did not expect to present a preliminary plan for the entirety of the 305-acres at one time. The area which could include the connecting road could be several years away from even preliminary planning. The Board discussed the merits of both of Florida Land's suggestions for linking the eastern and western halves of the City. Chairman Fusco stated that whereas he personally would not like to see traffic routed to and over Bahama Road, that in the interests of the City as a whole he could see the benefit of such a connection. The City Plarmer suggested a combination of both ideas for developing roads linking east and west would be preferable, in that the gr>eater the mnnber of connecting roads between the two sectors of the City, the lesser would be the impact of traffic on any one particular area. She stated that she hoped Florida Land would include at least half of the circular road and the Planning and Zoning :&......rd Me"...ing April 15, 1981 Page Two. diagonal connector road to Tuscawilla in the preliminary plan of the first unit of the 305 acres. These main roads would likely be similarly laid out whether the eventual lot size of the parcel is according to RC-l or R-lA zoning; therefore, it should be possible to plan at least these basic roads early in the development. Such cooperation by Florida Land would greatly enhance the City's ability to validly project the traffic patterns and roadway improvement needs of the five-year period to be covered in the up- coming report on the Comprehensive Plan. Meeting adj ourned at 8: 50 p.m. ~ /!,. CZ-~/. ",7. ( ~.~-1'Y( ~ , ;::tine Koch, cl~Planner