HomeMy WebLinkAbout1981 02 18 Planning and Zoning Board Regular Minutes PLANNING & ZONING BOARD MEETING CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS FEBRUARY 18, 1981 Meeting of the Planning and Zoning Board was called to order at 7: 35 p.m. by Chairman Jerry Fusco. The pledge of allegiance was led by Joel Weiss. ROLL CALL City Officials: Robert Dixon, present Joel Weiss, present Glen Burford, present Louise Poole, present Jerry Fusco, present Jacqueline Koch Jack Cooper Motion was made by Poole to approve the minutes of January 21, 1981. Seconded by Dixon. Vote: All aye. Motion carried. REQUEST OF FAIRWAY OAKS DEVELOPMENT, INC., FOR APPROVAL OF THE PRELIMINARY ENGINEERING FDR UNIT 2 OF FAIRWAY OAKS. The City Planner presented the request. Mr. Dick Bennett, Architect, spoke for the request. Discussion. Poole moved to recorrmend approval of the preliminary engineering for Unit 2 of Fairway Oaks, subj ect to the Staff Review of February 11, 1981 and the City Engineer's Memo of February 2, 1981. Seconded by Weiss. Vote: All aye. Motion carried. REQUEST OF KIRK-DEE CORPORATION FOR APPROVAL OF THE PRELIMINARY ENGINEERmG FOR THE HIGHLANDS UNIT 3, TRACTS F AND G, (HAWK'S LANDING). The City Plarmer presented the request and the City Engineer corrmented on the hydrology. Mr. Bill Fogle of Dyer, Riddle, Mills & Precourt was present to speak for the request. Discussion. Fusco moved to recorrmend approval of the request of Kirk-Dee Corporation for the approval of preliminary engineering for the Highlands Unit 3, Tracts F and G, (Hawk's Landing) with the stipulation that the notes of the Staff Review of February 12, 1981 and the City Engineer's notes of January 29, 1981 be adhered to - with one added corrment - with the existing 100 year flood prone plan elevation as of record right now at 43~ - the developer would have to prove that the actual 100 year flood prone plan elevation is either now at 41~ or will be at 41~ prior to accepting final engineering at the elevations so stipulated on his preliminary plans and that this must be proved through a Florida State Agency that is acceptable to our City Engineer. Discussion. Seconded by Dixon. Vote: All aye. Motion carried. REQUEST OF MICHAEL AIEXAIDS ID REZONE PARr OF wr 30 OF ENTZMINGER FARMS ADD. NO. 2 FROM R-U 'ID C-l (SOUI'HEAST CORNER OF HAYES ROAD AND SR 434). Mr. Michael Alexatos was present to speak for the request. Discussion. Weiss moved to approve the request of Michael Alexatos to rezone part of Lot 30 of Entzminger Farms Add. No. 2 from R-U to C-l (southeast corner of Hayes Road and SR 434). Seconded by Burford. Vote: All aye. Motion carried. Weiss moved to amend the future land map to include the rezoning of Lot 30 of Entzminger Farms Add. No. 2 from low density to C-1. Seconded by Poole. Vote: All aye. Motion carried. Planning and Zoning Board Meet.Lng - Page Two. February 18, 1981. REQUEST OF LONGWOOD BIBLE BAPTIST CHURCH TO ANNEX wrs 1-7 OF BOAT LAKE TERRACE ON U.S. 17-92 AT CITY ZONING C-1. Mt:. Leo LeBeaux was present to speak for the request. Mt:. LeBeaux stated it would be necessary for them to occupy the church before its completion. Fusco stated he did not think it would be allowed to issue a C.O. before the building was completed. Mt:. LeBeaux stated the building is about 70% complete. The City Engineer reported they do not have an approved D.O. T. driveway permit, neither do they have approval from D.O.T. for the drainage onto 17-92. Fusco questioned whether there was a problem involving the County. Mr. LeBeaux stated there was not and that Mr. fun Flippant had given him permission to use the building while it was under construction. He stated that it was understood when he applied for the building permit that he would have to use the building as soon as he got it dried in. The City Planner stated the fact that they want to use the building before its completion is new information and that she felt a letter from the County notifying us of such approval would be necessary. Mt:. LeBeaux stated there was no letter, that it was a verbal agreement. He hopes to have the building completed by June 1st. The Board expressed their desire to have further in- formation furnished by the City Staff before approving the applicant's request. The City Engineer asked Mt:. LeBeaux if he had any reservations bringing in a set of puilding plans to the Building Official? Mt:. LeBeaux stated he did not. He also stated that a time lirni t could be set on which the building as well as the site work could be expected to be completed as long as he was allowed to use the building while it was being completed. The City Engineer stated if Mr. LeBeaux can advise the Board at the next meeting that he has met with the proper officials of the city to cause the city to make positive recommendations to the BOard that he felt the consideration would be more favorably received. rlJr. LeBeaux thanked the Board for their time and left. Fusco moved to table the re- quest of Longwood Bible Baptist Church until the next meeting if placed back on the agenda by the City Planner. Discussion. Seconded by Poole. Vote: All aye. Motion carried. REQUEST FOR ALTERATION OF A FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN TO ALIDW PHASING OF WOODSTREAM IN TUSCAWIIU. The City Planner presented the request. Discussion. Finding the alteration consistent, Poole moved to approve the alteration of the final development plan, to allow phasing of Woodstream in Tuscawilla, subject to the City Planner's recorrnnendations of February 16, 1981 and the City Engineer's recorrnnendations of February 16, 1981. Seconded by Burford. Vote: All aye. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 9:15 p.m. Respectfully submitted, ~ r;!;;~. Recording Secretary.