HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980 06 04 Planning and Zoning Board Regular Minutes PLANNING & ZONING BOARD MEETING CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS JUNE 4, 1980 Meeting of the Planning and Zoning Board was called to order at 7: 33 p.m. rrhe pledge of allegiance was led by Andrew Montvai . Jerry Fusco acted as ChairnJan. ROLL CALL Present: City Officials: Robert Dixon Joel Weiss Andrew Montvai Louise Poole Jerry Fusco Motion by Poole, seconded by Weiss to approve the minutes of May 7, 1980. Vote: All aye. Motion carried. Jacqueline Koch, City Planner REQUEST OF PHILLIP SCHMITr FOR APPROVAL OF HOME OCCUPATION IDCATION IN ZONE R-l (405 NORIH HAWTHORN CIRClE) AS REQUESTED BY SECTION 44.24, PARAGRAPH 27. Mr. Phillip Schmitt spoke for the above request. Mr. Schmitt teaches at Good- will Ind. eight hours a day and has also been working out of his garage at night doing upholstery work for the past four years to make ends meet. Mr . Schmitt says he has done no advertising - he works strictly by referrals. He feels his neighbors placed corrplaints against him and his part-time business out of spite when he told them their yards needed to be cleaned up. Fusco questioned whether the garage door is left open, and Weiss raised the question as to the use of any loud ma.chinery. Mr. Schmitt replied he only uses basically sma.ll hand tools with the exception of a sma.ll corrpressor and that the garage door is not left up. The City Planner reported she had to deliver a message to the home and saw no outward indication that a hOm:! occupation existed. Fusco recorrnnended Mr. Schmitt keep the garage door closed so as not to infringe upon his neighbors. However, it was made clear to Mr. Schmitt that a 2 square foot advertising sign on the front door is in accordance with the City Code. Weiss moved to allow Mr. Schmitt's request for approval of home occupation in zone R-l (405 North Hawthorn Circle). Seconded by Montvai. Vote: All aye. Motion carried. ESTABLISHMENI' OF MEETING SCHEDUIE: Poole moved to establish the first and third Wednesday of each month for the Plarming and Zoning Board Meetings. Seconded by Weiss. Vote: All aye. Motion carried. EIECTION OF OFFICERS: ChairnJan - Poole recorrnnended Jerry Fusco as ChairnJan. Weiss moved to nomi- nate Fusco as ChairnJan, seconded by Poole. Nominations were closed. Unanimous. Pla.rming and Zoning Board Meeting June 4, 1980 Page Two. Vice-Chairman - Fusco nominated Louise Poole, seconded by Weiss. Nominations were closed. Unanimous. Secretary - Montvai nominated Weiss, seconded by Fusco. Nominations were closed. Unanimous. DISCUSSION: Fusco made mention of the burden taken off the board members by being afforded a recording secretary. He questioned whether reimbursement could be made to Board Members for services. The City Planner reported that Councilman Jacobs had already proposed compensating the Board Members and this matter will be discussed further by Council. 'Ihere was discussion on the revision of the Comprehensive Plan and the status of the Zoning Ordinance. Koch reported the City Manager is working on Chapter 44. The Board expressed their desire to have a new map prepared, since the existing one is out of date, and they will need a current map to use when revising the Land Use Map. Fusco moved to adjourn, seconded by Weiss. Meeting adjourned at 8:14 p.m. c;~ ~~~ck Recording Secretary.