HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979 10 03 Regular , . , - - r Submitted: 3 October 1979 Subj: Protest against the use of a one-family dwelling to educate children attending the Christian School of the First Baptist Church of Winter Springs. We, the undersigned residents living near subject Church, do hereby protest the moving of at least 20 students of subject School into a single-family dwelling at 235 Hayes Road in the Ranchlands section of Winter Springs. Said dwelling is re- portedly being leased by the Church for the 1979-80 school year, and the exact number of students attending classes in the house is unknown. r'" The recent relocation of part of said School is in direct violation of Appendix A ZONING~ Art. IV, Sec. 44.30, of the :: Winter Springs Code of Ordinances, which states that before a school can use any bUilding, structure, land, or water in the R-1AA One-Family Dwelling District it must first apply to the Municipal Planning and Zoning Board, which in turn reviews the application at a public hearing and recommends approval or disapproval to the City Council. In its deliberation of this matter, the Municipal Planning and Zoning Board is requested to consider the following points in addition to that of violating a City Ordinance: r'" 1. There is no objection to the School being located on the Church's ori~inal property, much of which is standing vacant. However any attempt to procure, either by leasing or purchasing, additional build- ings or land for.School purposes in the R-lAA One- Family Dwelling District is strongly opposed. The R-lAA zone district is "designed to preserve and protect the characteristi~s of single-family use", according to Sec. 44.28. 2. The Church's application (submitted to the Board on 28 September 1979) to use the house specifies its usage as a "Church-Related School-Ministry until the end of May 1980". Should the Board approve this temporary usage, it is strongly recommended that the Board specify May 1980 as the maximum time allowed, Page 1 of.3 t. .. . \ , - -. , i with no extension permitted. The Church was given zoning approval this past June 1979 to construct an "activities building" behind it. The Church still has to obtain site plan approval as well as apply for a building permit. Therefore, the limiting of time tha.t tha Ghurcl1:" can. use..th&-si~a-fatnil_;y. dwell-. ing will prevent any foot-dragging in constructing the proposed "activities building", which is to be ready for occupancy by next Fall's 1980-81 school term. r 3. The noise of many children playing outside of and cars leaving and picking up children at the, one-i' i~, family dwelling is very disturbing to neighbors .: : ,^ lill':' sqrrounding the house. If the Board recommends tem- porary use of this dw~lling, the following restrict- ions are urged: "....... a. children be permitted to play only on the property surrounding the Church, that is, the west side of Hayes Road, a large section of which has just been mowed and where basket ball and volley ball structures are located, and bo parents who drive their children to school must deliver and pick them up at the Church. (The children who attend classes in the single-family dwelling are mostly older ones who can walk unescorted to and from the house.) I""'" 4. There are questions in our minds as to the safety and welfare of 20 or~more students being located in a single-family dwelling. Does this house meet fire ordinances, sanitation codes (there are only two toilets available), and other state requirements for an edu- cational facility? Also, is there adequate supervision of the swimming pool area to prevent an accident? ~ ADDRESS HOME PHONE 33q-S~o~ ?g,i -OlD45 S'S /"'0 CY-S- 1. ~.~~) 3g~.eI .. U'0.d~ kh.0_~ 2EJ4 &aDo./fl<aJfJ ~~ 5/~ 3JyfBO/~02) Page 2 of 3 \ I' _ ~ - .' r Subj: Protest against the use of a one-family dwelling to educate children attending the Christian School of the First Baptist Church of Winter Springs. r- 5~~~~~W:5~AME~ 3.~ r >-~=~~ . ,/(y, +#., {fl~~~r~ 3~: ~~:~h ~~' . /", uto. Qutu; 3fv BltHlfMf.1 127J ! -; "(J AoZu.: :5 Irs D Ii HAt>-.- '-\ ~ 0 L 'f.;rl/J1t); IJ .f/1dd7&-AJ 8u 0 8LfiaJlt CL ad, / /?f. /I~ 1'?o ~ M ,??2-'~ll?Al.. 3?t~tfV 33'1-'1.~. ; ~~ 'it, tv fi;(0 . J7't 0~jq",,, /!c/ 339 - YOSD _ i ~~AJ}~/39S'~@, Z30-&Q'J? T1lk~L;/lJJ7 &~ $.1S- J107WLfd . 834 - 2/ b 9 ./)-1Mb ~ 3tJo )ChYLuJ iJ1, 339-8:126 , C ~ "34 s- s+O"'t:...f\. \\.~ ~3)- Ot..Lf8" L~~~~~~ ~~~~~' . 'LJv~ ~~ & ~/~:? . ~ J3~~'-<-v- i5'c 1~ /0d. '?5'3o 70('1 , IL, ) / ; ""J tJ ~ /~ d I ! "i J I , i,' 7] ,~,{,~,",V".....""",. .', i , j;J~.ylC'/t?'g:6?-. 3s-~ ~R.,l f?-~r~;J.?'1 &r)lCl+~:Dl \~jl~ 35S.~t~~.." .. I, I. . /Jt;-tLu-O~J~ _~. . ~1nleL.c?d 26.~~ ~~Z~ HONR PHONE. . ~.3/-CJ ca....,q;j- j39 - 6';'00 7 83'f--7~Cf7 &34, 9, ~7 '~;;~~h 3'30- a3' tJ,$ r- ,'" r..,. (/ . '," -S. .":"i ~o d;:,. - _.J~. G f3i-tf>>j% 33F- -<./6 1 -- .. I J J1I ,- -, ''\ I t ~ ~. ~ Art. III 1/2, ~ [44.27.14] APP. A---ZONING Art. IV, ~ 44.30 (5) Minimum floor area shall be one thousapd six hundred (1,600) square feet (including utility room but excluding carports, garages, breezeways, screened or open porches). (Ord. No. 107, ~ 7, 7-29-74) SECTION [44.27.15]. LOT COVERAGE. . Twenty (20) per' cent of the lot area is the maximum which may be covered by the principal and accessory buildings or structures located with R-CI. (Ord~ No. 107, ~ 8, 7-29-74) SECTION [44.27.16]. OFF-STREET PARKING REGULATIONS. All parking within R-CI Single-Family Dwelling Districts shall be off-street parking. (Ord. No. 107, ~ 9,7-29-74) ARTICLE IV. DISTRICT SECTION 44.28. IN GENERAL. ~ The lands included within R-lAA and R-lA One-Family Dwelling Districts are developed predominantly as single-family dwellings on lots of generous areas. The zone districts are designed to pre- serve and protect the characteristics of single-family use. --- SECTION 44.29. USES PERMITTED. Within any R-lAA and R-+.A Single-Family Dwelling District, no building, structure or land or water shall be used except for the following use: (1) Single-family dwellings and their customary accessory -uses. CONDITIONAL USES. (1) When, after review of an application and plans appur- ~ tenant thereto and hearing thereon, the municipal planning and zoning board finds as a fact that the proposed use or uses are consistent with the general zoning plan and with the public in- terest, the following may be recommended to the city council as permitted uses in R-lAA and R-lA One-Family Dwelling Districts: . ,.,-. Supp. No. 2 968.1 ... -'" ~ -- ,. . Art. IV, S 44.30 wINTER SPRINGS CODE Art. IV, S 44.30 r (a) Churches with their attendant educationa~ buildings and recreational facilities. c) (b) Public utility and service structures. (c) Schools. ,...... (d) Public recreation areas and facilities. . (e) Stadiums, independently or in conjunction with exist- ing school facilities, provided the seating capacity shall not exceed the student enrollment of the school to be served plus ten (10) per cent, and provided there shall be no lights or night use. (2) Any review of an application or plan shall consider the character of the neighborhood in which the proposed use i~ to be located and its effects on the value of surrounding lands, and further, the area of the site as it relates particularly to the required open spaces and off-str~et parking facilities. (3) Any conditional use that may be granted.is limited to the use and intensity shown in the application and plans sub- mitted, and application must receive approval in the same manner as the original application. . (4) Applicants for a conditional use for the location of a church in any residential zoning district shall furnish the plan- ning and zoning board with the following information and shall provide the minimum setbacks, off-street parking and sidewalks as set forth herein, as follows: . r (. .(. '" (1) Setbacks, minimum: (a) Front yard minimum of twenty-five (25) feet in R-IA Single-Family Dwelling Districts and thirty- five (35) feet in R-lAA Single-Family Dwelling Districts, from property line; arterial streets to be treated.individually. .. (b) Back yard minimum of twenty-five (25) feet. (2) Off-street parking: (a) Provide one parking space for each eight seats in chapel and nave, plus one parking space for each church official resident on the premises, plus ad- ditional parking spaces equal in. number to fifty (50) per cent of the number of permanent employees. .~(: Supp. No. 2 968.2 ""