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1979 09 19 Regular
, . ,- CITY OF \HNTER SPRINGS ..~ APPLICA', .#N' FOR ANNEXATION OR CHANGE OF. lING Please print in ink or type r- Applicant Annexation Chang~ of Zoning x, Amendment to pun Preliminary Plan YinrOT ~pTino~ npvolnpmpnt Corp. last Name ~ First . Middle Initial (If the applicant is not the owner of.the subject property. the application must include a letter of authorization signed by the owner.) 15QO Hinter Springs Blvd. Nailing Address Maitland. Florida 32751 City State Zip Code . ',. To be attached. Total No. of Acres Total Usable Acres Present Zoning Classification' Single Family General location of subject property (including names and types of roads which tract abuts): r- ~nnth of ~R 419r east of commercial ~ropertv. north of SCL railroad tr~cts& ~nd west of Howell Creek. Present land use: YRQeH919ped Zoning classifications and land use of abutting property: Resi~enti~l sin~le-familv and commercial. Zoning classification requested Apartments Detailed information concerning purpose and intent of request: ~n ~mpnd thp Prpl;m;n~ry Plan to change the use designation of thp ~hove-referencp.d tract from Single Familv to Apattments. Date S~, \'1 ,\c)7; I App 1 i cant/Owner' . ... .Sjgn ture *AAAAAAAAAA*AAAhA**** FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Fee Amount File Code No. Receipt No. Ordinance References , Information verified by r- Date ._. v ....~_, ? . '" -.-' ~--''=''''; "., '-- ----..,~. -_.. ~ ) .._ o,.'"",.~~~:::::.:~.~-.:; ----~. - :.- :~.:.":=--:::~. . ....' -_.~.,..'. ~..~..r~._' _ ..._. __ _ -.'.~.;:~::f~j~~~i~$€~~~~ -.J t-~I';;' ~~ f . 0' '. ".'~ {":",>'. " -.. ',~ .. ~-'"'.... '. ...~ .. ._-~;.~- ,~: . :.~~~~ ~~ ~ ~ . . " ".,' .... ~ " ':'.__; i8 ~>> ::r.."'. ~'.;:T. ~ O. ::J~ l\.:)'(l)."" . ,,'.. .: :..--. ~":::2 ~.....:nt. n .'< (I)' .... a. ~.w () : : .' ,.:c-r,.,~ O'::J.::J.Cl),....:1.00=:s.",~'C1l0 ":. .';.~ :';.'. :.:; J) ~""'()'::J ::;r.O'.CJ1 c+ JlI2. 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CO-APPLICANT Winter Springs Development COI 150~ Winter Springs Blvd. Ma1tland, Fl 32751 365-3252 Total No. of Acres 42 Total Usable Acres 42 Present Zoning Classification apartment' General location of subject property (including names and types of roads \'/hich tract abuts): r- Road.13 abllttini prqperty Rre T-rotwonn "Annl F!VRrn ::mn Nn",+,"p"M1 WRY /u.~t'-Au/I,t../...t9 PUD Present land use: loniJ~9 cl assifications and 1 and use of abutting property: Commercial - . ::,~u;~ ..__Re.ai.den:ti I'll ---!:......~__ _8 t _ Recreati()~~SC~LS - IViES, Zoning classification requested condo's Detailed information concerning purpose and intent of request: Request permission to build 2 story condo's ********************* FOR OFFICE USE ONLY ,I""'" --.---- Date 9/5L'13- fee~o~~ Amount to fi~~ Receipt .0. r- 01'dim.nee R~ferences ,/fJf, ~.6: 15 Infor'r.1Jtion verified by ~ Date ~/;17? ~~~~UW[~ SEP 1 01919 ,. -_... ._-':':--- _.~.- ~ j ,".~ -','- on of wmlER SPRlNGS ml W,l.l- .':---: '"' .-::- ~?'~'-------~~~ '"