HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979 08 15 Regular ~~ ~ " APPLI CA'lII ON CI'I..,.....,iF HINTER SPRINGS P).../TN}/)~ IfVD -z.cn//Pt;. Bolr(lP ----. l,-pplication for: t J Annexation D Cl1a'I~&e of zoning / / PreliQinary Plat approval L:7 Final Plat approval -B----cG-n-di-t-i c:na-l-Use-- D -Vari~ce'" ink or type" tie Ii IV&'" Last name . . ~-Other1 sped:I:r'.J#I~ _(j)~d~ ~:J'?~- ~ ~ /" 0 Elease print in .. .Anulicant Biddle initial First nane (If the applic?_'1t is not the o\..-ner of' the subject . property, the application Illust include a'letter of authorization /~ . G.VJV 7~ E'L':4 Hailing address cT r 8.3 0 3' '7 .,5-' 0 Telephone signed by the ovmer.) LegaJ. description of the subje~t ~ropert:r: c:Yd,-~1) ~.A) ~ af.--(L'..;'J,. To:;al. No. acres -- Gene.~'al location of sub:' ec t whic:l tr.::.<:t abuts) ~~~.:v"J'jLL.i ~~ . Total No. usable acres l:ro~erty "~including name and type of' road '" ." P.resen t zoning classification . R-I Pres!;>::::>": ~1.2::l.C u!:'"e ___~4,,".//~g.J Abutting zoning classifications and land uses {(-I q.,-n--t'/' /~ "....~bfdr~J~L.-T::-~. l~ature of' request:". Additonal informa~ion (including purpose and intent of request) . ~};;-jJ:;:;;1;.~)l=~~t:1~~A~~ . Re~uests ~ch require a public hearing oust also include the :follo~g inforr::ation: --.-- t' . " \. . ..... >.-.._.._,- - .-. r I 1 .-.. . \ .. --.... .. . . . . .. i<.ili'i.f:5 &.~ addresses/hi 11 s\1rroundin'g property 0', .ers..-1ying \:..vi thin 500 :ft. 01 th~ perimet,e'r bot:ndc:.r1.es of .'t'~e subjec~o properly. The ~pplicant/.f _\ / \. \ / . . "/ sholl also ~:tac~' 2 lebal size.,' sJ"ci'ed, addres~e'Yenvclopes 1'qr eavo propoerty o,.;...,{~/:b.sted below. )\\ " \< ' ~! 1.. .... r"'- \, 3. L_ L .. / ,/'\ / \ /. ../ \. 7 / - / '\ r \ / \ // \. /'.4. / / '/ A \t\ /- /\ ' " ", "Date 5")t>~1 Signature '01' ~., r:l ~_ J.pplicant/oHuer ... 1. .. 2. \. , \ \ \ \ . ... ... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. '" . .. .. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ... .. .. ,. For office use only Fee Receipt No. File Code No. t.!:Joun t Review Planning and Zoning Board Date 3j~h1- Action -M !J [J Board of Adjustment . City C.ouncil eo Public Hearinf'\ ~ P~anning and Zoning Board I / Board o~ Adjustment L-~ City Council -0 .,. Ordinance Re:ferences .t-J~,dI. '-I ~ V) ~'I.. .33' InfoTDation verified by: x Da t e 8"/; /J /71 . \;" , /.. L'.~y, .~ ' . '-YJPLI eA TI ON .--- ,p~:::rJ~~ ~ D C0ftd-i-t-iona-l-Use- Application for: D D D D Annexation Final Plat approval D -Vari'aJfce' ". '. g -(}t-lrer'~' 'spec:tIy'-f:fI~ /OlIA,~--~..:h~)"cYrR~:;;:;Jcr""L ..... - (l ~.- ~. Cha~&e of zoning Prelioinary Plat approval Elease print in ink or type. * . A:Duli c c..n t LRe~nold3 as name Jean Hiddle initial EDm8. Fiirst nane (If the applic2~Tlt is 101 ~WOOD C ,~C/ ;;. not the Oh~er Mailing a ess of" the subject property, the application I:lust include a' let ter of authorization signed by the O\.,rner.) g'rJ / - "6'F.si Telephone LegaJ, description of the subject property: '~L ~ )'.T.;l~.u .. '/ Tohal No. acres - Total No. usable acres Gene.~'a1. location of su.b~'tec1: rro~erty .~including name and type of road whic:l tr':~.l't abuts) ___~A.dAf;~ ~(~ f?/~j;/ Presson t zoning classification /!.- J .. .' Pr e s E'I:'~: 12::tc U E e -Re.si. den:ta- --,--- Abutting zoning classifications and land uses -1IeSidentR Nature of request:'. To keep One OR Two RJ fiery pGoplc:in OU"" home Additonal informa~ion (including purpose and intent of request) 1,0.-/ 4L:C~~/~'l'I?.7?Z~;;.) d~, Requests which require a public hearing must also include the following inforrMation: " \.. .,. ~. ~. ",I ,~ \. ... . ,.~i7.c:s <~~ audresses/of al sVr~'oundlp'g property O\'.'11e--",lYl.ng \Wl. tln.n 500 'ft. of th~ perimet"er bOl.:ndc:r~es of .,the subjeci\ prope} :I. The ~pplican+/ , _\ I . \. \ /' :\ ~ snaIl also ~:tac?' 2 lebal Slze",. stac;,~d, addrcs,sed/,envclopes for cayb prop.erty oh'"r./;:I::1.sted beloh'. \x\ X\ 'X'. 1.. /t{ // ,3. -. -'--; / .' I \ ' '1.'-7=':' / '" ~/ II .-\ . _, __ ____'\ '\ J./,.- "--' '\\, 2. f \ " "4. / \/ // /"~ ' , /- / " .'\ '-Dzt~jP//-%"gnature 0:[ ~~~___ Applican tImIDer \ \ \ \, , \ v /"," ' Ij \\~ /~~ ., t' . ... ... ,. .. . . . .. ... '" ... ... .. .. ... ... .. ... '" .. ... ... ... .. For office use only Fee -0- J..ooun t File Code No. Receipt No. Review . g Planning and Zoning Board Date ~.!J /71 / Action Board of Adjustment , D D City C.ouncil P.ublic Bearing L:7 P~anning and Zoning Board L-I Board of Adjustment D City Council .' Ordinance References # 4. d2./f ~'l)).If. ~l. .jg' Infornation verified by: ~ Da te If//0f. .~ - PETITION WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, being neighbors of JEAN REYNOLDS, who resides at 401 Boxwood Circle, Winter Springs, Florida, agree that we have no objection to JEAN REYNOLDS being allowed to keep one (1) or two (2) people in her home located at 401 Boxwood Circle, Winter Springs, Florida: DATE - /C/ ? .8'1 7 ~ ,( tJ. 17 q -- /4--'77 3 -" IV -1 1 0--'_. (M 'i.. C ~ r _. ~ ,/ -- ..-, LAW OFFICE JAMES S. BYRD 3332 EDGEWATER DRIVE ORLANDO, FLORIDA 32804 TELEPHONE (305) 843'ISeZ August 8, 1979 Mrs. Jean Reynolds 401 Boxwood Circle Winter Springs, Florida Dear Mrs. Reynolds: During the past three (3) years I have had occasion to send to you three (3) of my elderly clients to stay in your home for varying lengths of time. During the stay of each of these people you furnished all of the care necessary for their welfare, including meals. . This letter will serve as my testimony that I have never seen better care administered to elderly people at any rest home or other facility of like nature. At the same time the money charged by you for this care was less than t of the amount required for commitment in a regular nursing home. If there is anything I could do to assist the continuance of the services offered by you to elderly people I would consider it a pleasure to grant such assistance. The services offered by you are certainly needed in our community and it is my impression that the operation by you of this residence is in no way detrimental to the welfare of the community. I would be most happy to answer any questions which any person, including governmental agencies, might have. Verr- truly yours, )'~-0~ Jal!t:f~~ Byrd/ Atvrney at I:;aw JSB:cls .....,.. V~.\;l.". _ , . ,-.. /' - ~ J: ,~;;t-?u~ ~h<-~/_" =? 1)- ~ h ,d;ik y.&- ~~ 1;2~ P4/ ~ ~deA- ~eUJ · ~ ~ /~.vJ--7-~~ ~ C1... ~~,~ ~ ,,4-~~ ~ ~ ~ . ~~~/2-:~' J~ ~/J ..ft7~ ~,2 ~ ~ ~~ :ff cE1U- ~ ytb- ,;; ) .-a /-&~.~)Cvw j4J- r ~ (Z.~ ?;t~~. ,/U~~U ~ .~ ~~ . ~.~ a.d- %/vV. ~ '77~'. ;Jl..-. ~ y/~ (1.~~;:t! ~ / vV"' ~ , . ty .~ ~ ~~Ul- ~ . J..R-.fj >; . A //~ t'.ffZ24 /70 M lnvJ--i' !, #e~ ~ /", ct.-~1'~'~~~ \.,,~ -. - \' -- ~- 17 ;z:~~. /) '7L-o ~<-L /' . _ L i:;. . ~ e&---e-L' L- d~ ~~'. ~~~~ ~ ~~U~ Aftb-~~ ~:~fg;t~Z4Jd I' ~ ~/Lc- ~d~J- .~-*- ~ ~ ~ i1 -r-tt ~fih/~~ 0._ . ~~j} ;/-tLr'J ~ ~~;t~'~~~.a;::-~. ~ @ ~ - ~ ~ IF-r _ ~ ~~~~ p~~~~ I f.;t.J~.dAW J:' /J. -I- . 31 ~'.,~c:7~ ~ ~~~ d,~~~~.~ J . '~~~n' . ~ .d:--. ~ ~~ ~'~4-2:~ ~./si< . ~. I ~v'Iuf,7 (/ fP~~J 330/1. rJ j, H-R-- . ;: '~L,-. ' L~() tJ o.r~~ r. ~v- ,- ~ -, \ C'o. 400 NURSL.'fG HOMES AND RELATED HEAL.TIl CARE F ACIUTIES Ch. 400 CHAPTER 400 NURSL.'lG HOMES AJ.'ID RELATED HEALTH CARE FACILITIES PART I NURSING HO~1ES (ss. 400.011-400.333) PART n ADULT CONGREGATE LIVING FAcn.ITIES (ss. 400.401-400.451) PART m HOME HEALTH AGENCIES (ss. 400.461-400.5(4) ~ medical a:saiatanc:e p~gram. 400.333 Evaluation and report. '400.011 Purpose.-The purpose ofthis chaplrr Pury~. is to provide for the development. establishment. Det!ruti~~ and enforcement of basic: standards for the health. Patie~ts n~~~ . ..' care, and treatment of persona in nuning homps:lnn Nursmg faC:.lhtl~; ~ategones for licensing. related health care facilitiH, and for the con~tnlC~- Homes. <!l" lnstJtu~ons exempt from the tion; mainten:mce, arid operation or such in5titu- .proV1.S1ons.of t:us ch~pter. .' tions which will insure safe and adequate care. treat- Lice~ ~uired; fee; display, ete. ment, and health of persona in such facilities. Apphcatlon for hcen.se. Hbcor,r.- 1. ch. ~ a. 1. o:h. ~1: .. 3. dt. '1So161. Action by department against facility; .~~ lI7'. 3. cia. 7~J6I. e<<.a..."IIl)' 1. 1Sld. grounds. 400.111 Expiration of licer..se; renewal. 1400.021 Definitions.-Whea used in this chap. 400.121 Denial. suspension. revOcation of license; ter, unless the context otherwise requires: procedure. (1) "Department" means the Department of 400.125 Injunction proceedings authorized. Health and Rehabilitative Se~ees. 400.141 Administration and mallagement of nurs. (2) - "Administrator" means the licensed individ- ing facilities. ua1 who has the general administrative charge of a Contracts. facility. Property and personal affairs of patients. (3) "Manager" or "supervisor" m~ the indi- Bribes, kickbacks, etc., prohibited. vidual in charge of homes for aged, homes for s~al Closing of nursing facilit.y. services. and related health care facili~ hom~. 400.19 Right of entry and inspection. (4) "Facility'" means any institution.; building.. 400.191 Availability. distribution. and posting of ~idence, private home, or other place, whether opo. reports and records. erated for profit or 11Qt, inc:1ud.ing thOle places opel"- .400.20 Licensed nursing home administrator re- ated by a county or municipality, which undertakes quired; limitation on number of facilities through its ownership or management to provide- for - to be subject to administrator's supervi- a period exceeding 24-hoar nursing care, - personal .. sion.' c.are, or custodial-care for 3 or mora-pers<ms not; ., 400.23 Rules; m~um stand.a.rcb; fee for review" related to the owner or manager- by blood. or mar- of plans. _ riage, who by reason of illness, physical infirmity, or ., Prohibited .acts; penalties for violations. advanced age require such services. but shall not Educational program authorized. include: any place providing C3l'e and treatment pri- Duty of Board of Examiners of N ur.sing matily for the acutely ill A facility offering services Home Adrninistr:ltors. . for lesa than - 3 persons shall be within the meaning Annual report of nursing home facilities. of this definition. if it holds itself out to the public to Legislative intent. be a~ establishment. which regularly provides such Establishment of a State Nursing Home sernces. Ombudsman Committee; duties; mem- (5) "Nursing home facility" meart3 any facilit~. bershiP.. - -which provides nursing services as defined in ch:tp- 400.307 District nUl"$ing home ombudsmllrt com- tel" 464 Clnd is licensed nccOrding to this chnph'\". mittees; duties; membership. (6) "Home fat" special services'. m~Rns a rell1h-rl 400.311 P:-o~eQu~ for receiving complaints. health care facility which provides !lpccinli7.I'cl 400.314 Invcslig::r.lion of complaints. health care services, including personal nnd custodi- 400.317 Procedures for resolving a complaint. al care, but not continuoll.'I nursing services. 400.321 ,. Conticentiality. (7) . "Related health care facility home" mean5 a 400.324 Immunity. facility for the aged. home tor special services. or' 400.327 Pennlty. other home as defined in ruil:!S and regulation3 ofthr 400.33 Legislative :ntc:lt. departm~nt.. 400.331 Definitions. (8' "~ursingservice" means such servicesol":1ct!> 400.332 Funds re<:eived not re\'enues for purpose t)f as may ~e rendered, directly or indirectly, to and in PART I NURSING HOMES 400.011 400.021 400.022 400.041 400.051 400.062 400.071 400.102 400.151 400.162 400.11 400.18 400.241 400.25 4OO~61 400.29 400.301 400.304 I '- i