HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979 12 05 Planning and Zoning Board Regular Minutes ......... ...-" PL1~NING & ZONING BOARD MEETIN~ ,.- ~ "'" · CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS DECEMBER 5, 1979 Meeting of the Planning and Zoning Board was called to order at 7:40 p.m. by Chairman Jerry Fusco. Roll Call Present: Louise Poole Mary Williamson Jerry Fusco Joel Weiss George Shriver - Late Absent: Burt Logan Sonnie William City Officials: Jacqueline Koch, City Planner Motion by Weiss, seconded by Fusco to approve the minutes of October 24, 1979. Vote: All yes. Motion carried. PRELIMINARY ENGINEEEING of Fairway Oaks Condominiums in Tuscawilla on Northern Way across from Unit 7. Mr. Dick Bennett, Architect for rairway Oaks Condominiums and his partner; Chuck Schmitz spoke on th,e preliminary engineering aspects of the project. ~ The project will consist of low density townhouses on the north side of Northern Way. Mr. Bennett pointed out the planned 72 acre development on the map commenting th,at a block wall will be con- structed on Northern Way. The area is heavily wooded; measures will be taken to preserve the trees. Buildings fa~ing the road will be 120 feet apart including the right-of-wayvith one zero-side lot line. Condominium sizes will range from 1700-2100 square feet with two-car garages. Chairman Fusco questioned maintenance of street. Mr. Bennett assured the Board the Homeowners Association (when formed) would support all exterior maintenance (streets, grass, etc.). Seventy foot rights-of-way are planned, with paved streets being twenty-two feet. Absolutely no parking on the roadway. The complete project will consist of 2 entrances. Mary Williamson questioned the drainage plan, making reference to the City's drainage problems previously encountered. Mr. Bennett discussed the engineering of the drainage system, saying the engineering would be closely monitored by Clark-Dietz Engineers. General information on condominiums: Cost - $85,000 to $120,000 with one central antenna. ~. Weiss moved that the prelimtnary engineering of ~airvay Oak~ Condo~i:ni:ums ;i:n Tu~c..V'i'lla op, N'orth,e.!t'u., Wl\'Y' "cwo~s ff!:'G>m, Uni:::t 7 be accepted. 'Upon c o1l1'pliaJ1c e,V'tt h.Cla:t'k"';D:i;;e.tz .It-let t e!t'da tea NC>'V~Q e;r 12. 1919 and theSta~.~Re'VieW'..let1;.e~; dated. lfov6]]lber 30, l279lL~_ _.5_eJ:.ondeJi by, Poo..l.e--" Vt!lt e: All~~,,-' .oiffon _car~!.~_c'!~ _________ '- .-" .~ Planning & Zoning B~rd Meeting City of Winter Springs December 5, 1979 .-- ~ DATE OF Second Meeting in December. There was some discussion on the possibility of Foxmoor being on the next agenda of the Planning and Zoning Board Meeting. It was agreed that a meeting on the 19th of December would be pointless due to the fact that ahy resutting recommendation would not go to the City Council until January 8. Koch recommended a meeting be held the week of December 10, 1979. After some discussion the Board decided upon the 2nd of January for the next regularly scheduled Planning and Zoning Board Meeting. Louise Poole made mention of the City Council acting on the issue of Hallmark Builders with no reference being made of the Planning and Zoning Board's recommendation. Fusco commented their recommendation should be made publicly at council meetings, especially in the case of a recommendation of disapproval with the reasons being noted. Poole moved that the City Council reflect publicly any recommendation of approval or disapproval from the Planning and Zoning Board at all City Council Meetings. Motton was seconded by Fusco. Vote: All yes. Motion carried. ,-.... Motion by Fusco, seconded by Shriver to adjourn. Meeting adjourned at 8:55 p.m. ;;:;:e~7];;;;;;t_ .Tan L. Braddock, Recording Secretary. ,- .- .-./