HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979 10 24 Planning and Zoning Board Regular Minutes
OCTOBER 24, 1979
Meeting of the Planning and Zoning Board was called to order at 7:35 p.m.
by Chairman Jerry Fusco.
Roll Call
Burt Logan
George Shriver
Joel Weiss
Je rry Fus co
Mary Williamson
Louise Poole
David Branson
City Officials:
Jacqueline Koch,
City Planner
Motion by Logan, seconded by Poole to approve the minutes of October 17,
1979 with amendment made on Page Two, Paragraph Six: Motion made by
Logan that the Board no longer discuss application of the First Baptist
Church of Winter Springs. (Vote should have been: Burt Logan-yes,
George Shriver-No, Joel Weiss-No, Jerry Fusco-No, Mary Williamson-No,
Louise Poole-No. Motion did not carr~) Vote on approval of minutes
to include amendment: All yes. Motion carried.
FINAL CONSIDERATION of request of Rev. Robert E. Clark for approval of
Conditional Use in R-1AA to use the house at 235 Hayes Road for church-
related school ministry until May, 1980, and the feasibility of a
temporary school building on the church property.
John R. Shamblin, Principal and Deacon of the First Baptist Church of
Winter Springs reported they had complied with the application fee of
$25.00, saying they were under the impression there would be a bill
sent to them from the City. It was also noted that the letter from the
owner Mr. Dorn, was received by the City, allowing the church to use his
home at 235 Hayes Rd.
Mr. Shamblin said they had contacted several companies regarding a
temporary building, having received only one reply thus far. Shamblin
could promise no time frame.
Residents spoke against his having no definite time to relay to the
Planning and Zoning Board.
Mr. Shamblin did say that he hoped to be out by Christmas Break
(Dec. 12-Jan. 2) so as not to disrupt school classes. He understood
from one company he could have a temporary building up in two weeks but
could not make any promises taking into consideration the amount of time
needed for tree removal and sewer and electrical hookups.
Shriver recommended Shamblin request variance from the Council to enable
.1""""" them to make use of sanitation facilities in the church in order to
expedite occupancy of the temporary building.
... '.
Residents expressed dissat1sfaction over allowing sch, I to continue
until May, 1980, and the noisy atmosphere as well as the parking
situation. Mr. Shamblin reported the children should not be out playing
~ unless it was during a break between classes.
There was discussion on the possible emergency use of the sanctuary as
a classroom as well as the double session concept.
Williamson and Fusco proposed the church be given until Oeeember 31, 1979
at which time the use of the house would terminate regardless of whether
a temporary building was available.
Weiss felt the rules had already been violated by the Church and they
were now asking for a variance on top of the violation. Logan said that
in light of the unsafe condition, he would make a motion to disapprove
application for conditional use of property at 235 Hayes Road until May,
1980. Seconded by Weiss. Vote: Logan-Yes, Shriver-No, Weiss-Yes,
Fusco-No, Williamson-Yes, Poole-Yes. Motion carried.
Discussion on procedure of calling special meetings.
Motion by Shriver, seconded by Fusco to adjourn. Meeting adjourned at
8:25 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Jan L. Braddock,
Recording Secretary