HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979 03 19 Planning and Zoning Board Regular Minutes "" ~ ~. ,-.. MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS MARCH 19, 1979 Meeting was called to order by Chairman Jerry Fusco at 7:30 p.m. Present: Ed Lombardi, Vice-Chairman Jerry Fusco, Chairman George Shriver Mary Williamson Herb Monson Councibnan William Jacobs City Attorney Wally Stalnaker Citizens: Philip Boerner, Sam Katanich, Tom Binford Motion was made by Monson, seconded by Lombardi to accept the minutes of the previous meeting, March 7, 1979. Motion carried unanimously. Councilman Jacobs introduced City Attorney Stalnaker who briefed the Board on the statutory requirements of the Comprehensive Land Use Plan and the City Council's needs from the Planning and Zoning Board. Conflicts with the Comprehensive Land Use Plan and zoning ordinances were dis- cussed with Messr. Boerner, Katanich, and Binford. r The Board discussed Mr. Rozansky's letter of March 7, 1979, reference Winter Springs Comprehensive Development Plan. Mr. Shriver presented the following recommendations to the Board: "I would recommend that the 11 acres off Moss Road be rezoned to C-l in keeping with the future land use and growth plan of Winter Springs in accordance with the Comprehensive Land Use Plan, pages 78-79. The Comprehensive Plan and Zoning ordinances provide adequate protection of residential area in regard to C-1 zoning. The present zoning of the property abutting S.R. 434 between Sherry and Wade Streets does not violate the Land Use Plan because the Plan is only a recommendation. The plan recommends strip zoning commercial along S.R. 434 only. There have been no requests for commercial zoning in this area. It would serve no purpose for the property owners to have their zoning changed without their request. The property zoned C-l at Sheoah Boulevard is properly zoned and is consistent with the Comprehensive Land Use Plan Pages 78-79. The blue colored area in Horseshoe Acres on the Comprehensive Land Use Plan map is appropriately zoned RC-l. The future Land Use Plan is that this property r ."-. ~ ,,-... ,,-... ,,-... .' , ,,-. ~ " CORRECTED PAGE 2 Page 2 Minutes, P&Z Board March 19, 1979 should be public or semi-public. I would recommend changing the Comprehensive Land Use Plan to reflect RC-l in this area." Motion was made by Lombardi, seconded by Mr. Fusco that Mr. Shriver's recommenda- tions be adopted as the Planning and Zoning Board's recommendation to the City Council on the four areas of Mr. Rozansky's letter of March 7, 1979. Motion carried unanUnously. Motion was made by Fusco, seconded by Lombardi that the Planning and Zoning Board recommend that the low density classification in the Comprehensive Land Use Plan be changed from 2-5 units per acre to 2-6 units per acre and the medium density classification be changed from 6-12 units per acre to 7-12 units per acre. We also recommend that the moratorium on building be lifted UDmediately in these areas while these changes are being processed. Motion carried unanUnously. Motion was made by Fusco to adjourn, seconded by Monson. Motion carried unanUnously. ~R:;~ee:f;/u,l~Y s:~~~~ed., 1" /l;;,Yt '" q!/tP' eor gl}- -5hr i ver mn ,,/