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2010 05 10 Public Hearings 501 Special Permit For Brighthouse Site Renovations
CITY COMMISSION AGENDA Consent Informational ITEM 501 Public Hearing X Regular May 10, 2010 Mgr. / D2' Authoriza , on REQUEST: The Community Development Department requests the Commission consider the special permit for the Brighthouse site renovation. SYNOPSIS: This agenda item is for the special permit to authorize and allow the renovation of an existing Brighthouse communication hub that is located on the east side of South Moss Road, across from its intersection with Alderwood Street North. Also being considered by the Commission are the site plan and aesthetic review. CONSIDERATIONS: LAND USE, ZONING DESIGNATION, ETC.: Zoning: R -3 Multiple- Family Dwelling District Future Land Use Designation: High Density Residential APPLICABLE CODE: Chapter 6, ARTICLE VII. FENCES, WALLS, HEDGES Chapter 9, ARTICLE XI. NONCONFORMITIES Chapter 20, ZONING BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: The approximate 10,000 square foot (0.23 acre) Brighthouse cable television, phone, and interne hub extension site is located on the east side of South Moss Road, across from its intersection with Alderwood Street North. The site was acquired and developed in 1973, with the existing buildings, fence, and 100 foot -tall tower constructed in or about 1995. The site was previously zoned C -2 General Commercial, but was rezoned to R -3 Multiple - Family Dwelling in 2001 (Ordinance No. 2001 -46, adopted September 10, 2001). Public and government services are a May 10, 2010 PH Item 501 Page 2 permitted use in the C -2 zoning district (Sec. 20 -252 (27) of the City Code), but are not listed as a permitted use or conditional use within the R -3 District — thus, the current use is legally nonconforming. The site is now a nonconforming site, in terms of (at minimum) the use, the tower height, and building setbacks. The applicant reports that the tower has not been in use for several years. To continue to provide existing service, serve additional customers, and provide enhanced features, Brighthouse proposes to remove the tower, an existing generator pad, the southern-most concrete block building, and an existing metal shed, and to construct another 600 SF equipment building (immediately adjacent to the existing 600 SF equipment building that will remain) and a 900 SF 12 -foot high generator enclosure. Landscaping is proposed with the site plan. The proposal is to provide a more visually appealing site that will produce less generator noise. The operations at the site will remain largely un- manned (except during construction, routine maintenance, upgrades, and "trouble- shooting "). The existing building and proposed structures do not meet the 35 -foot rear yard R -3 building setback requirements. Until 2004, the C -2 zoning district did not have minimum building setbacks (as stated above, the site had previously been within the C -2 district). For security reasons, there is an 8 -foot high chain link fence with barbed wire around the site (Sec. 6 -189 of the City Code allows the Building Official to permit barbed wire above six (6) feet for security fences; fences are typically limited to a height of four (4) feet in front of the front building line, which, in this situation, would compromise security and the public safety). Section 20 -417 requires a 6 -foot tall masonry wall between commercial and residential uses. While site up- grades or renovations typically require bringing the site into compliance current code requirements, Staff supports waiving this requirement, because we believe that the building enhancements and proposed landscaping buffer are a better alternative than blank masonry walls for the neighborhood. The building setbacks, fence, and wall are each addressed in the Special Permit Order, described below. Special Permit. Recognizing that it is in the best interest of the community that certain nonconforming uses or structures are allowed to continue, and in some instances, significantly upgraded, the City Commission adopted Section 9 -568 of the City Code (Ordinance No. 2003 -36) on October 13, 2003. Section 9 -568 provides a "mechanism" for non - conforming uses and/or structures to be continued when they are not detrimental to the surrounding neighborhood and to the community values. Upon an owner filing an application for special permit, section 9- 568(b) provides that the City Commission may grant a special permit to allow the continuation of a nonconforming use or structure provided the applicant demonstrates that the continuation of the nonconforming use or structure: 1. Is capable of contributing in a positive way to the character and serves the need of the community including re- occupancy for the accommodation of neighborhood walk -to- service uses, walk -to -work opportunities, and live -work spaces, reuse of buildings with architectural or historic value; and reuse of buildings that generate a significant economic benefit to the community; and May 10, 2010 P11 Item 501 Page 3 2. Is compatible with, and not detrimental to, the surrounding neighborhood in terms of traffic, noise, parking, odor, light, intensity and land uses, hours of operation, landscaping, aesthetics, structural design, and density; and 3. Is consistent with the community values, objectives, and policies established in the City's comprehensive Plan and City Code. Additionally, the City Commission is authorized to impose conditions and safeguards as a condition of approval of any special permit granted under this section. Brighthouse's proposed modifications to the property will greatly improve the property aesthetically, reduce generator and A/C unit noise, and allow Brighthouse to provide improved services to the City's customers. Brighthouse has proposed a significant landscaping plan that will sufficiently buffer the property from the adjacent residential properties. Further, Brighthouse plans to replace the existing access gate, which currently opens onto Moss Road and blocks the sidewalk, with a cantilever sliding access gate. Modification of the site will also require (at minimum) site plan review, aesthetic review, as well as demolition and building permits. FISCAL IMPACT: Property taxes are assessed on the site and should increase with the improvements. The City collects taxes from various utilities. Permit, plan review, and impact fees will be collected. COMMUNICATION EFFORTS: A substantial and conspicuous sign has been erected at the site to notice the public hearing. RECOMMENDATION: STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the City Commission approve the special permit for the Brighthouse site renovation and authorize the City Attorney to make any necessary modifications to the Special Permit Order consistent with the Commission's direction. ATTACHMENTS: A Location Map B Draft Special Permit Order .... , • . , . • • ATTACHMENT A • C • n 'nuerPg 24 , ContinuerPg 2415 .!, 0 s A t 1. : 4 ,191 Ow' • 93 % —_______:_------------ . . , .,,,..„..i„.1 110 TRAILER r ________--_ — _----- --- 6 i ■ _ ,.--,-- - - • , • 186 .______.-------_,.....________r„ 4 4 _i 89 1 E STATE ROAD 434 1 , i____\ , ----- 8687 yV STATE R° ' ' ' " 8 CD 201 9MC-ij H 0 320 351 113 r , -19 ------ 15.13 1 ra -, s 10. 301 : 205 201 n' t__...--,,---*- --, _i0.-- cs f il----4' $ ---116r-:1 rfl'ilki2-1 . 1 207 203 23 220 G 5, . 21 ''. j AL 1 EL11-11 ,.. 44 , . 234 „,1/4.1.11 21 20 20 :: 21 1 ----- , ,7iiit 2 3 -; , 245 C7 4... it ., t ,..423 .,.. 2 33 . f . d I , 30 31 30 1 1L i ! 1r 7 1 . 246 : 31 21" 34 1;1 WINTER , ' '.• 247 . 428 71 432 42 . 1 ill 35 34 35 A , 195 SPRINGS • -..■0 ' , 248 . 29 ° 420 tsit4 f e ` 4 ) ::4 g 'i U• 40 '''' gi SEVENTH DAY • 41 40 41 a7 44 45 no .15 ADVENTIST •. -t iae, 149 - 4: Z) 434 419 183 44 45 oil CHURCH • 250 43 4 1 7 if 416407 . 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ATTACHMENT B CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS SPECIAL PERMIT ORDER In re: Bright House Networks, LLC, a foreign limited liability company C/O Advance/Newhouse Communications 5000 Campuswood Drive East Syracuse, NY 13057 Date: May 10, 2010 City Commission Public Hearing Agenda Item 501 On May 10, 2010, an application for a Special Permit was heard before the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs ( "City Commission ") pursuant to Section 9 -568 of the Winter Springs Code of Ordinances ( "City Code "), and based on the evidence and testimony presented and being otherwise duly addressed, the City Commission hereby fmds and orders as follows: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The subject property is owned by Bright House Networks, LLC ( "Owner "). It is generally located at 197 Moss Road in Winter Springs and is identified as parcel number 26-20-30 - 5AR-0D00-092C ( "Subject Property"). 2. Owner filed an application with the City for a Special Permit seeking approval to remove an existing 100 -foot tower, a generator pad, the southern -most concrete block building and a metal shed from the Subject Property. Owner additionally seeks site plan and aesthetic review approval to construct a new 600 square foot equipment building and a 900 square foot, 12 -foot high generator enclosure on the Subject Property. 3. The Subject Property is zoned R -3, Multiple Family Dwelling District. The current cable television, phone and internet hub extension contained on the Subject Property is a legally nonconforming use and certain ofthe existing structures on the Subject Property are nonconforming by virtue of encroachment into setbacks. 4. Chapter 9, Article XI, Nonconformities, of the City Code, generally prohibits Owner from increasing or extending its nonconforming use. Further, additional structures not in conformance with the requirements of the City Code may not be erected in connection with a nonconforming use of land. See § 9 -562, City Code. 5. Notwithstanding this general prohibition, section 9 -568 ofthe City Code provides that the City Commission may grant a special permit to allow the continuation of a nonconforming use or structure provided certain terms and conditions are strictly satisfied. City of Winter Springs Special Permit Order Page 1 of 3 6. Owner's proposed modifications to the Property will not be detrimental to the surrounding neighborhood or to the community values established in the City' s Comprehensive Plan or City Code. 7. Owner's proposed modifications to the Property contribute to the character and serve the needs of the City in a positive way. Owner's proposed removal of the existing 100 -foot tower, as well as the proposed structural and landscaping improvements, will provide an aesthetic improvement to the surrounding neighborhood and to the community as a whole. 8. Owner's removal of the existing 100 -foot tower, as well as the structural and landscaping improvements being proposed on the Subject Property, will provide an aesthetic improvement to the surrounding neighborhood and the community as a whole. 9. The proposed modifications to the Subject Property will allow Owner to continue to provide the economic benefit of high - quality cable television and related services to the citizens of the City of Winter Springs. CONCLUSIONS OF LAW Based on the findings of fact and conclusions of law referenced herein, the City Commission hereby grants Owner's application for Special Permit subject to the following: 1. Removal of Existing Structures. Owner shall be permitted to remove the following existing structures and any related appurtenances from the Subject Property: A. The 100 -foot tower; B. The generator pad; C. The southern-most concrete block building; and D. The metal shed. 2. Owner is authorized to construct the following new structures and any related appurtenances on the Subject Property consistent with the site plan and aesthetic review approved by the City Commission for same: A. An equipment building approximately 600 square feet in size; and 13. A 12 -foot high generator enclosure approximately 900 square feet in size. The site plan and aesthetic rendering for the Subject Property, which were approved by the City Commission on May 10, 2010, are on file at Winter Springs City Hall and shall be incorporated herein by this reference. 3. The new structures authorized by this Order shall not be located closer than twenty - City of Winter Springs Special Permit Order Page 2 of 3 nine feet (29) from the rear property line, as depicted on the approved site plan. The location of the new structures shall comply with all other setback requirements for the R -3 Multiple Family Dwelling District. 4. In lieu of a six -foot masonry wall, Owner shall be permitted to maintain the existing 8 -foot high chain link security fence with barbed wire located around the perimeter of the Subject Property. Further, if necessary, Owner shall be permitted to replace the fence in conjunction with the construction authorized pursuant to this Order. 5. Owner shall replace the existing chain link access gate to the Subject Property with a cantilever sliding access gate that does not block the sidewalk or Moss Road right -of way when opened. 6. Owner shall landscape the Subject Property consistent with the approved Landscape Plan dated September 21, 2009, attached hereto as Exhibit "A," and fully incorporated herein by this reference. 7. Should any or all of the structures located on the Subject Property be damaged by an Act of God, fire, civil disorder, vandalism, or other act outside of Owner's control, Owner shall have the right to repair the damage and to restore the structures to their previous condition, provided Owner receives the permits required to repair the structures within six (6) months of the date that the structures were damaged. 8. In the event Owner fails to obtain building permits and complete the construction authorized by this Order within one (1) year of the date of this Order, this Order shall become null and void. DONE AND ORDERED thisl0th day of May, 2010. JOHN F. BUSH, Mayor ATTEST: ANDREA LORENZO - LUACES, City Clerk Approved as to legal form and sufficiency for the City of Winter Springs only: ANTHONY A. GARGANESE, City Attorney City of Winter Springs Special Permit Order Page 3 of 3 a , f •., • •• OAK OAK • E CREDITS 0.- I , .. ' ... TN F., . W P. T T., .. ..... NOM IRRIGATION - A FULLY AJTONLDr,C IRRIGATION STSTEn PRO VOOPG 1 00 1 . Torn.. C. P.1.nat AEU \ raR •A, - ." OAK • • CREDITS PROVIDED. - COVERAGE AND SNIPPED RITA A roOISTUVE SENSOR • RAIN WAGE lme.cae...cnilrrlwe 0] 6" • : D,RPC SHALL SE PROvIDEO ST CONTRACTOAE REFER TO FNAL IRRIGATION PLANS. SLOG. C . ON ■ r1. . A OUK OAK . CE T PRONClDP AOE. . r. . �5; °` � 0 " /.0 / s/ +MOL (jJ d u, Lo a. ,1,.„7, 1! THREE •], • V' OAK • CREDITS PIRQNOED. _T:D �' °Y ( - . ..,• IIFI- -- ONE 01I • I" OAK • I CREDIT PROVIDED. I NOM E ly_TO. � —035....._. n. ,. • ... .DOW Y/ ONE r1) • !" OAK • 7 CREDITS P5000IO\, \ 1 RPO'� / h1l QNE rl.. 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R ..e.,O n T, n. c -, :.''' „'- ""• , "" wOr cc«nlcrw Rat WONT � � ” =41 L � `.� w w•.. «a w.v.c °..'"...! ....”tg.c SHRUB AND CROUNDCOVER PLANTING DETAIL a ` Y "E `o p n . ° x•r IN.... I . .r. I we .,! Pr. ..I I - F I ,,.I — � '. - r. A ro.. m Ty ,,n r.3Noo • r. S " 4 of 4AC, tlTa ., • uCY.RO suril. ». N M N0, o TO.. 11000 NAlo. ,.....«.. >...'•.. r..'•...>....,...'.......r . d...,.e..... ,."'""a.." . w- aoer:•e J Prepared by and return to: Katherine W. Latorre Winter Springs Assistant City Attorney Brown, Garganese, Weiss & D'Agresta, P.A. P.O. Box 2873 Orlando, FL 32802 -2873 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS SPECIAL PERMIT ORDER In re: Bright House Networks, LLC, a foreign limited liability company C/O Advance/Newhouse Communications 5000 Campuswood Drive East Syracuse, NY 13057 Date: May 10, 2010 City Commission Public Hearing Agenda Item 501 On May 10, 2010, an application for a Special Permit was heard before the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs ( "City Commission ") pursuant to Section 9 -568 of the Winter Springs Code of Ordinances ( "City Code "), and based on the evidence and testimony presented and being otherwise duly addressed, the City Commission hereby finds and orders as follows: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The subject property is owned by Bright House Networks, LLC ( "Owner "). It is generally located at 197 Moss Road in Winter Springs and is identified by the Seminole County Property Tax Appraiser as follows: Parcel ID: 26- 20- 30- 5AR- OD00 -092C (hereinafter referred to as "Subject Property"). 2. Owner filed an application with the City for a Special Permit seeking approval to remove an existing 100 -foot tower, a generator pad, the southern -most concrete block building and a metal shed from the Subject Property. Owner additionally seeks site plan and aesthetic review approval to construct a new 600 square foot equipment building and a 900 square foot, 12 -foot high generator enclosure on the Subject Property. 3. The Subject Property is zoned R -3, Multiple Family Dwelling District. The current cable television, phone and internet hub extension contained on the Subject Property is a legally nonconforming use and certain of the existing structures on the Subject Property are nonconforming City of Winter Springs Special Permit Order Page 1 of 4 by virtue of encroachment into setbacks. 4. Chapter 9, Article XI, Nonconformities, of the City Code, generally prohibits Owner from increasing or extending its nonconforming use. Further, additional structures not in conformance with the requirements of the City Code may not be erected in connection with a nonconforming use of land. See § 9 -562, City Code. 5. Notwithstanding this general prohibition, section 9 -568 of the City Code provides that the City Commission may grant a special permit to allow the continuation of a nonconforming use or structure provided certain terms and conditions are strictly satisfied. 6. Owner's proposed modifications to the Property will not be detrimental to the surrounding neighborhood or to the community values established in the City' s Comprehensive Plan or City Code. 7. Owner's proposed modifications to the Property contribute to the character and serve the needs of the City in a positive way. Owner's proposed removal of the existing 100 -foot tower, as well as the proposed structural and landscaping improvements, will provide an aesthetic improvement to the surrounding neighborhood and to the community as a whole. 8. Owner's removal of the existing 100 -foot tower, as well as the structural and landscaping improvements being proposed on the Subject Property, will provide an aesthetic improvement to the surrounding neighborhood and the community as a whole. 9. The proposed modifications to the Subject Property will allow Owner to continue to provide the economic benefit of high - quality cable television and related services to the citizens of the City of Winter Springs. CONCLUSIONS OF LAW & PERMIT REQUIREMENTS Based on the findings of fact and conclusions of law referenced herein, the City Commission hereby grants Owner's application for Special Permit subject to the following: 1. Removal of Existing Structures. Owner shall be permitted to remove the following existing structures and any related appurtenances from the Subject Property: A. The 100 -foot tower; B. The generator pad; C. The southern-most concrete block building; and D. The metal shed. 2. Owner is authorized to construct the following new structures and any related City of Winter Springs Special Permit Order Page 2 of 4 appurtenances on the Subject Property consistent with the site plan and aesthetic review approved by the City Commission for same: A. An equipment building approximately 600 square feet in size; and B. A 12 -foot high generator enclosure approximately 900 square feet in size. The site plan and aesthetic rendering for the Subject Property, which were approved by the City Commission on May 10, 2010, are on file at Winter Springs City Hall and shall be incorporated herein by this reference. 3. The new structures authorized by this Order shall not be located closer than twenty - nine feet (29') from the rear property line, as depicted on the approved site plan. The location of the new structures shall comply with all other setback requirements for the R -3 Multiple Family Dwelling District. 4. In lieu of a six -foot masonry wall, Owner shall be permitted to maintain the existing 8 -foot high chain link security fence with barbed wire located around the perimeter of the Subject Property. Further, if necessary, Owner shall be permitted to replace the fence in conjunction with the construction authorized pursuant to this Order. 5. Owner shall replace the existing chain link access gate to the Subject Property with a cantilever sliding access gate that does not block the sidewalk or Moss Road right -of way when opened. 6. Owner shall landscape the Subject Property consistent with the approved Landscape Plan dated September 21, 2009, attached hereto as Exhibit "A," fully incorporated herein by this reference, and on file at Winter Springs City Hall. Owner shall maintain said landscaping perpetuity in a healthy, living condition and shall be required to replace dead and diseased landscaping on its own initiative or upon receipt of written notice of same by the City. 7. Should any or all of the structures located on the Subject Property be damaged by an Act of God, fire, civil disorder, vandalism, or other act outside of Owner's control, Owner shall have the right to repair the damage and to restore the structures to their previous condition, provided Owner receives the permits required to repair the structures within six (6) months of the date that the structures were damaged. 8. In the event Owner fails to obtain building permits and complete the construction authorized by this Order within one (1) year of the date of this Order, this Order shall become null and void. 9. Upon approval and execution of this Order by the City, this Order shall be recorded in the public records of Seminole County, Florida, shall run with the land and shall inure to the City of Winter Springs Special Permit Order Page 3 of 4 benefit of Owner and its successors and assigns. DONE AND ORDERED this 10th day of May, 4,04' / JOH . BUSH, Mayor ATTES : tall IPIP6. AND 7 '•'/ P NZO- LUACES, City Clerk Ap + roved as to legal form and sufficiency for the City : : trrings only: 4 ri ANTHONY A. GARGANESE, City Attorney City of Winter Springs Special Permit Order Page 4 of 4 TREES PRESER /ED INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING ,REFER TO TREE SURVEY INFORM TION NOTE: IRRIGATION - A FULLY AUTOMATIC IRRIGATION SYSTEM PROVIDING I00% Thomas C. Peterson. ASIA Z FOUR rJ OAK . 4 CREDITS PROVIDED. COVERAG FAND EQUIPPED WITH A MOISTURE SENSOR. RAIN GuAGE 4 G ! TWp 2 5 OAK . 2 CREDITS PROVIDED w SHALL BE RO✓ DED BY CONTRACTOR REFER TO FINAL IRRIGATION GATION PLANS- _ , ONE r 4 OAK I CREDIT FROV DED. / THREE ONE TIT 3 5 3" OAK OAK . 3 CREDITS PROVIDED I CREDIT PROVIDED • v ase 0 7.„--_---'°-------3° So p 0000 20 -_ I " ONE r I - 9' OAK • • 2 CREDITS FROVDED{ I I —� � /� pC§ ONE rl - I4" PALM . I CREDIT PROVIDED. NT "T EE°'NN'N'D rsn r � �i151ING CHAIN LINK FE p cA <FH C �scv ¢ )[ / THIRTEEN 13 TREES PRESERVED 14 Ea D[[[ _ �� RE MAIN TYPICAL T ,. . : ,. s.' E � ). l! 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Reischmann° Of Counsel May 13, 2010 Andrea Lorenzo - Luaces, City Clerk City of Winter Springs 1126 E. State Road 434 Winter Springs, FL 32708 Re: Brighthouse Networks, LLC - Special Permit Order Dear Andrea: Enclosed is the original Special Permit Order relating to Brighthouse Networks, LLC, as approved at the May 10, 2010 City Commission meeting. Please have the Mayor and yourself execute and return the original document to our office for recording. Please give me a call if you have any questions. Sincerely, ., •, e E. Light oot Paralegal to Anthony Garganese, City Attorney jl enclosure 111 N. Orange Ave, Suite 2000 • P.O. Box 2873 • Orlando, Florida 32802 -2873 Orlando (407) 425 -9566 Fax (407) 425 -9596 • Kissimmee (321) 402 -0144 • Cocoa (866) 425 -9566 • Ft. Lauderdale (954) 670 -1979 Website: www.orlandolaw.net • Email: firm ©orlandolaw.net