HomeMy WebLinkAbout2010 05 10 Informational 102 Transmitting the City's Fiscal Year 2010 2nd Quarter Financial Report COMMISSION AGENDA
May 10, 2010 MGR /DEPT 16 "
Meeting A thorization
REQUEST: City Manager and Finance Department transmitting the City's fiscal year
2010 2 " quarter financial report.
Transmission of the 2nd quarter financial report for fiscal year 2010
The attached financial statements are unaudited and incorporate fiscal year activity from October
1, 2009 through March 31, 2010.
Key points as follows:
• Due to approved capital and debt - reduction expenditures, the General Fund was
originally budgeted to appropriate $1.162 million from fund balance this fiscal year; the
second quarter financials reflect an actual appropriation to fund balance of approximately
$1.6 million due to a front - loading of ad valorem revenues.
• In the Water and Sewer Fund, capital expenditures at March 31 are 9% of budget which
is the primary reason the appropriation from fund balance at 3/31/10 is well below
• Consistent with previous financial/budget discussions, a loan from the General Fund may
be necessary to sustain the Development Services Fund in fiscal year 2010. As of
3/31/2010, an appropriation from fund balance of approximately $275,224 exists. The
revenue trend is anticipated to be slightly upward as the fiscal year progresses.
Revenues and Expenditures are on budget through March 31, 2010. However, Development
Services and the Water and Sewer Funds will be monitored closely through 3 Quarter to
determine if corrective actions will be necessary in Fiscal Year 2010.
Financial Statements have been distributed to Directors, City Manager, Mayor and Commission.
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It is recommended that the City Commission receive the attached financial report.
Fiscal year 2010 2nd quarter financial reports -
General Fund
Water & Sewer Utility Fund
Development Services Fund
Stormwater Fund
05101 0_COMM Informational_102_FY10 2nd Qtr Financial_Report
City of Winter Springs, Florida
Quarterly Financial Report
General Fund
Fiscal Year -to -Date at March 31, 2010
411 50% of the 2010 Fiscal Year Lapsed
Prior FY
Original Amended March 31, 2010 % Actual to % Actual to
Budget Budget Actual Budget Budget
Property Taxes $4,313,427 $4,313,427 $3,869,868 90% 89%
Franchise Fees 35,000 35,000 13,921 40% 44%
Licenses and Permits:
Business Tax Receipts 130,000 130,000 101,932 78% 26%
Other 18,500 18,500 8,975 49% 25%
State Revenue Sharing 865,943 865,943 415,973 48% 54%
State Half Cent Sales Tax 1,844,156 1,844,156 924,823 50% 49%
Miscellaneous 219,351 243,780 140,174 58% 53%
Charges for Services:
Parks and Receation 292,036 292,364 94,290 32% 35%
Miscellaneous 123,384 123,384 58,401 47% 48%
Fines and Forfeitures:
Traffic Light Cameras 267,518 267,518 130,666 49% 0%
Miscellaneous 231,000 231,000 61,293 27% 34%
Miscellaneous 128,102 134,069 100,379 75% 126%
Investment Income (includes unbudgeted
unrealized gain) 62,500 62,500 89,187 143% 7%
Total Revenues $8,530,917 $8,561,641 $6,009,881 70% 68%
City Commission $112,750 $113,750 $49,473 44% 44%
ity Boards 7,770 7,770 2,775 36% 47%
City Manager 292,826 292,826 98,867 34% 40%
City Clerk 227,455 227,455 96,426 42% 44%
Finance 1,269,469 1,297,779 536,324 41% 41%
General Government 547,605 569,129 177,702 31% 50%
General Services 724,553 724,553 413,771 57% 56%
Information Services 1,029,729 1,050,229 583,863 56% 51%
Public Works 1,175,151 1,181,079 444,285 38% 39%
Community Development 1,649,553 1,667,197 737,504 44% 40%
Police 7,168,290 7,203,802 3,430,209 48% 45%
Parks & Recreation 2,208,422 2,216,456 904,526 41% 40%
Total Expenditures $16,413,573 $16,552,025 $7,475,725 45% 44%
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Transfers In 7,446,711 7,446,711 3,697,772 50% 48%
Transfers Out (726,328) (726,328) (673,968) 93% 30%
Total Transfers 6,720,383 6,720,383 3,023,803 45% 49%
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10/1/2009 Beginning Fund Balance (Audited) $8,778,814
Budgeted Operating Coverage at 25% ($3,902,564)
Subtotal $4,876,250
4Ir 2010 Budgeted Appropriation FROM Fund Balance ($1,270,001)
cumulated Traffic Light Revenues (stated at gross) ($323,302)
9/30/2010 Budgeted Fund Balance - Available for Capital Projects
and Economic Development $3,282,947
051010_COMM_ Informational _102_FY10_2nd_Qtr_Fina ncial_Report
City of Winter Springs, Florida
Quarterly Financial Report
Water & Sewer Utility Fund
Fiscal Year -to -Date at March 31, 2010
• 50% of the 2010 Fiscal Year Lapsed
Prior FY
Original Amended March 31, 2010 % Actual to % Actual to
Budget Budget Actual Budget Budget
Operating Revenues
User Charges $7,678,100 $7,678,100 $3,366,117 44% 41%
Other Revenue 5,200 7,675 5,877 77% 155%
Total Operating Revenues $7,683,300 $7,685,775 $3,371,994 44% 41%
Operating Expenses
Salaries and Benefits $2,472,957 $2,472,957 $1,038,257 42% 44%
Materials and Supplies 889,300 891,775 351,143 39% 37%
Amortization (year -end entry) 20,530 20,530 0 0% 0%
Capital 1,665,145 1,742,145 155,324 9% 15%
Other Operating Expenses 1,146,300 1,146,300 480,247 42% 43%
Total Operating Expenses $6,194,232 $6,273,707 $2,024,971 32% 34%
Nonoperating Revenue (Expenses)
Investment Income (includes unbudgeted
unrealized gain) $28,400 $28,400 $50,579 178% 18%
Bond Prinicpal Payments (1,035,000) (1,035,000) (700,000) 68% 68%
Interest Expense (891,000) (891,000) (413,318) 46% 49%
Q taI Nonoperating Revenue (Expense) (1,897,600) (1,897,600) (1,062,739) 56% 62%
' 1 ".
Capital Contributions:
Connection Fees $0 $0 $1,036 N/A 1%
Transfers In (inclusive of intemal transfer) 256,000 256,000 128,000 50% 50%
Transfers Out (inclusive of intemal transfer) (1,756,385) (1,756,385) (878,193) 50% 50%
Total Contributions and Transfers (1,500,385) (1,500,385) (749,157) 50% 60%
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