HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977 05 12 Regular June 8, 1977 Mr. Bob Williams Chairman Planning & Zoning Board City of Winter Springs 1039 Elcourt North Maitland, FL 32751 Re: Opposition to changes in approved plat unit development submitted by Florida Land Company by letter dated May 19, 1977 to Mayor of Winter Springs/Tract F and part of Tract G of Highlands more specifically described in the attached Exhibit "A" Dear Mr. Williams: My name is Warren E. Williams and I am Vice President of Golf Par, Inc., which is the owner of the golf course and I am also Vice President of Development Enterprises, Inc., which is the corporation that initially developed the multi-family sites in the Highlands Planned Unit Development. I strenuously object to the submission by Florida Land Company of the change requested in Tract F and part of Tract G of the Highlands Planned Unit Development, based on a variety of reasons. It is my understanding of the Planned Unit Development ordinance that the purpose of the ordinance is to allow for the creation of a development which will promote the public health, safety, morals, and general welfare. In the initial design of the development, Florida Land Company placed multi-family units around the golf course based primarily on two (2) factors: (I) Economically, it made more sense to have a larger number of people around the most significant amenity in the Highlands, the golf course, in order to assure that the golf course would be Mr. Bob williams Page Two June 8, 1977 economically feasible and the developers of the golf course, at that time, built the golf course based on the fact that there would be approximately 900 multi-family units within a short distance of the golf course without that guaranty, the golf course would probably have to be sub-divided into residential lots. (2) Multi-family units are less likely to attract large families, in addition to the fact that multi-family units can be designed much more easily with the use of the golf course in mind. The proposed new zoning for the contiguous property around the 15th and 3rd fairways of the golf course would not meet the general principal set out in the Planned unit Development Ordinance and that is, to promote the public health, safety, morals and general welfare of the residents. With lots 100 feet deep, the homes would endanger those persons purchasing the homes. These homes are family oriented type residences and, therefore, you would have to assume that each one of them would have children creating a tremendous safety hazard. As I previously said, the original design and economic estimates for the golf course amenity were based upon the original concept of the Planned Unit Development, including multi-family zoning, contiguous to the golf course. By moving the multi-family to another area and placing single-family residential contiguous to the golf course, there is a tremendous detriment to the golf course and to the community. Additionally, the definition of landowner in the PUD ordinance talks about the legal or beneficial owner or owners of all of the land or holders of an option, and also discusses the consent of the owners of all other interest in the land concerned. In this particular instance, there is litigation currently pending in Orange County Courthouse relative to the options on certain lands located in the Highlands. A portion of these options include the land which Florida Land Company has corne to this council with for a change. In their presentation to the City of Winter Springs, they have failed not only to apprise the City of Winter Springs of the pending litigation, but have also failed to provide the City of Winter Springs with any information which would show that these changes are consistent with the purposes and intent of the development as initially approved. Mr. Bob Williams Page Three June 8, 1977 Besides the above, the lot configuration which Florida Land Company is requesting would make it impossible to meet the perimeter requirements set forth in the ordinance setting out the Planned Unit Development regulations. Based on the above, I am requesting that the Board deny the request of Florida Land Company, based on their not meeting the general requirements of the ordinance of the City of t1inter Springs and also based on the best interests of the City of vIinter Springs and the Planned Unit Development itself. Sincerely yours, Warren L. Williams I'JEVI/ s s '-'''1 ,1/ PREL/fi1INARY PLAT OF of TRACT "G"of THE HIGHLANDS SECTION THR CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA DESCRIPTION ..... ,,",IJl!;,- ~ , ~ ~ ',' )",../,/;'-...'5 5ECTlON /J-tl/C:. ..~ 1. ""." '-:. .',::('05 OF 5E/'v'7/N::JLf:- (::-I~' ,:, / ': .. l_-';~!."::" '~/C-{.} /.; . " , i '-.....--.. P"\l J.~ ., ,-(~)L"\ ,'/,j . / --Lf , " 1 .:._-"\,.~(.'~-l- '''c i . /"-,_ ',-, /'. . ~~ ~~~ i L :__~. ~j- ~-:; P,c~~inning at the Northeast corner of Tract "C't The Highl.:mds Sectloll ii,r~":. ,1', recorded in Plat Book 17, Pages 48 and 49 t Pub! ic Records of ::-.er:'ino1e Cot:,:)', r lor: ~:,:, n.:1 S.3102S'46''W. along the East line of said Tract tIC' and the r;cster1y rig:~,~'0f-''':lY I 1 ine of :~CO:0-1 Boulevard 210.00 feet; thence leaving said h'es terly right -0 f. hay 1 iI1C, rtm N.S603..j'21"W. 215.67 feet; thence S.720~6'27''','i. 184.07 feet to a point on the hl'~t. line of s;lid Tract "G"; thence run N.IZoS4'04"E. along said 'n'cst line 152.00 ft?et, 'to the North....es t corner of said Tract "G'; thence nm 5.850 3S' 23"E. along the ~orth line of said Tract "G" t '432.66 feet to the point of begirming, more or less, subject to restrictions of record. i) ,V/A/G Tlt()....FiN /8 7593.t ACI<E5. it,- . f.Y:.';;,'Y-:N77AL LOT.'5(S/NGLE FAMILY) " ". ,; Ck.'t:., ) le)!')/ 17' C' ,r' '+' / U ( ......)Cf(.J / SEWEk.7 ,7) 8E P/:?C/V/DED BY NO!:?7H ORLANDO WATEJ:? c:. 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