HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977 12 08 Planning and Zoning Board Regular Minutes -, Minutes 1977-1S - I' ~ MINUTES Winter Springs Planning & Zoning Board December S, 1977 PRESENT: Jt&Z Board members Denton, Fusco, Jacobs, Lombardi, Newsome, and Williams ... Zoning Commissioner Logan... Councilman Sines ... Planner Rozansky ABSENT: P&Z Board member Sal vagio CALL TO ORDER: Meeting called to order by Chairman Williams at 7:34 p.m. A"ROVAL OF MINUTES: Minutes of the November 10 meeting were approved as submitted, with the exception of correcting the spell- ing of Mr. True's name in the sixth line. Councilman Sines introduced the new Zoning commissioner, Mr. Logan, and ex- pressed his appreciation to the P&Z Board for its cooperation. PRELIMINARY DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR HORSESHOE ACRES: Chairman Williams read the engineering review. ,"-" Mr. Jack Glatting, representing the applicant, took issue with the "-negative tone" of the engineering review. He said drainage problems have been taken into account in planning the development. Mr. John Van Eepoel: Suggest the Board review a muck report on this tract prepared by the Seminole County Planning Department several years ago when Mr. Clark was seeking to develop it. Mr. Glatting submitted a report on the tract by Jammal & Assoc., which was given to the planner. Mrs. M~ Williamson: Ranchlands residents are concerned about the impact of the addi ional traffic which this development would put into the Ranchlands. Mrs. Irene Van Eepoel: The area id 40 percent flood-prone. There are only about 100 sites suitable for development in the entire 3S5-acre basin. Ranch- lands residents want Fisher Road paved if this development is approved. Mr. Sam Musgrove: We don't want any additional traffic in our area without improvements in the streets. Chairman Williams read the staff review of the application. r !1!:. Glatting: I asked for an opportunity to meet with the City staff during the staff review to discuss it, but I was not invited. We have heard conflict- ing information on what the City's position will be on certain aspects of the requ.~, such as whether or not Fisher Road must be paved; we need to know whatithe City's position on such matters is. ~~()N: On a motion by Newsome, seconded by Lombardi, the Board voted unani- m~sly to call a public hearing on this request for 7:30 p.m. on January 12, 197B, and to authorize the city clerk to comply with legal notice requirements. 6e 2 ,-. .- ,-... :PROPOSED AMENITIES PACKAGE FOR TUSCAWILLA P.U.D.: Chairman Williams read the proposed amenities list, and there was discussion by the Board. MarION: On a motion by Williams, seconded by Lombardi, the Board voted unani- mously to recommend that the Council accept the proposed amenities package as presented. REQUEST TO ADD 2.36 ACRES TO TUSCAWILLA P.U.D. UNIT #5: Mr. Charles True. pre- sented the request, explaining that the proposal calls for one home to be"built on the tract, locking the owner into compliance with all restrictions which ap- ply to Tuscawilla Unit #5, for which the final development plan already has been approved. MarION: On a motion by Lombardi, seconded by Fusco, the Board voted unanimously to recommend that the Council approved the request as submitted. REVIEW OF PRELIMINARY DEVELOPMENT PLAN/JON ZABEL TRACT ON BAHAMA ROAD: Mr. Tom Freeman made the presentation for the applicant, saying Ranchlands residents don't want paved streets. He pointed out that the property is zoned RC-l with all lots one acre or more, permitting development on septic tanks. Chairman Williams read the staff review. Mrs. Marlene Rossiter: A public hearing before the P&Z Board is needed because of the impact this development will have on the residents of the Ranchlands. r Mr. Freeman: There is no need for a public hearing at this stage. The matter before the Board is one of platting, not zoning, and a public hearing would serve no useful purpose. Mrs. Irene Van Eepoel: This is a subdivision, and its development requires pav- ing of access and interior roads. Mr. Musgrove: Paving will cost Ranchlands residents dearly because many of them have so much frontage. If this tract is going to be developed as a subdivision, it ought to follow the requirements of the subdivision ordinance. Mr. Freeman: The city planner has said no variances will be required. Mrs. Van Eepoel: When Mr. Freeman was city attorney, he told the Council that, when a lot is split, it becomes a subdivision, requiring that roads fronting that lot be paved. Now he is saying the opposite. Mr. Van Eepoel: We need a P&Z Board public hearing. Mr. Mike Hattaway: Ranchlands residents oppose my developments just because of my name. I should be treated like any other developer. We have met all plat- ting requirements in this tract. Mr. Lombardi: I don't think a P&Z Board public hearing would accomplish any- thing except to bring about more criticism. r Mr. Fusco: This proposal calls for essentially the same thing as the neigh- boring Ranchlands area. Councilman Lo~an: Don't let yourselves be rushed into making a hasty decision. If you need a ditional information, call a public hearing. ,/ - ige 3 r'" MOTION: Williams moved, seconded by Newsome, to call a public hearing on the request for January 12, 1978. The motion failed, 4-2. MOTION: On a motion by Fusco, seconded by Lombardi, the Board voted, 4-2, to recemmend that the Council approve the preliminary plat as submitted, to re- coounend that the Council hold a public hearing prior to taking action, and to recemmend that the Council give consideration to the staff and engineering re- views. ZONING ORDINANCE REVISION: The matter was continued to the next meeting. ELECTION OF SECRETARY: Chairman Williams called for velunteers for the posi- tion of secretary of the Board, replacing Newsome; there were no volunteers. Williams called for nominations; there were no nominations. Williams said he will perform the duties of secretary temporarily, and the matter was continued to the next meeting. NEXT MEETING: Next meeting will be 7:30 p.m. Thursday, January 12, 1978, at the Sunshine Park Community Center. ADJOURNMENT : The meeting was adjourned at 10:31 p.m. ./"" 4~ / John Newsome, Secretary 12/9/77 r"