HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977 10 13 Planning and Zoning Board Regular Minutes -- ~ Minutes 1977-15 MINUTES .r- Winter Springe Planning &: Zening ~eard Octeber 13, 1977 PRESENT: P&:Z ~eard members Fusee, Newseme, Parkhurst, aDd. Williams ... Zening CRlllissiener Sines ... Planner Rezansky' A~ENT: Salvagie CAIJ.. TO ORDER: Meeting called te erder by Chairman Williams at 8 p.m. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Minutes ef the September 22 meeting were appreved as submitted ANNEXATION/RE20NING REQUEST :ey MR. AMlmOSE ZACCARELLA: Mr. Cliff Jerdan, whe ewns a pertien ef the subject preperty, speke en behalf ef haself and. Mr. Ambrese Zaccarella, whe ewns the remainder. They seek annexatien and rezening te C-2 ef appreximately 2.2 acres frenting en SR 434 (626 feet frentage). The pre- perty currentl1' is unincerperated and is zened C-2 and A-l. Mr. J erdan said he plans a cemplex en his pertien ef the preperty which will include an aute service stere, a real estate effice, and a ceuple mere steres; he did net knew what was planned fer Mr. Zaccarella' s pertien ef the preperty. P&:Z members ex- pressed seme cencern ever (1) the pessibility that this may be nen-centigueus annexatien and. (2) being asked te censider annexatien aDi rezening at the same time. r I"""" MarION: On a metien by Newseme, secended by Parkhurst, the :eeard veted unam- mesly'te advise the Ceuncil that the :eeard feels that the annexatien ef the subject preperty is desirable but that, because the :eeard has net had an ep- pertUDity te held a public hearing en the request, it makes ne recemmendatien en the rezening pertien er the request. ANNEXA TION/RE20NING REQUEST :ey MR. ERWIN F. LEE: Mr. Ken Lima ef Lermann Realty, representing Mr. Lee, requested annexatien and. rezening te cemmercial en a -i-acre tract in the nertheast quadrant ef the intersectien ef SR 434 and. Wade Street, with 145-feet frentage en SR 434. The preperty is currently zened residential and. is the site ef a residence ewned by Mr. Lee. Mr. Lima said that annexatien is centingent en cemmercial rezeniBg, and that Mr. Lee has tentative plans te build a prefessienal building, cemmercial building, and. gaseline &tatien (self-service) en the preperty. The planner's epinien is that the prepesed use is apprepriate, but that he is eppesed te the pre- pesed traffic ne. and the lecatien ef eil tanks. The :eeard expressed a number ef cencerns abeut the request: (1) TYing re- zening te the annexatien request, (2) ene-let-at-a-time annexatien and re- zening which weu1d set a bad precedent and disceurage erderly, ceerdinated c....ercial develepllent aleng SR 434, (3) the traffic flew prepesed and. the lecatien .r eil tanks, (4) the lecati.n ef this type ef cemmercial activity se near existing residential units witheut adequate buffer, and (5) the tact that ne specific cRIII8rcial categery was listed en the applicatien. MOTION: On a metien by Fusce, sec.ndad by Newseme, the :e.ard vetad unam- m.usly (with Fusce abstaining) te recemmend te Ceuncil that the request be denied . ~~ r r ,I"" r-- .- Page 2 ZONING ORDINANCE REVISION: The matter was centinued te the :eeard' s next meeting. NUM:eERING OF P&Z :eoARD SEAts: At the request er Zening Cemmissiener Sines, :eeard members held a drawing te determine the numbers er the existing seats en the :eeard. The results er the drawing are as rellewa: Seat #1 . .. Newseme Seat #2 ... Parkhurst Seat #3 ... Sal vagie Seat #4 ... Williama Seat #5 ... Fusee Seat #6 ... NEW SEAT Seat #7 ... NEW SEAT STARTING TIME OF !lOARD MEETINGS: !ecause the schedule cenrlict er ene er its members has been reselved, the :eeard agreed te resume meeting at 7: 30 p.m., errective with the meeting er Octeber 27. NEXT MEETING: The :eeard meets next en Thursday, Octeber 27, at 7:30 p.m. ADJOtJRNMBR'!: The meeting was adjeurned at 10:04 p.m. l&~slJ!:::: 10/17/77