HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977 09 22 Planning and Zoning Board Regular Minutes ., . ~ .-". Hinutes 1977-H " r MINUTES ~Vinter Springs Planning & Zoning Board September 22, 1977 PRESENT: P&Z Board members Fusco, Newsome, Parkhurst, Salvagio, and Williams ... Mayor Piland ... Zoning Commissioner Sines ... Councilman Daniels ... Planner Rozansky CALL TO ORDER: Meeting called to order by Chairman Williams at 7:3l! p.m. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Minutes of September $ meeting were approved as submitted. PUBLIC HEARING: The regular meeting was suspended at 7:36 p.m. and a public hearing was called to order immediately to consider a request by Mr. Charles Rowell, on behalf of Winter Springs VFW Post #5405, to rezone from PUD to C-1 a two-acre tract (currently part of the Highlands Pun) adjacent to Sunshine Park for the purpose of constructing a VFW post building. r-ffi. CHARLES ROWELL and MR. BOB DYSER: Presented the request, pointing out the services the VFW provides to the city and mentioning the need for additional space to carry out their activities. I""" MRS. NANCY BOOTH, 511 Oviedo-Longwood Road: As president of the VFW Auxiliary, I feel the post would be a credit to the community. MAYOR PILAND: I feel the post would be a credit to the community. COUNCILMAN SINES: To insure that the property would be used only for the pur- pose proposed in this rezoning request, I think we can put some restrictions on the use of the property. The public hearing was closed and the regular meeting reopened at 7:47 p.m. MAYOR PILAND: The city attorney says the city cannot legally limit the uses of the property, but that the owners can voluntarily put deed restrictions on the tract. There was considerable discussion of the legal conditions placed on the sale agreement. Several Board members expressed concern about what would happen to the subject tract if it is rezoned and for any reason the VFW post building is not constructed. MR. AL AIKEN, Florida Land Co.: Florida Land Co. would be agreeable to adding a reversion clause to the agreement. MR. SALVAGIO: A reversionary clause in the contract would permit Florida Land Co. to keep paragraph "C" in the document. I""" MOTION: On a motion by Newsome, seconded by Parkhurst, the Board voted 4-0, with Mr. Salvagio abstaining, to notify the City Council that the P&Z Board feels that the location of a VFW post building on the subject tract is both appropriate and desirable but that, due to the Board's concern over legal con- ditions placed on the sale, the P&Z Board makes no recommendation on the re- zoning request as submitted. - - Page 2 ;---.. FINAL DEVELOPMENT PIAN, TUSCAWILLA UNIT #6: The Board discussed the staff and engineering reviews on the project. Mr. Charles True, Winter Springs Develop- ment Corp., assured the Board that the developer will comply with the staff and engineering recommendations. MR. WILLIAMS: What's happening on the development of recreational facilities? MR. TRUE: Developer and Council have agreed on a timetable for completion of a ball field. COUNCIlMAN SINES: We need an amenities package; the golf course and tennis courts are not public facilities. I intend to recommend to Council that no further development in Tuscawilla be approved until a phased amenities package is submitted and approved by Council. COUNCIlMAN DANIELS: Have the deed restrictions for unit #6 been submitted? MR. TRUE: The restrictions will be identical to those in unit #4. COUNCIlMAN DANIELS: I think the P&Z Board should recommend the addition of a restriction on front-entry garages and a prohibition against garages pro- jecting beyond the front of the house. ~ MOTION: On a motion by vlilliams, seconded by Parkhurst, the Board voted unan- imously to recommend that:, the City Council approve the final development plan for unit #6 as submitted, provided that: (1) a phased amenities package of recreational facilities is submitted for the entire PUD along with the plan, and (2) final deed restrictions are submitted along with the plan. PRELIMINARY DEVELOPMENT PIAN, TUSCAvlILLA UNIT #7: Mr. True said builders want a section of lots bigger than those in unit #4 and smaller than those in unit #2, so unit #7 contains lots of one-half to three-fourths of an acre. He said swales are planned for unit #7, along with a 7Q-foot right-of-way. The Board discussed the staff and engineering reviews and the recommendations made therein. The Board and applicants discussed the existing problem of water standing in swales in Tuscawilla. MOTION: On a motion by Williams, seconded by Newsome, the Board voted unani- mously to recommend to Council that the preliminary development plan be ap- proved, with the stipulation that the engineer further study the drainage sit:,uation. ANNEXA TION REQUEST BY MR. AMBROSE ZACCARELLA: No representative of t:,he appli- cant was present, so the matter was not discussed. The item will appear on the agenda at the Board's next meeting. RF,QUEST BY FLORIDA LAND CO. FOR APPROVAL OF FINAL DEVELOPMENT PIAN OF HIGHLANDS PUD SECTION 4, TRACT "A," AND SECTION 5, TRACT "B": Mr. Al Aiken asked the Board to consider the matter even though it was not an agenda item. There was not a motion to place the item on the agenda. There was concern on the part of (' Board members about taking action on such a controversial matter at a meeting to which other interested parties had not been invited. The Board felt further that, if no action was to be taken on the matter, it would be pointless to dis- cuss it, since the same discussion would have to be held again when the matter appears on the Board's agenda. Applicants were informed that the matter will appear on the Board's agenda for the October 13 meeting. .~ - Page 3 ~ The applicants were further informed of their right to carry the matter directly to Council, pleading hardship, and ask for Council action without a consideration by the P&Z Board. ZONING ORDINANCE REVISION: The matter was not discussed; it will be an item on the agenda for the October 13 meeting. CHANGE IN MEETING TIME: Due to a conflict in the schedule of one of the members, the Board voted unanimously to approve a motion by Salvagio, seconded by Fusco, that, beginning with the October 13 meeting, meetings of the P&Z Board will begin at B p.m., rather than at 7:30. NH'.J:T MEETING: The Board will meet next on Thursday, October 13, at B p.m. ADJOURNNENT: Meeting was adjourned at 10:07 p.m. 1/1/ / hrY /~~ I John Newsome, Secretary 9/23/77 I"""" r'"