HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977 03 10 Planning and Zoning Board Regular Minutes . e Minutes 1977-4 -- MINUTES Winter Springs Planning &: Zening :Beard March 10, 1977 PRESENT : P&:Z members Newseme, Parkhurst, and Williams ... Mayer Piland Zening Cemmissiener Sines ... Planner Rezansky ... A:e5ENT: P&:Z members Salvagie and Weedrin CALL TO ORDER: Meeting called te erder by Chairman Williams at 7:37 p.m. MINUTES: Minutes er the February 10, 1977, meeting were appreved as sulxnitted WEDGEWOOD GOLF VILLAS: The :Beard reviewed material submitted in cennectien with the rinal develepment plan er Wedgeweed Gelr Villas at Tuscawilla. Mr. Jeseph Hanratty - the develeper - and Mr. Charles True - representing Win- ter Springs Develepment Cerp. - appeared and cemmented en the plan. Cencern was expressed by :Beard members and Ceuncilman Sines abeut the adequacy er err- street parking racilities, the screening aleng Nerthern Way and Winter Springs :eeu1evard, the rermatien er a hemeewners' asseciatien te maintain cemmen areas, the legal ability er the asseciatien te rerce ewners te maintain their preperty accerding te accepted standards, and the adequacy er censtructien er private streets within the develepment. - The applicant was infermed er the public meeting en this matter at 7:30 p.m. March 24 at the Sunshine Park Cemmunity Center. REZONING REQUEST :BY MR. JACK GUTTING: Mr. Paul :Brephy, Mr. Glatting's part- ner in a Winter Park rirm representing Cameren :Brewn Ce. - the landewner - appeared en behalr er Mr. Glatting's request te rezene 167 acres aleng Fisher Read rrem RU te RC1 rer the develepment er 60 residential lets with a minimum er 1t acreas and an average size er 2.7 acres.. He said plans call rer cen- structien with septic tanks and individual wells. Mr. :Brephy was invited te be at a public meeting te discuss the matter at 7:30 p.m. March 24 at the Sun- shine Park Cemmunity Center. ANNUAL REPORT TO MAYOR &: COUNCIL: On a metienby Parkhurst, secended by Williams, the :Beard veted unanimeusly te send the attached annual repert er P&:Z :Beard activities te the Mayer and Ceuncil. NEXT MEETING: Next meeting will be at 7:30 p.m. Thursday, March 24, at the Sunshine Park Cemmunity Center. e ADJOURNMENT: Meeting was ~djeurned at 10:05 p.m. ~;v'~ J ehn Newseme, Secretary 3/11/77