HomeMy WebLinkAbout1976 12 09 Regular ~ . o n , I ! I 1{'1 I I I l o ~ Winter Springs Planning & Zoning Board December 10, 1976 Hon. Mayor and City Council City of Winter Springs Winter Springs, FL 32707 BE: Variance Request, Hacienda Village Gentlemen: At its meeting on December 9, 1976, the Winter Springs Planning & Zoning Board reviewed this matter and the November 12 letter from the City Attor- ney on the matter. Based on the opinion of the City Attorney, as conveyed in his November 12 letter, it is the recommendation of the Planning & Zoning Board that no action be taken on the request for a variance in Hacienda Village. The Planning & Zoning Board further recommends that the Council infonn the applicant of the City Attorney's opinion and the P&Z Board's recom- mendation. Should a subsequent request be made for an ordinance change in this mat- ter, the P&Z Board would be pleased to consider the request and make a recommendation to the Council. Sincerely, ~~~~ cc: P&Z Board Planning Commission City Clerk City Planner ~" .. '" f' ~ ,;.i/. r- , ''1 / Winter Springe Planning &: ZOI'l1nIt :Board December 10, 1976 Mr. William Strlcldarld c/o Mr; Willi8lltjg.. Hat'field 551 Brooksld.eDliye Winter Spring~,.: 32707 Dear Mr. strl.~i1~: At its meet;aa:~ ne'ember 9, 1976, the Wintet'St#1nge P1~ng.zoning Board took ~.. adv1eementTOUr application for annexation' and l'elaoning to ccmmerciaJ...... or a tract at the intersection of Belle Street and SR- ~4. ' , RE: ReCJ.'1e~t: .ror'.ln:n6x- ation'a: Relwng' .iili -\ ' >i-. The Soard a8k~a\~e 'to inform you that annexat'ion "and' rezoning'arisePar- ate items and c.nnoi; be considered simultaneous}t. Should you wieh 'to make application for annexation of the. tract, )'au may request suc~ art: action by submitting an orriciallpplfcation rormwhieh includes eJ.:.1.it..s called rot' in the "Submittal" section of the "Appli- cant Handout"t~:rm a.vailable at City Hall. . 1r7OU haft. q.$tiontJ, or if you wish to discu8. the applicat1bt'l w:Lth the Winter Spring.'3.Um1ng& Zoning Board, ;you are.cot"diaUTim1.\6dtoat- tend the neJtt~1ng of the Board at 7::30 p.m.. on ThUredlt.Januar.t13, 1977, at tbett\nte1" Springs City Hall. ' i . . , . If you . have qU~stions 'in the interval please r.el,'free toeall. o~wr1te the Chairman of, the Planning &: Zoning Board, Mr.. Robert O. WUliams, 1039 Elk Court North, Winter Springs 32707, or me. ' Your applicat1onieattac~d. Sincerely. ~!::w.1e Att. cc: Mayor &: City Council P&:Z.Board Planning Cormniseion eit)" Clerk ' City Planner 6- '" ," ,;' < ',:;<~ ,,"".' ,'~:;; loA / o (\ o ,-- (', l~ ,- 1. ' planning and Joning Resolution of Winter Sprinqs, Why? (a) Division of City 'into zoning aistriots (b) P~oviding regulation for districts (1) Restricting heights, storles~ size of struotures. (2) Restricting portion of lots that may be occupied. (3) Size of. yards,. co~ts, other open spaces. (f) Density of population, set backs. (5) ",Use: of buildings, structures, lands and ~ter. .:-. .,,,,. ,". .- -. "- (i) (il) .- . commercial .'- .. ~ , .. ......~ -. ~ -'. .. manufacturing (iii) Agricultural- " (iv) educational ~. - '(v) :.._cul tural (v!) recreational (vii) other purposes (6)-Adoptinq'official maps of districts. (7) Providing method of ohange or amendment of Reso- lution, district. requlat.ions and map. (8) Providing for Planning and Zoning ~o~ssion. (9) Providing for enforcement of resolution (10) nepealinq existing laws. (11) Conferment of authority on City Council through Board of Zoning. (12) Appointment establishment, government and main- tenance of a Planning and Zoning ccmnisslon and Board of Zoning Adjustment (opt.ional), (13) Standards and exceptions for variances and adjust- ment. . ,/ J I I I / / I - I I 0- " 0,.:.- 01 L ~ .I '/ j / :"'. f'. !~ (14) . PUblic hearing. 2. Repeal and Intent (a) Repeal of prior (or existing regulations) (1) Some or all? (b) Interpretation and application of-resolution. (1) Comprehen~ive plan____? (2) Consideration to prevailing land uses, growth characteristics, character of :respective .di's- tricts,' suitability 'for particuli!lruses~ and most appropriate use of land throughout the city. . (3) Promotion of public health safety, morals, stability of land use districts .-and protection of same. Existence of same. (4) No interference with lawful covenants, any exceptions. - 2 - -- .,~ :- -~. .