HomeMy WebLinkAbout1976 11 11 Regular . (\ (1 o " o !, BROCK, MASSEY Be WALDEN ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW 'NEWHAN D. BROCE PBBSOlfAL nrJUBY A1IID W1lOlfOPUJ. DEATH ClUJUXAL L.O.W SUITa 108 SaXOB.Ur BUILDING 616 BAST SBXOBAN BOULBVA1lJ> T1UAL PII4CTICJI: GARY E. MASSEY CO.-HArION' A1IID BtrSDnlSS L.O.W BSTATB PL4Jf1U1OO .AJO) ADIIlDJISTJiATIOX PAMILY L.O.W ALTAXO'NTE SPRINOS,1'LORl'DA. 32701 TBLBPIlOXE (00lS> 834-8111 PRANELIN T. WALDEN CBIMDrAi. LAW TRIAL PltACTICB November 12, 1976 Mr. John Newsome ' Secretary, . Planning &' Zoning Board 102 North Moss Road Winter Springs, Florida RE: VarianceRequest- Hacienda Village Dear Mr. Newsome: I have 'reviewed the ,request for Hacietida Village and the Code 'of Ordinances of the city and'inmyopiriion, ne!therthe Planning and Zoning Board nor the Board of Adjusttnent can consider this request. The request to sell mobile homES at Hacienda Vi11~geis a prohibited use pursuant to Section 44~,70.5 of the Code of Ot'dinanees. If this were a permitted special eXception, the Board of Adjustment could act 'upon 'the same. However' because 'itisa prohibited use, Hacienda VillEtge'sonlyalternativeis to ask the. Council to consider an amendtnetitto Section 44.70..5 of the Code of Ordinance to allow, for the sale of mobile 'homes within the area . This would have to be done by Ordinance' a.nd I a.D1 aure the Council wouIdakfor the PI ann 4lg and, Zoning Board '.s recollDllendation as to 'such a' change. If our office can be of any further assistance in this matter, please do not hesitate to'contact'us. ~Your. ;ftt~ AR E. ~~~Y, tI Cit Attorney . GEM/amw CC: Mayor Troy Piland, City Council .,f .; o o ~~ ~ ,....! TO:City of Winter Springs PRIM:" William Striokland 1'1 December 8, 197~ To Whom It May Concern; I, William Strickland, owner of the prope~ty at-Lo~ 1 & 2 Lew-Jim subdivision, Plak Book 11, page 38, at the ()orn~r . of Belle and Highway 434 accross from entrance to Sheoah Golf Course~ do hereby authori~e Mr. William E. Hatfield, to represent me irt having my property annexed and ~oned Commercial into the city of Winter Springs. If the property cannot be ~oned commercial, then Mr. Hatfield has no authorization on the annexation. Ii will not have my property annexed unless it is zoned Commercial. Sincerely yours, ~{)J~.b~~ Wil11amStrickland .. (~.ut~) 121/- 9(,/1' .3;'1- ~ ~ ..r-~ City of Winter ~. City Halr-.... DEe 9. RECEIVE; --- -- ,.- -.." _..~ ~'...: ;,:,,,,,,,~,,,,,,!, r ':~~"~+_,,~',\:- ' "':~~"~~ .' ' u: . ,"','\ .:,. ... ':";j~,\,.;, .".,1.. '.,',' -,;",,-,- ~':,/'f .~\" I':,". .,. j " ,"; .,....., If':,,{'\ f ' !' ',' ~~' f'. I ~". /:'" r~~;:- I' I l r-. i i I ~- 0-........_ ('. "1 ~ ~" " , 'i" , . ~pplicant U~ndout ...; CITY OFwtNtER SPAtNOS PLANNING ANt>> ZORINe. BOARD PROCIDURES .....l- , . ," CITY, OF :tn:ttrD S~lj' alZONXRC ROCEDUUS . .: ~n.ra.l Inlotialat.101l& . ... .. .', ',' . .: . .."" ........."""":.;,, . "', i '"i:"" . The eit)' ."U.catl'" fema. aay be ob_l..4 fl'. tJte Clty' Clerk The f....Ch.dul. 1. at::.~checl to this ...-ct. , "'. ,.' The PI_till an4ZOlli~ Board holds. its reiular ..et,i..'at City Hall generallyOfttJae s.coud and fourth Thursday at 7:30 r. H. The Cley Council holds its regular _etlng. at C,ity Itall every Monday at 7:30 P. -H. ." 1. Submittal 1. Th. applicant shall submit the fOil_ins items to the City a.. . completeel application fora.: ... the appropriate appU,catiOll Ie. 'c.a copy of a Seminole County Tax Map (Scale t"-400') with th. subj.ct ,......r.ty. clearly -indicated. , . Clerk. .: In 84e1itlOO, _....,of tbe various zoning cla.sific.ltionl requil'e;that adelitioul infomation be submitted with the application. lti.the re.poati.. 'bilit, of the applicant to be familiar with the.. requirements. 'It . .. To. .protect the' ,.U.c interelt the Planninl. aft. Zcmiftl Board_ctty Council;I, . .y request acldlU,onal information 'on any appl~c.tiOn to aiel ill,th~decisl~ _king process or to clarify and/or supplementCit;.yfile. anel r'ecords. . 2. Applications which are not accompanied by the pr.,.rapplicati01l, fee anel/or do DOt bear the,signature of the landowner or autbo,.ri.edasent"wtU not be accepted. -" . 11. PlanntnR and Zonin~ Board Review ..... i The Planning and Zoning Board shall review all applications before tetting a date for the public hearing. lIt. ~lic Hearlnas ". Applications for re~onins require a public hearing before the PlanDing and Zonins B..rd and before the City Council, in accordance ;with the procedur.s outlined in S~tion 44.16.1 of the Zoning Ordinance. '~ 1~ is the responsibility of the applicant to post a notice of each publiC hearing in a_~nspicu~us place on the property to be rezoned at least 15 days prior to the ~te of each public hearing. The notices ~y be obtained {rom the City Clerk and~ust be placed not more than 15 ft. from the street or road. I. ......._., . :., .~.... ,~ ~ -i.' ." r6:~';:'i:':-:{;~\t~ "'s~~J'~t'; .!:-K" i,'.'.~.;.... ......._ _~'... - .-...._>-T. . """""'-' _~. ...... .~~ ~.,.~---......;, t . .. 0, Page 2 I'} After holding a public hearing. the Planning and Zoning Board shall submit a written rec~endution for the City Council to the City Clerk. o Upon receipt of the recommendations of the. Planning and Zoning Board, the City Clerk shall set a date for and initt_te the notification and adverti.iftl p~ocess for the publie hearing before the Clty Council. Foll~ing public . hearing the decision of the City Council shall be'ftnal, subJec~ .to appeal to the Circuit Court of the State of Florida. . . . A qualified representative must appear at any public hearing in order to present his rezoning reque.t.. If the representative is other than the applicant, he should ~e familiar with the request and be able to makestateRJent. and commitmentS with the authority of the applicant. Fai lure to comply with any of the above procedures may result in the delay and/or rcadvertisement of the public hearing at the cost of the applicant. AAAAAAAllAAAAAAAAAAAAlAA1AAl /i CITY OF Yll\~ER SPRINGS PLANNING .AND ZONING BOAkD REVIEW PROCEDURES o General Infonaationl The City application forms may be obtained from the City Clerk. The fee schedule is attached to this memo. The Plalmina and Zoning Board holds its relular meetins' at the City Hall lenerally on the .econd and fourth Thursday. at 1130 P.M. The City Council holds .its regular aeeti..s at City Hall-every Honday at 7 &30p. m. J,' 1. Submittal 1. The applicant shall submit the followins items to the City Clerka a. a completed application form b. the appropriate application fee c. a copy of a Seminole County Tax Map (Scale 1"-400') with the subject property clearly indicated. (This requirement may be waived if deemed' inappropriate ~y the Board). d. any additional exhibits required by the Zoning or Subdivision Ordinance. Applications to be reviewed by the Board must be received by the meeting prior to the meeting at which it will be considered. In other w()rds, any application to be reviewed on the second Thursday of the month must be received by the fourth Thur$day of the preceding month, and any .pplication to be reviewed oAthe fourth Thursday of the month must be received by the second Thursday of the same month. Upon receipt of an application the Planning and Zoning Board shall review the submitted information and info~ the applicant if additional exhibits are desired. o 11. Revie~ and Recommendation After the application has been duly accepted, the Planning and Zoning Board shall rClview the reque$t and sub:::.it a written recO!T'!!T'Iendation to the City Council. "',- -~.;;...- .n .....--~,....,.,.. ,,...... I. It --""-':.,.".- "..,.-...-.. I ,...- <r ,y .. .. ... -. ~, / o r" ~ . DRAFT 1-29-76 . . o '" APPLICATION CITY OF WINTER SPR~NGS A)plication for: /lli ADnexation (If , Ch~se of :toning' , D Prel.irdna%7 Plat appx:oval D FiDa1 Pla't approval D D -.0 Conditional Use . t ,ar1lqlce Other.,. Spec1f1 ~ '. l1.ase print'~ iDk o~ type. .~lic"" t · II.lf':::.f~LJ J ~~e iDi tiel. fd' J..J..:t:t BaJA' (If the applicant is ~/'. r:3//{)D*S//JE Oil/V;; .1/l1.(/7f:c12 S,Pelb&,5; not tbe OWDer Mailing address / ot 'tbe subject :;:ri~:~10:be ' ~7 -Ddc;G ...t include ~. ep on. .'letter of abthori&ation signed by the owner.) . Lepl descripti.... ..t the subject prop.rt:,: #- /<;t--;;l. ~-~ . -;~~..~:""tlfJ~~.~~//)I;:;D?'- .?Ji>' .. p~~"'l , ',. " Toilil Xo. acr~8 ~t'1-'b1Ii'Jt' 71, -~ Tot&l.Jfo. usable acre~4 Genera]. location of subject property (includiDg D". and type of' road which tract abuts). ~'OJ:" ~c~. ~ iI"lJr/ 4:1"./"..Jt!LJ!3~ FJNItIl E'~~,bf;t!P -rO sTkt:>1J1Y &~L F ~e>tI~'5e .. P.resent zoning classification Il- / /f Present land u.~ &.-Sr /JELJCh Abutting zon:I.Dg class1fications and land uses JJp.-.l';JA..- ~ /3u:~./ ~~~;=7~~~~~~ Addi tonal iuf'arasal:ion (including purpose and intent of request) .. fn .;~ AI~.;/ ~ 4I'-f<.1fPA?J ""_../~ Y. ~~. ..'.- IJ< ........J r~ I ... -) , ... ,. . /)~ &bS _ ?I,?!Q"-'9~/ ~ ~ RfIOt2"fIO!';ts which require a public bear:ing must aJ.so i.Dc1ude ~he f'ollowiDg information: .' _-4.";' .. . .... '" (""\ ~---, ".~ . ,0 ..~ l~ames and addreos(~~ of .,11 ~"'U_ l'.t:r.uing property Own~TB lying wi thin 500 ft. 01' tbe perimet.er bo\.:nui'.ri ,'r' cd the subject property_ The applicant &hall also attach 2 leb~l size. sta~ped. addressed ~velopea for each propert owner listed bclo\-:. . 1. .... / - L:) 3. ,,_ c.;;;e> ,. ',. ' 2. Signature o~ Appl.i can t,(._ ft. ~r /07 . . . . . ,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. For o~fice uae only Fe. Receipt No. .Amount Renew ..0 PlanniDg and Zoning Board L:7 Board or Adjustment . . a Ci ty Council I\tblic Bearing' a :e1.anning and Zoning Board D Board of Adjuatment a City Council .. Ordinance References File Code No. Date Action j, '. InformatioD verified by: Date , , -......'.'........,.. >,,';';""'!:1; ',.-. t Y\' : 4.:~;i:~j;.{;: ~.>.;, ,,:.!,,' ,;:" ',,',' jf A"". t', ~~~,' ,;JJ~ ,~'~ :;f~!:; "j.> ~ ,,~,I;' ',' .., " i"""" ,rW':'{, ", . 1"""', ~. - I .y,; ,M wttrt~rs61Nos PLAtmlHC &, ZONIN~ IOAtlb,HllrS AT 7130.:P~':H.ONTHI"'.+, 'BlOOD ~'F(J~B THRVSnAY' or EACH HOJmI uf,MtICSISSloM.PCft.fi;,:',I;:;; . ' , :', ' ;~' ... ~ ',:~ 1 ..,:Y:};F~r,':j~ , COUNCIL CHAK8IkS." ~ , ' .,> , '''~" ' ,,:':' ::tf~'i:~.i, :~, 'i:' . ", " . ,." ,', t " " , ,,);.)}'t;~~~;~i::.~::(~j:t;;~ib IF t1tlS_LxCA'tlON 18 SUIHlTTP to m ,ettY. '~"'", rl' , ' ' ctDH ;:'rl, "i' 'Or .US~$",o.T"ut, nUt FIllDAY OF tIlIrata~;r.r wui'~:~..SG, ':{'1i:-j,: " .. ';.,.,ji,,'t, ,.< -.-. ' -", ,"':':' , 't' '~;'",- :40,f,,"f~~. :'~;~.,- ':, ,,',,' ,'..~r;;,;.;",:_'l':_:" ~ . TIll PLAlftttNC 6 ZOItDC BOA'RD ~ON T1l'I';*~' !H~"I';:'. AND vtsih~tOR TIlt ,AGlKDAATtHE ~:. THE ro~~DA'l~(:,~..;::W;;i~~ha~i:j'i '" " l"t ' :. :.', ,_.' "~,'''':> . ": -', ' ""'i~~~l.<"iJ:':;,~f:r;;,~:, >,>\ , ',', ' ,," ',Y"" '"",'"':;"':\;:';;;:o'~,, ..'L' 'l:f( tFTBBAPk.tCATtOR IS SUBHrrrID .BY TDCLOSZ:cr IUStNaS~:td' T;Hll.,;.j\., FalDAY.,tt,\11u..dDlScOsSED At TIll ~::. ZotaltC .-'~Imftt"c;';:'!': . : f:'," f; _'. .' _ : _'. :,,, ',1 >:. .' _ , ' '.' _ '\.". . 7"', ;',"'-'.~" ',"" _,~ ' ' ',' j ,",' OM tIIE....fti<iftukSDAYMD WILL IE M.A~ttb:M 'eM rim:..,'" . . . f ',. tIlUaSDAt",!t:_~c MOHTll. >':i~::;~;:':; .' ~. ."'; ,::,~.',:,..' \f;1:'~, . ':: '_, .:~J~t,>"~.id " ,_ . . ',"',," .' _, _ " ""~", --".r',,' : l. ,:f " THE ~1~lS CORDIALLY 'lNVlTID TO AtTEND &1,' PLANNDC;."zONINC2 , j "'" ,,' ~. . " '. ~ IOAJtIl Wilif11tCs. r." . , ~.~'I: .j!, "':, 'f \ , r" I I! ~'~.~!:f' ,t~ ~ "'t;:'-~ 4 ....... . ~.u...-~;;:~--""_~_.'~"""""'~_"" "'j' ""'-'~~' .' '<t-~;"~_~~.".,."..,- Y.", !i"~~~::.t:,:.,