HomeMy WebLinkAbout1976 08 12 Regular , : .. :), ~.l. ~ - 6- :,..~ - '( 1.,.-' rpPI..ICf.TION Cj'c ':..r' ',,:::rjTER SPRINGS '. Applic~tion for: D D D D Change of zoning t D D Varialfce Annexation Condi tional Use :rr~J..i&:.i.narJ' Pl.::.t ......,""""T'\T-n...-r- ... .r.r-.~ l CJ.. Final Plat approval . in ink or type. j ~ / --'? <}) ,/1/, / / l'l/:.~: - , , Last name ,1/ '. f(.. '/' ~'X)[ jf/A/"/a:Jr.'//. 0.-'-;: Mailing address First n<:..me Bease print .A,p'Oliccmt (Ii the applicant is Dot the O\~-nCT of' the subject property, the applicution I:1ust include a letter of nuthorization signed -, . v(:5-._-3L~? .2- Telephone by the O\,~er.) J.~r-tll descri~tion of the subject property: " . Gcner~l location of which tract abuts) i &lIr.t?~'J.P//J[r Tonal No. acres Total No. usable acres " Prescnt zoning classification Prcr;cnt lnnd up:;e LJ)(,-/I'~r Abutting zoning cla~~ifications /2::.ij..<<k77 dr ~~E/'l"'/"'~.r:;+'" r- and land uses -;=) , . .~ ~ (_/..L. Nature of rcq~est:',g>/-~'-} V~..l L~ j ,./. /.' I .--, -/}/./' /' / / / , /' /-- (././ ....-., . / " " ./ ,.. , ~ -- r.~ "-j . /...r- ~ '/ /jI' /cr' L,;J : j/c '..?,'/- Additonal info"=~~ion (including purpose and intent of request) ?.....n..~'t.., which reouire a public hearing r.u~t c.lGO include the :following ir.fo:r-='3t:ion: " I - ". :;c.:~(;5 2.r10 wiu"":c, "..::J. :.-"::::'l'ounding p:::-oI'c::-:y Ui.;JiCr:: l :.- ft. of the pcriri:'..;tel' l''-.'::lU~.::-ics of t~e sl.ibjcct property. '~'jJ -- shall also CitL::.cb 2 l.:.~;,:;.l .size, sta.I:J='ed, addressed envelc.Fcs '. " :-<:cn pro~r_~ '/',/J li5tcd o:lm,_ J,. L~;/- z'(P:t. /:p.4?-c'c'/:..:" 3.A/o~ P~'/6~' '~;:l~;:;7SI t' ~:~::;;;Z1~;751 /' 2. 'C( - 'J 4. ---, "-,,' j~ u' ~_;. ~[',., ..~ ~.... /~ ,.j'//'-'/L s/:"-/ " L' VL-/ //4/// /72/// /:::/-:, ':;;-:??.:J/ ; -;') 500 __ c ~_1l t Date ~ Si{;Ilature of .t.pplicantjowner ?i- r /J ;1;' x( / /,/ ';/,' ffi / t ~-I {7'7--d d / . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .' For oiIice use only Fee File Code No. Receipt No. ADount Rc.....i c',' . L:7 Planning and Zoning Board L:7 Board of Adju~tment 1:7 City Council Date Acti.on Publ.ic Bearing L:7 E1anning and Zoni.ng Board L-I Board of Adjustment L:7 City Council Ordinance References Information verified by: Date .......-..---..--.-'1-....-.---.--............... .-.-..........----.-...---........--..-.---...-.-.- A~~ 88ft.... Af#I~"'" A'.fj;Jt~" . c;; ~ C1i;ISC;!\\'I~~~! WINTER SPRINGS DEVELOPMENT CORP. Suite SOl, 2699 Lee Road Winter Park, Fla 32789 (305) 628-0200 September 2, 1976 t-Iavor '!'rOV Pv land City of ~\~ter Springs City Hall Hinter Springs, Florida Reference: Convenience Store Tuscmvilla P.U.D. - Dear Troy: For the past year we have been trying to get a convenience store to build \vithin our 'fuscmvilla P.U.D. He have finally entered into a contract with ow.- first choice (7 -Elevi2..'l.) and tl12Y are prepared to start imnediately v.'ith the architecttrral desisn and construction of t.1Us nuch needed facil- ity. This store I s proposed location is within the cannercially zoned property \vi thin the P. U . D. and will be the first of several small shops which will m:lke up a village center canplex located behind the existing Infonration Center facility. Enclosed are copies of the overall site plan and a plot plan for the 7-Eleven facility. This facility will be adequately land- scaped as well as being set back 50 feet iran the right-of-way of Winter Springs Blvd. which will be designated as a 50 foot greenbelt buffer area. 7-Eleven has ccmnitted to build an architecturally pleasing build- ing with a 'WOOd shake roofing and cedar siding to blend in with the natural terrain and the existing Information Center. Their final constnlC- tion plans will have to rreet the approval of the 'lliscmvilla Architectural Control Committee. 7-Elevcn has also committed to build two gasoline P'..nlps v."it.'1 this facility \.;hich aYe also of a great need for this area. Since this is being built within an already approved cannercial area, I am not sure ,.:>hether or not vie need to sumit this proposal to the Plarming fuard and/or City Cotmcil for approval. If it does require processing thrmJ.f)1 any City agencies, please place us on the required agenda and no- tify us of the rreeting. TI1.ank you for your assistance in this most needed matter . _",_,'" . h 'it- Very truly yours, ,,:Wt~- Springs DeveI<JWS1t COi-p. ./ " - ~ I / /(1 _. /'y~.//l..----<- Charles H. True E~ecutive Vice-President anTi ~- ," '--", .i ;-- ~-" t \ l_ 1 I ~ t ..-... ! _1 I__..~m..._._____._._'_'__ ~>." I' "'--I l I "I I /~" I : I I \ \ \ ' \ . I \ \ ] ,- '1 , (7' ; 7 u , s. , ( ... ~ ! ";' - I " ~ I ...., p' '~ --- .... . ~ ~ L - '-- t....." , C (/ .... -'---------- ---------------- ----- D rzTH 82A1 tv A-1-t ---'- --r---'---- _____ ,_ "_ _________ - " ---- ' -----.. , ' <-^ ----.._- ' \ _.' -- "'-.,,. i 22:1 ,__" ' ,. , ' ,. / \ ,. / I ' , ;", "". U- '"'" .'" ..., .~ ..... ..... '\.- --. , --;.- . ", rs- C'" "" ~ - - - , ....... , I '-~(' ..., ,,-... " .. \ . ~\ , \. \ " \, \ --~ ';"--, \. '\.. ~"? .... \, c.... ...t-....: ". - , " ~: ...rJ- ~ =-. "~A '" .------- . , \ , '. .. ~ C -\ (.. N (1) ~ ...Q ., t-IV , ,/ --..--'.....- "-'--, ""''''''''-..r____. "- '-.'.............. 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