HomeMy WebLinkAbout1976 10 28 Planning and Zoning Board Regular Minutes
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Winter Springs Planning & Zoning Board
October 28, 1976
PRESENT: P&Z Board members Newsome, Parkhurst, and Salvagio ... Zoning Commis-
sioner Sines ... Councilman Daniels
ABSENT: P&Z member"iWilliams"';' S.,6"'t!::"d':
CALL TO ORDER: Meeting called to order by Newsome at 7:30 p.m.
APPROVAL OF HIl'-i"UTES: Mitlutes of the meeting of October 14 were approved as sub-
CHURCH IN TUSCAWILLA: Mr. Nick Castellatlo, representing Winter Springs Develop-
ment Corp., sought the Board's favorable recommendation to City Council on a re-
quest for plat approval for the location of a church within a residet"tial por-
tion of the Tuscawilla P1JD ... ot" Tuscawil1a-Gabriella Road at Unit #5. Mr.
Sines and Mr. Daniels indicated they know of no objection by residet"ts in the
area to the location of a church. Concern was expressed by Board members at"d
by Mr. Castellano about a five-foot buffer 200ne between the church parkit"g lot
and the road. Mr. Castellano assured the Board he would it"sist that the buffer
also include some structure or type of landscaping designed to stop traffic from
cutting across the buffer into the road.
MOTION: Ot" a motion by I.1r. Sal vagio, secot"ded by Hr. Parkhurt, the Board voted
unanimously to recommet"d that City Council approve the plat, cO!1ditioNll on the
exploratior. of modificatio1'" of the buffer c01"'sident ~..;ith Code requireme1"'ts.
PATIO HO~SS IK TUSCAWILh~: Mr. Joseph Ha1"'ratty requested that the Board recom-
mend Council approval of a plat for single-story patio homer, iJ"'l a portioT1 of the
Tuscawi11a POO currer.tly designated for cOJ"'ldomiT1iums. The developmeT1t, OT1 a
seven-acre site, 1.'li11 have a density of six emits per acre. There ~.vi11 be 12-11:
e1evatioT's, the largest u1"'its TfTill be 1,350 square feet, aT'd roads will be
commonly oW!"ed.
Mr. Salvagio questioT'ed whether, accordiq; to the wordiJ'1g of the P1JD Ordi-
nance, Mr. Hanratty caT' legally make application, siT'ce he doesn't 01.~ the
property iT' questioT". Mr. C aEtellc"po assured the Board that tbe applicatioT'
is made with the full consent of \~inter Springs DevelopmeY't Corp. Nevlsome
suggested that, since there is a questio!' '-'Tbich might cause the Board to seek
le881 opiT"ion before actiT'g OT' the applicatioT", tbe applicatioTl be amended to
iTldicate that Hinter Springs Developme!'t Corp. 8J'1d Hr. Hcmratty are co-appli-
cants. All parties agreed, aT1d the applicatioT" "laS Llmended accordingly.
HOTION: OT1 a motion by f.1r. Parkhurst, Eecvided 'by Vr. Salvagio, the Board voted
unanimously to recommend to the City Council that the prelimiT"ary plat 'be ap-
VARIANCE I~ ffi\Crr~~DA VILLAGE: The October 20 letter to Mayor Piland from Mr.
Ken Bishop, requestiT"g a variance to permit the sale of mobile homes wit,hin
HacieT"da Village, vJaS referred to the Board by City Council for explorat~ioJ"'l
and recommeT"datioT1.
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Current RT zoniT1g does T10t permit sales Or'1 the site. After discussio'l"', the
Board determiT1ed it T1eeded legal opinio:r before makiT1g a recomme'l"'datiOl1. The
ZoniT1g Commissioner was asked to seek input from the city attorney as folloHs:
1) CaT1 the City legally respord to the request?
2) If so, what are the City's optio1'1s in mald'l"'g possible the s8le of units
OT1 the site?
3) vJhat is the recommel1ded legal route applicatior, Public HeariT1g, etc.
the applicaT1t should follow or each of these OptiOT1f:?
1,vhen the informatiol'1 from the attor,..,ey is available, the Board will immediate-
ly returr to the c01'1sideration of Hr. Bishop's request.
ZOlnl~G ORDIl~ANCF HEVISIOl;: Discussion.
ELECTION OF CB.AIFJ:1AN & VICE CHAIFJ~o\..,: Postponed until next meeting.
!\ext meeting 1,',rill be Thursday, November 11, 1976.
AD JOUm.rl'1EN T:
Heeting was adjourned at 9:1l5 p.m.
fim ~~
,John l~e\Plsome, Secretary
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