HomeMy WebLinkAbout1976 10 14 Planning and Zoning Board Regular Minutes
Minute s
Winter Springs Planning & Zoning Board
October 14, 1976
PRESENT: P&Z Board members Newsome, Parkhurst, Salvagio, and Williams ...
City Planner Bush
P&Z Board member Sabatini
. . .
Zoning Commissioner Sines
CALL TO ORDER: Meeting called to order by Secretary Newsome at 7:36 p.m.
MINUTES: Minutes of September 23, 1976, approved as submitted
PUBLIC HEARING: The regular meeting was adjourned at 7:38 p.m. and a Public
Hearing called to order to consider an application by Winter Springs Development
Corp. for approval to locate a 7-11 convenience store with two gas pumps in
the commercial portion of the Tuscawilla PUD near the intersection of Winter
Springs Boulevard and Northern Way, with an access road running behind the
Information Office connecting these two streets.
MR. NICK CASTELLANO, representing Ifinter Springs Development Corp., made t.he
presentation, beginning by reading the September 2 letter from Mr. Charles
True to Mayor Piland. J.1r. Castellano pointed out that the applicant has tak-
en great pains in planning the appearance and location of the store ... they
do not want any store facing Winter Springs Boulevard ... the future commercial
enterprises planned for that commercial area will be located on the access
road, not on Winter Springs Boulevard or Northern Way... the front of the 7-11
store would be set back 78 feet off of Hinter Springs Boulevard.
COUNCIL JOHN DANIELS, in responding to a question by the P&Z Board, said that
no stores have yet been approved in the Tuscawilla PUD; only the location of a
commercial district ~Qthin the PUD has been approved by the Council.
MRS. DON SIN~S, 1305 Deer Run, Winter Springs: We're in favor of the store ...
it won't spoil the appearance of the area ... it won't be visible from the road
... the design is attractive.
~ms. JOm~ DANIELS, 1027 Antelope Trail, Winter Springs: Concerned about the
traffic onto Northern Way from the access road putting additional dust on the
new fire station and fire-fighting equipment ... wants developer to pave North-
ern Way down to the fire station ... oppose letting access road open onto
Northern Way unless developer will pave Northern down to the fire station.
MR. CHUCK CHUTE, 1218 Swan Street, Winter Springs: Opposed to gas pumps ...
they will draw traffic from outside the residential area ... gasoline tankers
must come in to deliver fuel, and that will destroy the streets.
f-ms. ALICE mITER, 1220 Swan street" Hinter Springs: Opposed. .. don't want
any more dust.
MR. CASTELLANO: Northern Way will be paved down to the point where it meets
the new access road if the store is approved. The next residential develop-
ment will take place north of Winter Springs Boulevard, and this may have some
bearing on the eventual paving of Northern Way.
P&Z Board ... page 2
rm. KEN1~ETH ~lIhEGAFlll~ER, 1105 Deer Run, vJinter Springs: As a resident and
builder in Tuscawilla, I'm in favor of the store and the gas pumps ... they
vdll be a convenience ... they will be a drawing card for new residents.
:t>ffi.. ROBERT GOLL, L10 Partridge Circle, Winter Springs: Opposed t~o the gas
pumps ... self-service gas stations are a proven fire hazard ... City should
have approved uses for commercially zoned areas in its Code ... City should
require site plans be submitted prior to approval of such a use.
14R. STEVE LIND, 51 Partridge Circle, Winter Springs: In favor of store ...
no additional traffic will be caused by the gas pumps.
HR. CASTELLANO: The gas pumps won't be the major portion of the st~ore' s bus-
iness ... 7-11 won't cut the price of gas to try to attract customers from
other stations into Tuscawilla.
~m. LOU HOLMES, 1109 Deer Run, Winter Springs: We just moved into Tusca~Qlla,
and we have no opinion on the location of the store ... up north, when such a
store closes and sits empty, it becomes quite a problem for the area.
CITY PLANI~ER AL BUSH: There is r.o professional objection to the store from
the planner's point of view.
14R. CASTELI~NO: Said, in answer to a question from the P&Z Board, that 7-11
will not build the Tuscawilla store without the gas pumps.
The Public Hearing was adjourned at 9:03, and the regular meeting was called
back into session at 9:10.
f.1OTION: On a motion by gr. Williams, seconded by Hr. Parkhurst, the P&Z Board
voted unanimously to recommend that the City Council approve the location of
a convenience store, gas pumps, and the access road connecting Winter Springs
Boulevard and Northern Way, as requested by Winter Springs Development Corp.
REZONING AT FEAR OF INDIAN RIDGE SITE: Planner Bush updated the Board on the
possibility of a request for rezoning from residential to commercial a portion
of the rear of the Indian Ridge tract which runs along SR 419.
ZONING ORDINANCE REVISI~~: The Planner and the Board discussed the proposed
revision of the zoning ordinance.
NEXT HEFTING: Next meeting will be 7:30 p.m. Thursday, October 28.
ADJOURNr-ffiNT: Meeting was adjourned at 9:59 p.m.
John Newsome, Secretary