HomeMy WebLinkAbout1976 05 27 Planning and Zoning Board Regular Minutes Minutes 1976-14 MINUTES Winter Springs Planning & Zoning Board May 27, 1976 PRESENT: P&Z Board members Cottage, Newsome, Sabatini, and Sines ... Council- man Daniels ABSENT: P&Z Board member Salvagio ... Zoning Commissioner Beoth CALL TO ORDER: Meeting called to order by Chairman Sines at 7:37 p.m. MINUTES: Minutes of meeting of May 13 were approved as submitted. PUBLIC HEARING: Chairman Sines recessed the regular meeting at 7:39 p.m. and called to order the Public Hearing on a rezoning request by Mr. Jon Zabel. Mr. Sines reported that 78 notification letters were sent and that three were re- turned as undeliverable. Out-of-town responses were sent in four cases; one was in favor of rezoning, one was opposed, and two took no stand. MR. JON ZA~L: Mr. Zabel explained his rezoning request ... wants permission to build homes of less than 1,100 square feet ... wants t. meet the demand for smaller homes in a country atmosphere ... said all the property owners within 500 feet of the subject property with whom he has talked favor the rezoning. MR. WALTER PARKHURST: Mr. Parkhurst, Chairman of the Planning Commission, op- posed the rezoning and opposed development on dirt roads ... said this kind or development is not in the best interest or the city and isn't in line with the Comprehensive Plan. MR. GIENN GLAZE: Mr. Glaze represents a pension plan trust which owns 28 lots in the area and has a personal interest in seven more lots ... he said the trust and he and his partners are opposed. MR. RUSSELL KLINGlmIL, 675 Silver Creek: he is epposed ... this will be an "in- stant shantytown" ... it will hurt property values ... roads should be paved. MR. JOHN FURLOW, 649 Marlin Road: he is opposed ... built here to get out or a subdivision... said he did not receive a letter or notirication ... said this development would be detrimental to the area ... wants roads to remain unpaved. MR. J .R. HATTAWAY: Mr. Hattaway is one or the owners or the subject property. He said prospective builders want to be able to build a mix or home sizes ... many ramilies want smaller home ... owner can't expand a subdivision home on a paved street ... said more 1,200 square ro.t homes would be built in the area than 960 square root homes ... said the property owners in this area are so scattered the City would never be able t. have them rinance paving. MR. HERN WHESON, 241 Panama Road: Said he built where he did because he liked the zoning ... let those who want smaller homes g. somewhere else to buy them. MR. SAM MUSGROVE, 220 Panama Road: Said he has built five homes ror himself and relatives ... knows that most or cost or building a house is in plumbing ... square rootage can be added relatively inexpensively... said reads must be paved. P&Z ~oard Minutes ... Page 2 MRS. IRENE VAN EEPOEL, Tradewinds Road: Said a 6,600 square foot lot is a sub- division-sized lot ... said roads must be paved ... said ordinance requires de- veloper to provide water and sewer ... said ordinance prohibits septic tank on lot of less than an acre ... said there is no water and sewer planned for the subject property. MR. RICHARD DEFAZIO, 30 Jackson Circle: Said the construction will be done quickly, then have a subdivision demanding that the City pave the roads. MRS. VAN EEPOEL: Pointed out that a leaking septic tank can cause disease. MR. MUSGROVE: Said residents in this area aren't wealthy ... they have better things to do than keep coming to City Hall to fight developers ... city officials had better start listening to the citizens. MR. FURLOW: Said he built his 1,500 square foot home for $28,500, including lot. MR. HATTAWAY: Pointed out that no builder can bild on,a septic tank without ap- proval from the State Health Department. MR. ZABEL: Pointed out that these lots were platted in 1958, and that he's not trying to get additional building sites by seeking rezoning. The Public Hearing was closed and the regular meeting called back into session at 8:17 p.m. MOTION: Newsome moved that P&Z Board recommend to City Council that request be denied because (1) approval would constitute spot zoning, and (2) approvel could have a detrimental effect on the value of property in the area; motion also in- cluded recommendation to the Council that construction not be permitted on unpaved streets and septic tanks. The motion doed for lack of a second. MOTION: On a motion by Cottage, seconded by Newsome, the Board unanimously voted to recommend "that the request be denied because approval-of the request would con- stitute spot zoning." Members of the Board discussed whether or not to make a recommendation to the City Council dealing with unpaved roads and/or septic tanks, and decided not to make a recommendation other than the motion to recommend denial. ' Mr. Hattaway protested that the Public Hearing had cost $35, and pointed out that nowhere in his request were paved streets or septic tanks mentioned. Said Newsome's motion had influenced the action of the Board ... he said he wasn't treated fairly. P&Z BOARD INVOLVEMENT IN ANNEXA'I10N PROCEDURE: Mr. Sines reported on the action of City Council regarding P&Z Board involvement in annexation proceedings; Council put the Board back into annexation cases by calling for a recommendation from the Board, but did not authorize the Board to hold Public Hearings on the requests. Council asked the Board to prepare a new annexation ordinance and indicated that the new ordinance could include a Board Public Hearing provision if the Board wishes. The new annexation ordinance will appear on the agenda at the Board's next meeting. ANNEXATION REQUEST BY WINTER SPRINGS DEVELOPMENT CORPORA'I10N: The :Board discussed the request and agreed not to deal further with the matter until receiving an opinion from the city attorney relative to this request and the effect of the new state annexation law on it. Councilman Daniels promised the Board he would attempt to secure such an opinion. The matter will appear on the next agenda. ,&2 Board Minutes ... 'age 3 JOINT MEETING WITH BOARD OF ADJUSlMENTS: Chairman Sines reperted that the chair- man of the ~ard of Adjustments has requested a joint meeting with the ,&2 Board. The ~ard authorized Sines t. set up such a meeting. REVISED ZONING ORDINANCE: Chairman Sines suggested that, in light of summer va- cations coming up, the Board not address the task of preparing a draft revised zoning orginance until September. After some discussion, the Beard agreed that it will begin this task now by attempting to secure copies of other municipalities' an- nexation and zoning ordinances to study. Those which are available at the next meeting will be reviewed at that time. NEXT MEETING: Next meeting of the Beard will be Thursday, June 10. ADJOURNMENT: Meeting adjourned at 9:15 p.m. ~iw~~ , John Newsome, Secretary 5/31/76