HomeMy WebLinkAbout1976 05 13 Planning and Zoning Board Regular Minutes Minutes 1976-13 MINUTES Winter Springs Planning &: Zening :eeard May 13, 1976 PRESnlT: p&:Z:e.ard members Cettage, Newseme, Sabatini, Salvagie, and Sines A:esENT: Zening Cemmissiener Hendrix, Asst. Zening Cemmissiener Hunter CALL TO ORDER: Meeting called te erder at 7:30 p.m. by Vice Chairman Sines MINUTES: Minutes ef the meeting ef April 22 were appreved as submitted. ANNEXATION ~UEST :ey WINTER SPRINGS DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION: Mr. Charles True and Mr. Nick Castellane appeared en behalf ef the Winter Springs Devel- elJRent Cerp. te request annexatien ef a small parcel adjacent te the Tusca- willa PUD, plat appreval, appreval ef a Preliminary Develepment Plan en this parcel, and a variance fer an unpaved private read te serve the seven preperty ewners aleng the read. :eecause ef a recent letter te the :e.ard by the city atterney, expressing the epinien that the P&:z :eeard may net invelve itself in an annexatien questien except at the specific directien ef the City Ceuncil, the :eeard agreed net te invelve itself in the Tuscawilla request unless asked by Ceuncil te de s;: Ceuncilman Daniels, whe was at the meeting, expressed the epinien that he be- lieves the :e.ard sheuld be invelved in annexatien requests and said he feels that is the wish ef the Ceuncil. He premised te bring the matter up fer dis- cussien at the Ceuncil meeting en May 17. In a cerrelative actien, the :e.ard autherized Vice Chairman Sines te centact the Mayer, alert him ef the situatien, and enceurage him te seek speedy actien by the Ceuncil. The :e.ard agreed that, ir Ceuncil asks fer :e.ard invelvement in this annexatien request, the :eeard will act judicieusly in calling a Public Hearing en the request. REORGANIZATION: On a metien by Newseme, secended by Sabatini, the :eeard elected Sines chairman, Cettage vice chairman, and Newseme secretary. ZONING MAP UPDATE PROCEDURE: Cettage reperted that he has tried witheut success in cenversatiens with City Atterney Massey and fermer City Atterney :ereck te find a draft cePY' er a zening map update precedure the :e.ard prepared and sent te Mr. :ereck rer review several menths age when Mr. :ereck was still city atter- ney. Mr. :ereck deesn't knew where it is, and Mr. Massey has never seen it. An attempt will be made te lecate a cePY' te be sent te Mr. Massey fer his review. NEXT MEETING: The next meeting er the :e.ard will be Thursday, May 27, at which time ene er the items en the agenda will be a Public Hearing en a request by Mr. Jen Zabel te rezene 103 residential lets. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjeurned at 8:35 p.m. Secretary