HomeMy WebLinkAbout2010 04 12 Regular 604 Updated Information Pertaining to 2008-2009 Performance Review for the City Clerk f - - - - - 1 C OMMISSION AGENDA Informational Consent ITEM 604 Public Hearings Regular X April 12, 2010 R \1 egular Meeting Mgr' Authorization REQUEST: The City Clerk requests the City Commission consider the requested updated information as it pertains to comments from the City Commission during the 2008 -2009 Performance Review for the City Clerk. SYNOPSIS: At the September 28, 2009 Regular Meeting of the City Commission, during the discussion on the City Clerk's Review, there were questions about the submitted "Goals /Outcomes" and the City Clerk was asked to provide updated information to the City Commission related to her "Goals /Outcomes ". CONSIDERATIONS: In preparation for this Agenda Item and as requested, the City Manager and the City Clerk discussed how to provide the City Commission with the information we thought they were looking for. While re- reviewing the previously submitted Regular Agenda Item "603" from the September 28, 2009 City Commission Regular Meeting, the City Clerk agrees through this Agenda Item that the "Goals /Outcomes" could have been explained more realistically with consideration of the demands on the City Clerk, as to what she can reasonably accomplish with her current Staff. The City Clerk admits she was being too optimistic in what she wanted to accomplish and that the suggested timeframes on the "Goals /Outcomes" were not feasible. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA CITY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING - APRIL 12, 2010 REGULAR AGENDA ITEM "604" PAGES 2 OF 5 Staffing: As the City Commission knows, the City Clerk has a full -time Deputy and Assistant who both work primarily forty (40) hours a week assisting the City Clerk with the day -to -day demands on this Department, and who also assist with many of the City's (Advisory) Boards and Committees. Additionally, the City Clerk has a second Assistant whose salary is funded by the Information Services Department to primarily assist with the implementation of the City's Electronic Imaging program. This same Assistant also assists with a couple of other (Advisory) Boards and Committees for the Office of the City Clerk and the hours related to such (Advisory) Boards and Committees are funded by the Office of the City Clerk's budgeted Overtime. Workload: Attachment "C ": "Legal Requirements/Duties and Responsibilities" should help explain the numerous day -to -day demands on this Department. Many of the requests mandated on this Office that the City Clerk and her Staff have to comply with, take up most of our Staff time which makes it difficult to work on many of the additional tasks that the City Clerk also wants to complete. Much of the Departmental daily workload is comprised of tasks related to Meetings, Members, and Minutes of the City Commission and our numerous (Advisory) Boards and Committees. As just noted, a major part of the workload in this Department involves the (Advisory) Boards and Committees. Currently, we are dealing with 9 (Advisory) Boards and Committees that are on the books. On average, the following is what is involved for just one (1) Advisory Board and Committee Meeting - from start to finish (for only this Department's Staff time): 1 hour to prepare an Agenda, (by working with Staff etc. on dates, Agenda Items, etc. and also the posting/mailing process) 1 /2 hour to set -up for a Meeting 2 hours for an average Meeting Y2 hour to clean -up after a Meeting 6 hours to do the actual Minutes (and proofing by all involved, etc. for an average 2 hour Meeting) 1 hour to check on quorum (and other related issues that may come up) 11 hours total (on average) Therefore, on a monthly basis, for my two (2) full -time Staff Members who may have to deal with say just seven (7) Advisory Board and Committee Meetings in one (1) month - at eleven (11) hours from start to finish for each Meeting, that equals an average of seventy -seven (77) hours. Out of 320 work hours for the same month for my two (2) Staff Members - that seventy -seven (77) hours needed to handle (Advisory) Board and Committee Meetings works out to be approximately 24% of the monthly hours my Staff works. Public Records Requests are a huge part of this job. Although requests come in at different times, some requests can be handled relatively quickly, while others are very, very complicated and may require assistance from the Office of the City Attorney. Over the past nine (9) months, we have been working on numerous, very complex Public Records Requests which have involved other City Departments and the Office of the City Attorney. Numerous communications and research are involved, which all takes time. (This short paragraph just does not even touch on all the work related to handling most of the Public Records Requests that we receive). CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA CITY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING - APRIL 12, 2010 REGULAR AGENDA ITEM "604" PAGES 3 OF 5 Another voluminous task that the City Clerk is responsible for is Records Management. Part of this "task" involves providing Training for all Departments; working with questions about records that other Departments may have; handling Dispositions when applicable; and checking all City documents that are to be sent out (in any form) for possible exemptions and when necessary, redacting applicable confidential information. For instance, every Agenda Item that goes to the City Commission has to be checked for possible exemptions of protected information by a Member of the Office of the City Clerk, prior to it being placed on LaserFiche and prior to it going to the City Commission or anyone else. An Office of the City Clerk Staff Member takes our current Confidentiality list and checks (for example) an Agenda Item — page by page, against each of the contact information listed on the Confidentiality list. Then, just to make sure nothing is overlooked (as we always seem to be rushing), a second Member of the Office of the City Clerk also reviews the same documents for the same other confidential information. These administrative processes are put in place to try to ensure that all these very important tasks are completed correctly. One of the aspects of Records Management that is very important is to provide training for City employees. Basically, the City Clerk is responsible for personally either training City Staff or training her staff to train City Staff or the City Clerk can provide training through other independent and knowledgeable professional Trainers. The best way to provide such training would be to send City Hall Staff to State of Florida Records Management Seminars. This option would most likely involve working with just our (8) Departments, and send the Department Director and two (2) Members of their Staff to Seminars; which at an average of seventy -five dollars ($75.00) per attendee, would equal about eighteen hundred dollars ($1,800.00), not including travel and lunch (should there even be a Training class within driving distance of Winter Springs). While the Office of the City Clerk would not be required to pay all this training, it is still an expense to all City Departments. Before budget cut -backs all over, the State of Florida presented a more cost effective kind of training, and the City Clerk utilized this training for City Staff when it was available. It basically involved paying the travel and per diem for a State of Florida Records Management Trainer to come to our City and provide Records Management training for our employees. In the past, this cost the City approximately $350.00 and was the most cost - effective method. Although on -site training is not offered anymore by the State of Florida due to budgetary cut- backs, the City Clerk has been in contact with the State of Florida and the State of Florida Trainers have kindly offered to try out their Records Management Training through a new Webinar Training Program with the City of Winter Springs, at no cost. Another related aspect of Records Management is in the day -to -day processing of records that this Department deals with, on behalf of the City. Such records include Agendas, Minutes, Agenda Items, and Agreements /Contracts, just to name a few. These records are very important now, but are even more important years from now, especially when some of us may not be here to explain why decisions were made or what really was involved. Additionally, because of some issues with City documents, over the last year, I have implemented a new procedure which unfortunately also doubled our workload. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA CITY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING - APRIL 12, 2010 REGULAR AGENDA ITEM "604" PAGES 4 OF 5 Without going into all the details on paper about what is involved in keeping the City's important records all available and accessible upon demand, numerous steps are involved in such processes. Next - although it may seem not even worth noting, but a big part of the City Clerk's workload seems to be comprised of sending/responding to email communications. The City Clerk seems to receive the most emails in this Department, and on average, each day, the City Clerk usually receives approximately sixty - seventy (60 -70) emails a day and responds /sends easily about forty (40) + emails each day. Just on average, say it takes two (2) minutes of time to read the average email and respond, that would equal approximately 1 hour and 20 minutes a day (for just the City Clerk). Further, many times each day, the City Clerk has to also respond to more complicated emails (requiring checking data, etc.) and each of these emails can take approximately five (5) to fifteen (15) minutes to handle. Thus, for approximately eleven (11) of those more involved emails at say an average of eight (8) minutes to send a more complicated email, that equals approximately another hour and 30 minutes of such correspondence. Just these emails on average now takes approximately 3 hours out of every day - just to handle some of the City Clerk's correspondence. Similar computations would apply to my Staff's time also. As noted above, these just a few examples of what I and my Staff spend most of our time on and which are just a small fraction of what else we are responsible for completing each day in this Department. I hope that this helps explain a little more about what I and my Staff work on daily, and how we are left with very little extra time to go above and beyond the day -to -day workload to complete some of the extra tasks that I had noted on the "Goals /Outcomes" document in the September 28 2009 Agenda Item related to my Review. (Also, if my Staff does not complete everything that needs to be done, whether or not there are available budgeted funds, I must complete such tasks. And, as has been my normal practice since 1999, these other tasks that still have to be completed, have been and are completed by myself, on my own time.) As to the previously submitted "Goals /Outcomes" document which was part of the September 28 2009 Regular Agenda Item "603 ", on that document I noted tasks which I wanted to complete and which might be relatively small projects to complete, and were listed as "Short - Term Goals:" "Medium - Term Goals:"; when in actuality, they really needed to be in the "Long - Term Goals:" section. This would explain why many of those tasks showed a "O% Completed" or other low percentages. In reality, on a day -to -day basis, we could not and still cannot get to much more than the basic City Commission related tasks; the (Advisory) Boards and Committees related tasks; Public Records Requests; and responding to telephone and email communications. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA CITY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING - APRIL 12, 2010 REGULAR AGENDA ITEM "604" PAGES 5 OF 5 Possible Improvements: While the City Clerk fully understand the current economic issues at hand and is not asking for additional Staff, the City Clerk has considered other possible ways to augment her staff to get other tasks completed. However, due to the nature of the work in this Department and with so much history built into even current day -to -day situations, just hiring a Temp (if funds were even available) or borrowing someone from another Department, or a student would not work, unless it was a long -term situation - due to the time it takes to learn how everything in this Department works and the various inter - related aspects of this Department. I humbly have worked very hard to try to keep the City's records accurate and it takes truly committed professionals, who have to be very, very detail - oriented and really understand the intricacies of this Department. FISCAL IMPACT: No additional funding is requested as part of this Agenda Item COMMUNICATION EFFORTS: The City Clerk has discussed these issues with the City Manager; and the City Clerk also spoke with a Commissioner who had asked about the status of this matter. Copies and/or access to this Agenda Item have been provided to the Mayor and City Commission, City Manager, City Attorney, and Department Directors; placed in Press Packets; placed in the Lobby Binder; and are available on the City's Website, LaserFiche, and the City's Server. ATTACHMENTS: A: Regular Agenda Item "603" from the September 28, 2009 City Commission Regular Meeting Agenda (which includes "Performance /Accomplishments For Fiscal Year 2008- 2009") B: Minutes from the discussion of Regular Agenda Item "603 ", held during the City Commission Regular Meeting of September 28, 2009 C: "Legal Requirements/Duties And Responsibilities Of The City Clerk" D: Revised* "Goals /Outcomes" for the remainder of this Fiscal Year RECOMMENDATION: The City Commission is requested to review this Agenda Item; offer any input or suggestions; and approve the Revised* "Goals /Outcomes" and the strategies to accomplish those Revised* "Goals /Outcomes ". ATTACHMENT "A" COMMISSION AGENDA Informational Consent ITEM 603 Public Hearings Regular X September 28, 2009 Regular Meeting Mgr. / t. Authorization REQUEST: The City Clerk requests the City Commission consider requested information regarding the Performance Review for the City Clerk which is due September 27, 2009 (for the performance period from September 28, 2008 — September 27, 2009). PURPOSE: The City Commission is requested to consider the information in this Agenda Item relative to the 2009 Performance Review for the City Clerk due September 27, 2009 (for the period from September 28, 2008 — September 27, 2009). CONSIDERATIONS: The following is an excerpt from the August 24, 2009 City Commission Meeting Minutes related to this topic: REGULAR 605. Office Of The City Clerk Requests The City Commission's Direction Regarding The Upcoming Performance Review For The City Clerk For Fiscal Year 2008 -2009, As Requested By The City Commission At A Previous Meeting. City Clerk Lorenzo - Luaces briefly introduced this Agenda Item for discussion. Deputy Mayor Krebs noted for the Record, "This possible raise is for this past year, not next year; and it already has been budgeted." CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA CITY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING - SEPTEMBER 28, 2009 REGULAR AGENDA ITEM "603" PAGES 2 OF 2 With further comments, Commissioner Bonner said to City Clerk Lorenzo - Luaces, "In the one pager that you are preparing, if you could squeeze in there, these were the Goals and these were the Outcomes, that would satisfy me." Mayor Bush inquired, "What direction do you want to give Andrea (Lorenzo - Luaces) here? Do you want to see the one (1) page ?" "I AGREE WITH MR. BONNER. I WOULD LIKE TO SEE - JUST THE GOALS FROM LAST YEAR AND WHAT THE OUTCOMES WERE." MOTION BY COMMISSIONER BROWN. SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER BONNER. DISCUSSION. VOTE: COMMISSIONER McGINNIS: AYE DEPUTY MAYOR KREBS: AYE COMMISSIONER HOVEY: AYE COMMISSIONER BROWN: AYE COMMISSIONER BONNER: AYE MOTION CARRIED. Note: Although a one page document of Goals /Outcomes was requested, and is provided under Attachment "A"; I would respectfully ask that you understand why I am also submitting Attachment `B" (which is a similar document that was provided to the City Commission last year) which briefly outlines for the most part what work my Office does on a daily basis and which primarily is required by law to be completed; and between the required workload and my (reduced) staffing this Fiscal Year, Attachment `B" should help explain more about daily workload requirements and what can realistically be completed. The anniversary date for the City Clerk is September 27. FUNDING: To possibly be discussed. ATTACHMENTS: A: "Goals /Outcomes" (Outcomes shown in percentages after each Goal) B: "Performance /Accomplishments For Fiscal Year 2008 - 2009" RECOMMENDATION: The City Commission is requested to review this Agenda Item, relative to the City Clerk's Annual Performance Review for the period from September 28, 2008 — September 27, 2009 and decide how they wish to proceed. COMMISSION ACTION: City Clerk Andrea Lorenzo - Luaces Goals /Outcomes September 28, 2009 - Regular Agenda Item "603" Attachment "A" The following numbered items are from last year's Performance Review: Short -Term Goals: 1) Revise Advisory Board and Committee Orientation Book 0% Completed 2) Continue personal development program on Records Management 20% Completed 3) Coordinate further training of Department staff related to Records Management 20% Completed 4) Offer further training on Records Management to City Staff 20% Completed 5) Continue development of Departmental Policies and Procedures Manual related to Office of the City Clerk duties 20% Completed 6) Update City Clerk's Department Reference Manual 100% Completed but needs to be again updated 7) Update City Commission Directives Master Log with input from City Staff New log as of 1/12/2009 - 70% Completed 8) Continue development program for storage of historical records and coordinate with City Staff 1% Completed 9) Review Department job descriptions 0% Completed 10) Continue cross - training of Department Staff Cannot accurately calculate a percentage due to staffing changes Medium -Term Goals: 11) Complete Performance Standards for Department staff 30% Completed 12) Continue development of Records Disaster Plan for City Records 0% Completed 13) Review old Election documents and file accordingly 0% Completed 14) Have Frank Kruppenbacher's 40 remaining boxes of City documents reviewed and then filed /disposed as applicable 15% Completed 15) Update Log/Spreadsheet of Bids /RFP's and related information 65% Completed Long -Term Goals: 16) Research history of City Commission Members and Boards /Committees Members 0% Completed 17) lzresefve Re- situate City history /% Completed The following numbered items are new additional items for this list that I would also like to work towards completing during the next Fiscal Year: Short -Term Goals: * Complete a timeline as to which tasks need to be completed based upon when they are expected * Revise City Commission Policies and Procedures Booklets for all seats on dais Medium -Term Goals: * Review all boxes of documents in the main Storage Room * Review all boxes /file cabinets of documents in the Records Vault City Clerk Andrea Lorenzo - Luaces Performance/Accomplishments For Fiscal Year 2008 -2009 September 28, 2009 - Regular Agenda Item "603" Attachment "B" The following information covers the period from September 28, 2008 through September 21, 2009: Charter Oflicer/Manaaer: • Responsible for the day -to -day operations of the Office of the City Clerk [Charter 4.10.] • Am a Department Manager with a current staff of 2* (day -to -day) and am responsible for the supervision and management of these 2* individuals. *Please note that from September 28, 2008 until April 6, 2009 I had a staff of 2 full -time individuals (not including another staff member who spends most of her time on Records Management work for the City's Imaging Program) and 1 full -time temporary individual who primarily and specifically worked on Special Projects. And, although this staff member was hired to work on Special Projects, due to workload requirements, I had to have her assist with incoming telephone calls and spend some time each day on some daily departmental tasks, including checking for Exemptions on the voluminous quantities of records that needed reviewing. Then from April 6, 2009 until mid - August of 2009, I had a staff of 1 full -time individual (not including the staff member who spends most of her time on Records Management work for the City's Imaging Program) so the individual hired to assist with Special Projects had to take on more daily tasks and did approximately 45% of all of the checking for Exemptions; therefore, much less time from April 2009 until mid August was spent on Special Projects due to a reduced Staffing situation. Notices /Coordination Of City Commission Meetings: • 54 Agendas (including Amended /Revised /Cancelled) were posted (in coordination with the City Manager and Staff) [FS 286.011 & Charter 4.10.] • Minutes were taken and transcribed for 46 official sets of Minutes with many proofs and then submitted for Approval (which included a Draft version for the City Manager's Staff Meeting) [FS 119] • 201 Agendas/Notices for other events /meetings (that 2 or more Members were attending) were posted • Meetings were set -up /Administrative support was provided /Applicable Agenda packets were coordinated and reviewed for Exemptions (a very time intensive for each task) [FS 119] • Corresponded verbally or in writing with the Mayor and City Commission on numerous occasions regarding general administrative information and Quorum Status Notices /Coordination Of Advisory Board And Committee Meetings; • 81 Agendas (including Amended /Revised /Cancelled) were posted [FS 286.011] • Minutes were taken and transcribed for 50 official sets of Minutes with many proofs and then submitted for approval [FS 119] • Meetings were set -up /Administrative support was provided/Agenda Packets were coordinated and reviewed for Exemptions, (a very time intensive for each task) [FS 119] • Corresponded verbally or in writing extensively regarding Quorum Status for 7 Boards /Committees Public Records Requests: • 145 (approximately) Public Records Requests have been completed, (which involved working with other Departments and often included numerous follow -up contacts; verbal and written correspondence; and locating requested documents) in compliance with requirements and guidelines set forth in the Florida Statutes and reviewed for Exemptions, (a very time intensive task for each request) [FS 119] • 1200 (approximately) miscellaneous information /Agenda Items/Requests for information including every page of every Agenda Item that went before the City Commission and any of the City's 7 Advisory Boards /Committees — were also reviewed for Exemptions, (a very time intensive task for each task) [FS 119] CITY CLERK ANDREA LORENZO- LUACES PERFORMANCE /ACCOMPLISHMENTS FOR FISCAL YEAR 2008 -2009 SEPTEMBER 28, 2009 - REGULAR AGENDA ITEM "603" ATTACHMENT "B" PAGE2OF3 Administration: • Provided extensive amounts of administrative support for Mayor Bush and the City Commission • Issued, tracked, and executed Ordinances and Resolutions [Code - Sec. 2 -81.] • Submitted documentation related to monthly salaries and expense reimbursements for the City Commission and Advisory Board /Committee Members [Code - Sec. 2 -41.] • Tracked all Advisory Board /Committee Appointments, Attendance, related correspondence, wrote applicable Agenda Items and Resolutions of Appreciation [Code - Sec. 2 -42.] • Tracked City Contracts (a very labor intensive task) • Updated the Code of Ordinances with 2 Supplements during this time period and also updated Code Supplement Books including those kept on the dais • Homeowner's Association Log was updated via email /written correspondence with applicable information logged onto the current master log • Provided research to the City Commission and City Manager as requested • Assisted the City Manager with requests for administrative assistance • Provided a wide range of public information services as requested • Trained Office of the City Clerk Staff on a as needed basis; and am providing intense training for new employee who started on August 10, 2009 Records Management Program: • Responsible for all aspects of the City's Records Management Program including training, applications, maintenance, retention, preservation, and disposal of records [FS 257.36] • 1 staff Member is dedicated /funded to work with the Information Services Department supporting the LaserFiche Imaging System Project • Continued to implement the use of a "Confidentiality Form" with all Departments and redacted all related Exemptions on all applicable documents, (a very time intensive task for each request and is also listed above in the previous second entry under "Public Records Requests ") [FS 119] Election: • The City Clerk is the designated Elections Official /Filing Officer for City Elections [Code - Sec. 2 -81.] • Performed all mandated functions under Florida Statutes, and also the City's Charter related to the November 2008 Election • Studied all related Florida Statutes Elections Chapters along with our Charter and the City Code, for compliance and developed applicable forms for the 2008 Election [Code - Sec. 2 -95.] • Consulted with the City Attorney's office on numerous occasions regarding legal aspects for the 2008 Election Special Events: • Coordinated numerous details related to the 2008 Inauguration Ceremony • Coordinated numerous details for the City Manager's Welcome Reception held Tuesday, June 30, 2009 • Coordinated numerous details related to the Board and Committee Appreciation Reception/Dinner held Friday, September 11, 2009, including Certification of Appreciations for all Board and Committee Members to receive Special Projects: • Log of Outstanding Agended Original Documents was worked on which involved scanning original documents into LaserFiche; then electronically linking them to respective Agenda Items if applicable; and then filed appropriately • Original City Contracts are being verified; and some research has been completed; with Contracts on file scanned into LaserFiche (this project is still being worked on) • Most City Proclamations were scanned and filed, bringing these records up to date CITY CLERK ANDREA LORENZO- LUACES PERFORMANCE/ACCOMPLISHMENTS FOR FISCAL YEAR 2008 -2009 SEPTEMBER 28, 2009 - REGULAR AGENDA ITEM "603" ATTACHMENT `B" PAGE 3 OF 3 Special Proiects: (continued) • All Ordinance Number entries and Resolution Number entries in LaserFiche had a brief description added for easier reference (this involved weeks of work to complete) • 30 cubic feet of City Bids and RFP Documents on file in our storage area were scanned (second part of this project still needs to be completed) • All City Commission and all Advisory Board and Committee audio tapes that we have on file were inventoried for tracking and much easier access (this involved several weeks of work to complete) Professional Development: I have continued to be very proactive in upgrading my skill base and have spent a considerable amount of personal time on this effort: • Was awarded the designation of "Master Municipal Clerk" in October of 2008, through the International Institute of Municipal Clerks (IIMC) and the Florida Association of City Clerks (FACC) • From last year through June of this year, I served as the Co -Chair of the Professional Education Committee for the Florida Association of City Clerks (FACC). [This Committee is probably our Association's most important Committee as we are responsible for providing top - quality classes for all of our 550+ members. Our Committee also works closely with the Florida Institute of Government] • From early July of this year, 1 began serving as a Member of the Professional Education Committee for the Florida Association of City Clerks (FACC). • Am assisting with the 3` Annual 2009 Jingle Bell 5K Run for BoysTown of Central Florida • ATTACHMENT «B„ CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES CITY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING - SEPTEMBER 28, 2009 PAGE 30 OF 32 MOTION TO "TAKE THEM DOWN." MOTION BY DEPUTY MAYOR KREBS. SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER BROWN. DISCUSSION. VOTE: DEPUTY MAYOR KREBS: AYE COMMISSIONER BONNER: AYE COMMISSIONER HOVEY: AYE COMMISSIONER BROWN: AYE MOTION CARRIED. REGULAR 603. Office Of The City Clerk Requests The City Commission Consider Requested Information Regarding The Performance Review For The City Clerk Which Is Due September 27, 2009 (For The Performance Period From September 28, 2008 — September 27, 2009). Discussion followed with the City Commission and City Clerk Lorenzo - Luaces on the different levels of noted "Goals" and related time lines. Mayor Bush suggested, "I would like to recommend that Andrea (Lorenzo - Luaces) work with the Manager on this." Mayor Bush said to the City Manager and the City Clerk, "Is there any reason the two (2) of you can't get together and see if - we can take resources that we already have to help accomplish - and I think what the Commission is also saying is you need to prioritize them and then - Kevin (Smith) can look at it and say I can't help you with this and he comes back to the Commission and he says, `We need some help on this'." Manager Smith stated, "There's no reason we can't do that." Mayor Bush said to City Clerk Lorenzo - Luaces, "Got a problem with that ?" City Clerk Lorenzo - Luaces stated, "No." Further discussion. Mayor Bush added, "Several suggestions have been made and you can come up with your own plan on how to proceed and bring it back to the Commission if you think it is necessary; and I would encourage the Commissioners to talk to Andrea (Lorenzo - Luaces) one -on -one on some of these things. It might be better than doing at a Regular Meeting actually." CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES CITY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING - SEPTEMBER 28, 2009 PAGE 31 OF 32 "I WOULD LIKE TO MAKE A MOTION THAT WE GIVE ANDREA (LORENZO - LUACES) A THREE PERCENT (3 %) RAISE." MOTION BY DEPUTY MAYOR KREBS. SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER BROWN. DISCUSSION. MAYOR BUSH ASKED, "EFFECTIVE WHEN ?" DEPUTY MAYOR KREBS STATED, "YESTERDAY." VOTE: COMMISSIONER BROWN: AYE COMMISSIONER HOVEY: AYE DEPUTY MAYOR KREBS: AYE COMMISSIONER BONNER: AYE MOTION CARRIED. City Clerk Lorenzo - Luaces said to the City Commission, "Thank you all very much." Discussion followed on Anniversary Dates. Commissioner Bonner remarked to City Clerk Lorenzo - Luaces, "Congratulations and now I look forward to that forthcoming Agenda Item where we decide how we are going to proceed with how we are going to proceed with reviewing these Goals so that we can be better educated and in a position to support you." REGULAR 604. Office Of The City Manager Requesting The City Commission To Consider The Mayor's Request To Grant An Additional Personal Day For Employees For Fiscal Year 2010. Much discussion followed on the productivity impact, staffing; payroll costs, and related economic issues. No action was taken. ATTACHMENT "C" CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA LEGAL REQUIREMENTS/DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE CITY CLERK The following Statutory requirements show what the City Clerk is responsible for pursuant to the Charter and Code of Ordinances for the City of Winter Springs, and Florida Statutes: CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA CHARTER/CODE OF ORDINANCES Part I CHARTER Section 4.10. City clerk. (a) ...The city clerk shall give notice of commission meetings to its members and the public, keep the journal of its proceedings and perform such other duties as are provided by this Charter, by the commission or by law. Part I CHARTER Section 4.13. Procedure. (a) Meetings. The commission shall meet regularly at least once every month at such times and places as the commission may prescribe by rule. Special meetings shall be held on the call of the mayor or three (3) or more members and whenever practicable, upon no less than twelve (12) hours' notice to each member. All meetings shall be public. (b) Rules and journal. The commission shall determine its own rules and order of business and shall provide for keeping a journal of its proceedings. This journal shall be a public record. Part I CHARTER Section 4.16. Authentication and recording; codification. The mayor and the city clerk shall authenticate by their signatures all ordinances and resolutions adopted by the city commission and the city clerk shall record in full in a properly indexed book kept for that purpose all such ordinances and resolutions. Chapter 2 ADMINISTRATION Sec. 2 -42. Appointments of boards and committees. (a) Purpose. The purpose of this section is to enhance the public's respect and confidence in the municipal services delegated to, and performed by, city boards and committees and to ensure that decisions of boards and committees are in the best interests of the city. The purpose of this section is also to establish uniform and consistent procedures and requirements for establishing and/or abolishing boards and committees, and appointing and removing members thereof, and for conducting board and committee business. Chapter 2 ADMINISTRATION Sec. 2 -81. Election supervisor. The city clerk is hereby designated the supervisor of elections for the city. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA LEGAL REQUIREMENTS/DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE CITY CLERK REVISED 02/22/10 PAGE 2 OF 10 Chapter 2 ADMINISTRATION Sec. 2 -87. Qualification of candidates. Each candidate seeking the office of city commissioner or mayor or any other elective office of the city shall file a petition signed by fifteen (15) registered voters of the city with the city clerk. Each candidate seeking the office of city commissioner or mayor of any other elective office of the city shall have resided in the city one (1) year prior to the time of qualifying. Each candidate seeking the office of city commissioner shall be a resident of a designated commission district as established by ordinance and shall have resided in the designated commission district six (6) months prior to the time of qualifying. Notwithstanding the above requirement, city commissioners shall run at large as commission candidates under district designation. All candidates for offices in municipal elections shall be registered and qualified electors of the city at the time of their qualifying as a candidate with the city clerk and shall file qualifying papers in accordance with state statutes and pay the qualifying fee and election assessment provided for in section 2 - 88. Such application shall be filed and the qualifying fee paid during regular business hours any time after 12:00 noon on the first filing date, which shall be seventy - one (71) calendar days prior to the municipal election, but not later than 12:00 noon on the sixty - seventh (67) calendar day prior to the municipal election. In the event, the first or last filing date falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday, then the subject filing date shall be rescheduled to the next regular business day. Chapter 2 ADMINISTRATION Sec. 2 -88. Qualifying fees. (a) All candidates for city commission and mayor, qualifying as provided in this Code, shall pay a qualifying fee of one hundred fifty dollars ($150.00). The qualifying fee and the election assessment shall be paid to the city clerk and be paid by the clerk into the general fund of the city. Within thirty (30) days after the close of qualifying, the city clerk shall forward the elections assessment to the Department of State. (b) Pursuant to F.S. § 99.093(2), candidates who are unable to pay the election assessment without imposing an undue burden on their personal resources or resources otherwise available to them shall upon written certification of such inability given under oath to the city clerk be exempted from paying the election assessment. Any candidate exempt from the election assessment shall also be exempt from the city's qualifying fee. Chapter 2 ADMINISTRATION Sec. 2 -95. Additional duties of city clerk. The city clerk is authorized and directed to have prepared such forms and perform such ministerial duties as are required by this article by necessary implication in order to accomplish the objectives of this article, and the intent of the city commission in adopting it. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA LEGAL REQUIREMENTS /DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE CITY CLERK REVISED 02/22/10 PAGE 3 OF 10 FLORIDA STATUTES Chapters 97 -107 ELECTORS AND ELECTIONS Chapter 119 PUBLIC RECORDS 119.01 General state policy on public records. (1) It is the policy of this state that all state, county, and municipal records are open for personal inspection and copying by any person. Providing access to public records is a duty of each agency. Chapter 119 PUBLIC RECORDS 119.07 Inspection and copying of records; photographing public records; fees; exemptions. (1)(a) Every person who has custody of a public record shall permit the record to be inspected and copied by any person desiring to do so, at any reasonable time, under reasonable conditions, and under supervision by the custodian of the public records. (b) A custodian of public records or a person having custody of public records may designate another officer or employee of the agency to permit the inspection and copying of public records, but must disclose the identity of the designee to the person requesting to inspect or copy public records. Chapter 257 PUBLIC LIBRARIES AND STATE ARCHIVES 257.36 Records and information management. (1) There is created within the Division of Library and Information Services of the Department of State a records and information management program. It is the duty and responsibility of the division to: (a) Establish and administer a records management program directed to the application of efficient and economical management methods relating to the creation, utilization, maintenance, retention, preservation, and disposal of records. (b) Establish and operate a records center or centers primarily for the storage, processing, servicing, and security of public records that must be retained for varying periods of time but need not be retained in an agency's office equipment or space. (c) Analyze, develop, establish, and coordinate standards, procedures, and techniques of recordmaking and recordkeeping. (d) Ensure the maintenance and security of records which are deemed appropriate for preservation. (e) Establish safeguards against unauthorized or unlawful removal or loss of records. (f) Initiate appropriate action to recover records removed unlawfully or without authorization. (g) Institute and maintain a training and information program in: 1. All phases of records and information management to bring approved and current practices, methods, procedures, and devices for the efficient and economical management of records to the attention of all agencies. 2. The requirements relating to access to public records under chapter 119. (h) Provide a centralized program of microfilming for the benefit of all agencies. (i) Make continuous surveys of recordkeeping operations. (j) Recommend improvements in current records management practices, including the use of space, equipment, supplies, and personnel in creating, maintaining, and servicing records. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA LEGAL REQUIREMENTS/DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE CITY CLERK REVISED 02/22/10 PAGE 4 OF 10 (k) Establish and maintain a program in cooperation with each agency for the selection and preservation of records considered essential to the operation of government and to the protection of the rights and privileges of citizens. Chapter 286 PUBLIC BUSINESS: MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS 286.011 Public meetings and records; public inspection; criminal and civil penalties. (1) All meetings of any board or commission of any state agency or authority or of any agency or authority of any county, municipal corporation, or political subdivision, except as otherwise provided in the Constitution, at which official acts are to be taken are declared to be public meetings open to the public at all times, and no resolution, rule, or formal action shall be considered binding except as taken or made at such meeting. The board or commission must provide reasonable notice of all such meetings. (2) The minutes of a meeting of any such board or commission of any such state agency or authority shall be promptly recorded, and such records shall be open to public inspection. The circuit courts of this state shall have jurisdiction to issue injunctions to enforce the purposes of this section upon application by any citizen of this state. *The above Statutory requirements are "translated" below in more specific terms as to what I (and my Staff) am responsible for completing on a daily /weekly /monthly /annual basis, as applicable. Many of the below Duties and Responsibilities are related to City Charter and/or City Ordinances and/or Florida Statutes mandated requirements: City Commission: The City Clerk is responsible for the compilation of each Meeting or Workshop Agenda, and all subsequent Amendments or Revisions. Additionally, the City Clerk is responsible for all administrative functions, including the following: 1. Keeps log of all Agenda Item requests; tracks all incoming Agenda Items; and puts final Agenda and Agenda Packets together for the City Manager which will then be distributed to the City Commission 2. Preparation for all City Commission Regular Meetings; Special Meetings; Attorney - Client Sessions; and Workshops 3. Set up for each City Commission Regular Meeting; Special Meeting; Attorney - Client Session; and Workshop 4. Attendance at all City Commission Meetings and Workshops, etc. 5. Teardown after City Commission Regular Meetings; Special Meetings; Attorney - Client Sessions; and Workshops 6. Drafts, proofs, and completes Official Minutes for Meetings and Workshops 7. Compiles all documents related to each Regular Meeting; Special Meeting; Attorney - Client Session; and Workshop 8. Completes and executes documents Approved at City Commission Regular and Special Meetings, including the verification of related dates, and forwards copies of executed documents to all necessary parties 9. Contacts City Commission Members regarding Quorum status; reminders of Meetings; t s changed or cancelled Meetings, attendance questions, and Agendas/Agenda Packe g g, q � CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA LEGAL REQUIREMENTS/DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE CITY CLERK REVISED 02/22/10 PAGE 5 OF 10 Assists City Commission: 1. Researches City Records 2. Notarizes documents 3. Attests /Seals documents 4. Writes Proclamations, as requested 5. Makes copies of Agreements /Contracts, documents, Meeting Tapes /CD's, etc. 6. Contacts other parties 7. Writes Agenda Items 8. Makes Travel Arrangements 9. Provides information to Members of the Commission which may be of interest to them Boards And Committees: The City Clerk is currently responsible for the administration of the following Boards and Committees: • Beatification of Winter Springs Board • Board of Adjustment • Board of Trustees • Code Enforcement Board • Districting Commission (Every 3 Years) • Oak Forest Wall and Beautification District Advisory Committee • Planning and Zoning Board/Local Planning Agency • Tuscawilla Lighting and Beautification District Advisory Committee • Winter Springs Ad Hoc Charter Review Committee • Other Boards /Committees as organized The City Clerk is responsible for all administrative functions for the above referenced Boards and Committees, including the following: 1. Keeps track of any Agenda Items; tracks any Agenda Items; and puts final Agenda and Agenda Packets together each of the Boards and Committees 2. Preparation of all Boards and Committees Regular Meetings; Special Meetings; and Workshops 3. Set up for each Board and Committee Regular Meeting; Special Meeting; and Workshop 4. Attendance at such Meetings and Workshops 5. Teardown after each Board and Committee Regular Meeting; Special Meeting; and Workshop 6. Corresponds with new Board/Committee Members 7. Writes and provides new Board/Committee Members with Orientation Handbooks 8. Drafts, Proofs, and completes Official Minutes for any Meetings and Workshops 9. Compiles all documents related to each Regular Meeting; Special Meeting; and Workshop 10. Contacts Board and Committee Members regarding Quorum status; reminders of Meetings; changed or cancelled Meetings, attendance questions, and Agendas /Agenda Packets 11. Assists with any project affiliated with any of the City's Boards and Committees 12. Tracks attendance of Board and Committee Members CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA LEGAL REQUIREMENTS/DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE CITY CLERK REVISED 02/22/10 PAGE 6 OF 10 Elections: 1. Reviews all Laws related to Elections 2. Complies with Florida Statutes and the City's Charter 3. For City /County Elections, the City Clerk is responsible for ensuring the integrity of every Election: • Coordinates Election Packets for Candidates • Handles Election related Advertisements • Reviews submitted Campaign Reports • Works with Seminole County Supervisor of Elections 4. Handles numerous preparations for a City "Stand - Alone" Elections (when applicable) 5. Assists other City Departments when "Straw Ballots" are held Ordinances/Resolutions: 1. Keeps Log of previous and current Ordinances 2. Keeps Log of previous and current Resolutions 3. Issues applicable identification numbers when applicable 4. Records Ordinances and Resolutions, as applicable 5. Forwards copies to other individuals/Departments as approved, for their files Code Of Ordinances: 1. Updates the Code of Ordinances with all pertinent documents 2. Distributes copies of particular sections of the Code Book, when other Departments advise citizens to contact us for this information 3. Keeps updated Supplements on the dais of the Code of Ordinances for the City Commission and Board and Committee Members 4. Certifies Sections of the Code of Ordinances for Court related proceedings Agreements /Contracts: 1. Tracks Agreements /Contracts 2. Maintains all Agreements /Contracts 3. Records applicable documents with such Agencies as: • Seminole County • Clerk of the Court • Secretary of State • Other Agencies, as applicable Public Records: 1. Coordinates and completes Public Records Requests, according to Florida Statutes and the City's Public Records Policy. This involves working with other Departments and often includes numerous follow -up contacts, verbal and written correspondence; and locating requested documents CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA LEGAL REQUIREMENTS/DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE CITY CLERK REVISED 02/22/10 PAGE 7 OF 10 2. Upon request, duplicates City documents held by the City Clerk which include: • Portions of the Code Book (including complete Code Books) • Contracts • Agendas • Agenda Packets • Minutes • Audio Tapes /CD's of Meetings 3. Provides for individuals to come in and review and/or research City Records. (When applicable, this can often involves hours out of our offices, as our Public Records Policy stipulates that such Consultations must be done in a City Conference Room) 4. Provides City information upon request to: • Other City Staff • Individuals • Attorneys • Other Agencies 5. Provides Certified copies of documents upon request to: • City Commission • City Attorney • Other Department Staff Members • Individuals • Attorneys • Other Agencies • Code Enforcement Bureau, Police Department 6. Records documents with Seminole County 7. Maintains Records of City Vehicle Titles 8. Maintains Performance Bonds and similar documents until needed 9. Maintains security for documents for many City Departments in our Records Vault. (When a Staff Member needs a document, we must assist them with access to the Records Vault and their secured documents) Records Management: 1. Serves the City as Records Management Liaison Officer (RMLO) 2. Adheres to all Policies and Procedures, as stipulated by Law, including referring to our City's Confidentiality List 3. Provides Training for all City Departments, and/or actually trains other City Departments 4. Assists with compliance by all Departments 5. Updates Confidentiality List 6. Serves as Liaison with State of Florida when required 7. Completes related correspondence 8. Completes City -Wide approved Dispositions 9. Meets with Requestors for review of documents Records Management Imaging Program: 1. Consults with Information Services Department Director on key issues /problems 2. Reviews Policies 3. Meets with other Departments as required CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA LEGAL REQUIREMENTS/DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE CITY CLERK REVISED 02/22/10 PAGE 8 OF 10 Assists City Manager: 1. Assists with any general requests 2. Provides any documents upon request 3. Attests /Seals documents 4. Notarizes documents 5. Writes Agenda Items as applicable 6. Coordinates the City Manager's Agenda for each Regular Meeting; Special Meeting; Attorney- Client Session; and Workshop (This would include any Amended Agendas) Assists City Attorney: 1. Provides City documents upon request 2. Provides Certified copies of documents 3. Researches City records for requested documents or specific subject matter Research: 1. Researches various information for: • Members of the City Commission • City Manager • City Attorney • Other Municipalities • Other Agencies Finance/Purchasing: 1. Reviews and prepares Annual Budget for three (3) Departments: • Office of the City Commission • Various Boards • Office of the City Clerk 2. Purchases items for Meetings; sends flowers /cards as applicable; and completes all related Purchase Orders 3. Completes Purchase Orders and related record keeping for three (3) Departmental Budgets: • Office of the City Commission (Which includes six (6) individuals) • Various Boards • Office of the City Clerk Bids/RFP's (Requests For Proposals): Bids: 1. Keeps original documentation for all Bids 2. Assists with individuals who wish to review submitted Bid Packages RFP's: (Requests for Proposals) 1. Keeps original documentation for all RFP's (Requests for Proposals) 2. Assists with individuals who wish to review submitted RFP's (Requests for Proposals) CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA LEGAL REQUIREMENTS/DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE CITY CLERK REVISED 02/22/10 PAGE 9 OF 10 Special Events: The City Clerk is responsible for all related responsibilities for any City Commission authorized Special Events such as: • Board/Committee Appreciation Events • Inauguration Ceremonies • Farewell Events • State of the City Addresses • Mayors and Managers Meetings (If the Office of the City Manager is not handling the function) • Tri- County League of Cities Luncheon Meetings • Joint Meetings with other Municipalities and/or Seminole County Some of the related tasks involve: • Designs/Mails Invitations • Designs/Prints Programs • Plans Menus • Researches, Designs and Orders Awards • Plans Seating Arrangements • Handles any changes as applicable • Works with Caterers for Special Events • Coordinates Events • Assists with writing of related correspondence for the Mayor and City Commission Other Departmental Tasks: 1. Maintains City Calendar 2. Trains /Cross- Trains Staff 3. Holds Meetings 4. Writes Agenda Items 5. Updates City Records such as Board Member Lists; Meeting Calendars; Checklists; Board Member Packets; etc. 6. Updates Homeowner's Association Master List 7. Correspondence 8. Attends City Manager's Staff Meetings 9. Distributes mail to all Departments when applicable 10. Meters City mail when applicable 11. Copies mail sent to one Member of the City Commission, that needs to be "Copied" to other parties 12. Assists with City related Notary Services 13. Assists with "Special Projects" CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA LEGAL REQUIREMENTS/DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE CITY CLERK REVISED 02/22/10 PAGE 10 OF 10 Professional Skills: In addition to all of the above responsibilities and duties, the City Clerk should: • Keep up to date through the review of changes in Laws • Keep up to date through the review of Trade Journals/Publications • Maintain Professional Certifications • Attend Seminars /Conferences to upgrade expertise, and to learn new information *Please note that this document is not a complete list of all of the Statutory Requirements/Duties and Responsibilities of the City Clerk. Revised 04 /06/10 ATTACHMENT "D" City Clerk Andrea Lorenzo - Luaces Revised* Goals /Outcomes April 12, 2010 - City Commission Regular Agenda Item "604" Attachment "D" A. Manadatory "Legal Requirements/Duties & Responsibilities" Outcomes Comments Ensure that daily responsibilities are carried out in compliance with applicable Laws; including at a minimum, most actions noted on the attached document entitled "Duties And Responsibilities" B. Short - Term Goals - for current/upcoming performance period ending September 27, 2010: 75% Completed (with 1 ) Update on LaserFiche titles of Office of the City Clerk documents so it assistance of Work -Study Remainder to be completed with potential use is easier to tell what these documents are Student) of Intern 0% Completed (for this 2) Update Office of the City Clerk's Departmental Reference Manual Current Year) Potential use of Intern 3) Have City Attorney's Office Review Department Job Descriptions 0% Completed Working with City Attorney 4) Provide Records Management Update for Office of the City Clerk Staff 0% Completed Anticipated Completion by April 30, 2010 Procured State of Florida to provide this 5) Provide Records Management Training Update for City Staff 0% Completed required Training at no cost 6a) City Clerk Review of New Election 2010 Laws and Related Election- Review underway - anticipate Transmittal to related Documents (including Qualifying documents) 0% Completed City Attorney by end of May Anticipate Transmittal to City Attorney in June 6b) City Attorney's Office Review of City Clerk Review of Election 2010 for his review, so it can then be provided to the Election - related Documents (including Qualifying documents) 0% Completed City Commission in July for their review C. Goals From Prior Performance Periods And Some New Goals For This Revised Document (Undertermined Amount of Time To Complete): 7) Hold Strategic Planning Session and review related Goals/ Objectives for Office of the City Clerk 0% Completed 8 ) Revise City Commission Policies and Procedures Booklets for all Dais Seats 0% Completed 9) Complete a timeline as to which tasks need to be completed based upon typical due dates 20% Completed 10) Update City Commission Directives Master Log with input from City New log as of 1/12/2009 - Staff 70% Completed New log as of 1/12/2009 - 11) Update Agreements /Contracts Master List with input from City Staff 50% Completed 12) Revise Advisory Board and Committee Orientation Book 0% Completed 13) Review documents from previous Elections and handle accordingly 0% Completed 14) Continue development of Records Disaster Plan for City Records 0% Completed Remainder to be completed with potential use 15) Update Log/Spreadsheet of Bids/RFP's and related information 65% Completed of Intern 16) Continue Departmental Policies and Procedures Manual related to Office of the City Clerk duties 20% Completed 17) Complete Performance Standards for Department Staff 30% Completed 18) Review all boxes of documents in the main Storage Room 20% Completed 19) Review all boxes /file cabinets of documents in the Records Vault 20% Completed 20) Research history of City Commission Members and Board and Committee Members 0% Completed *Revised 04/06/2010