HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975 05 02
May 2, 1975
Honorable Mayor and City Council
City of Winter Springs
Dear Hayor Piland and Council:
At. the Council's request, the Planning & Zonin,r' Board at a specie.1 meetinR:
on May 1 began its review of the proposed Official Zonin~ Map of the city,
prepared by the Seminole County Planning De!)artment..
After com:idering comments by representaJives of the County Ple.nninp; De-
partment and Florida Land Company, the Board identified 11L nieces of pro-
perty about which t.here is conflict.ing information in terms of its annex-
at.ion or its current z,oning classification.
A question of annexation exists on the following:
1) Lot #123 (Ordinance #1).
2) The location of the city limits relative to the western border of Lot
3) Lots #12, #17, and #18 of Oak Grove Park (Ordinance #63).
h.) The Railroad A venue property in Gardena Farms (Ordinance #64 and the
original Charter).
5) A tract l:,ring south of Lombardy, east of David Street., and north of
6) Lot #7, Block liB" of Johnson's Poultry Farm (Ordinance #104).
7) The south portion of Sunset Drive and the adjacent area of Tract "A,"
Section #3, of North Orlando Ranches due east of Sunset Drive.
8) The portion of Lot #57, Block "D" of D.R. l1itchell's Survey lyin,,:
north of 5-434.
A question of current zoning 'lassification exists on the folloi'linr;:
9) Lots #1-5 and #16-20, Block #7, and Lots #1-12, Block #8 of North
Orlando Terrace, 2nd Edition (P~at Book #12, np. 55-57).
10) Lots #1.:., #5, #18, and t,t19, Block #9 of North Orlando Terrace, 2nd
Edition (Plat Book #12, pp. 55-57).
11) Lots #3, #4, and #5, Block #29 of North Orlando Ranches, 8th F.dition.
12) Lots #33, #31..., and #35 of Entzmin~er Farms.
13) A trianGUlar lot'south of Oviedo Farms and north of 5-1.:.19.
14) An 11.3-acre tract east of Moss Road which includes the old
treatment plant.
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Mayor and City Council
May 2, 1975
.lge 2
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The Planning & Zoning Board, being of the opinion that these ll. question-
able areas must be clarified by legal research, respectfully requests that
the City Council authorize the city attorney to conduct such research and
to report, as soon as possible, his findings and opinions to the Planning
& Zoning Board.
Appropriate changes will be made, based on this research, in the proposed
Official Zoning }'[ap, and the amended version then ,-rill be recommended by
the Planning & Zoning Board for adoption by the Council.
Because the tract mentioned in No. 14 - 11.3 acres eaEt of Hoss Road -
is the subject of a request for rezoning by Florida Land CompPJ1v, and
because the Public Hearinp, on this request has been continued twice, we
further request that the city attorney conduct his research on No. 14
first and report his opinion to the P&Z Board on that item separate from
the other 13 listed above.
It is our hope that this research can be done and the opinion presented
to the Board prior to the next P&Z Board meeting on }'[ay S, at \vhich time
the Public Hearing on this tract will appear on the agenda for the third
The Planning & Zoning Board, in the interest of time, is prepared to hold
a special meeting as soon as the city attorney completes his research on
items No.1 through No. 13.
If there are questions concerning this letter or the course of action we
have outlined, please feel free to call on me or any member of the Board.
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Erne~t Hendrix, Ch2iiman
Plannin~ & Zoning Board
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