HomeMy WebLinkAbout1972 03 02 Planning and Zoning Board Regular Minutes
~~arch 2, 1972
Meeting of the Planning and Zoning Board was cal led to order at 8 P.M.
by Chrm. Palmer with five (5) members present. Mr. Ferguson absent.
Pledge of Allegiance led by Frank Sutera.
Minutes of the Feb. 24,1972 approved as read.
I. Western Land Planning Company requested C-2 Zoning be changed to PUD
on 185 acres of property located South of SR 434 between Moss Road and
Hayes Road.
A letter from Cliff Jordan advised he owned the property but had no
objection to the zone change upon completion of sale of this property
on Apri I 7,1972.
~otion by Frank Sutera, 2nd Scott Schaffer, that the Board approve the
zoning change from C-2 to PUD on the 185 acres of land located South
of SR434 between Moss Road and Hayes Road.
'10tion approved unanimous.
2. L1r. Ringbloom of Hacienda Vi Ilaqe requested information If variance was
necessary to have the mobile home sales office located in the mobi Ie home
park instead of location previously submitted.
Motion by Frank Sutera, 2nd Scott Schaffer, that upon
request~f6r variance of the Mobile homes sales office
Vi I lage, said letter of request to be referred to the
Motion approved unanimous.
receipf-ql a letter of
location~rom Hacienda
Board of Adjustment.
3. Hacienda Vi I lage Phase 11
Motion by Frank Sutera, 2nd Etta Harvi I Ie, that Hacienda VI I lage Phass I I
prel iminary plans be accepted as submitted.
Motion approved unanimous.
4. North Orlando Terrace Lighting Unit I.
~~otion by Frank Sutera,2nd Scott Schaffer, that the North Orlando Terrace
Lighting Unit I plan be accepted as submitted with the Zoning Board revisions
~10t i on approved unan i mouS.
Motion Scott Schaffer, 2nd Etta Harvi I Ie, meetinp adjounned at 9:45 p.m.,next
meeting f.1arch ~, 1972.
Respectively submitted: