HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969 10 13 Recommendations to Village Council (2) e e ", //:::>/,.? ;)/ -),.' ~ , .. V.JtLAGI: QF NORTI-I ORLANDO; FLORIDA e TELEPHONE: 822-8133 <" ./ NORTH OItLANOO, FLORIDA ZIP CODE 32707 '< ,s:;' Planning and Zoning Board Village of North Orlando North Orlando, Fla. Sere #003/31069 Village Council Village of Worth Orlando North Orlando, Fla. Subject: Changes and or corrections to Subdivision Ord. 49 Purpose of subdivision Ord. Gentlemen: e In conjunction with good Zoning,. Subdivision, Regulations provides the community with one of it. most effective methods for developing an appropriate pattern of land uses. !he ability to regulate the development of previously undeveloped land, gives a opportune occasio~ to meaningtully guide and control its development., The subdivision of land is the initial step in the development of a community, therefore it is of paramount importance for this community, to develop and use strong, comprehensive and creative subdivision regulations.. Much of an areas appearance, character, and quality result from the land development practices utilized. The quality of residential development in the communities of Central Florida will ;hate a long term effect upon the environment, and upon the citizens of North Orlando present and tuture. It is this reason gentlemen, that the Planning and Zoning Board has made the following changes and or corrections to subdivision Ord. 49, and submitted for your approval and future of North Orlando. The plats submitted by Gulf American Corp. are sub-standard, and are not in the best interest of North Orlando and its citizens. Corrections and or changes attached as p..ges two, three and tour. copies to j file ea. councilman (5) Att. Village Clerk Gulf !mer. Corp. pres. if requested ~/ P!J'F~/r- ~., Keney Chairman Planning and Zoning Board North Orlando, Fla. e ~ e TELEPHONE: 322~8133 e e e e r VflLA61: QF NORTI-J ORLANDO;' FLORIDA PAGE TWO Ser.#OO~/~I069 NORTH ORLANDO, FLORIDA ZIP CoDE 32707 ~L~E~ Page 9 Parag. (c) Public sites and open spaces Add the following as parag (C) Public sites and open spaces The subdividershUI confer with the Planiling and Zoning board in regard to sites for 8chools,parkl,playgroun~s,and other common areas for public use. an area equal to five percent (5%) of the gross area shall be dedicated by the owner to the Village for park and recreational purpose8~a. an alternative to such dedication, particularly when the land to be Sub-divided is too small for a park or recreation area, At hi. option the owner shall pay t$ the Village a sum of money equal to five (5%) percent of the value of the gross ~' area,whidh shall be held in escrow by the Village for the :.~ . purpose of acquiring and developing parks and recreation areas and for no other pur,po.e~,The aforementioned value shall be the value ot the land to be developed without improvement. and shall be determined jointly the Village Eng. and the owner and approved by the Village Council.ALL LAm> DEDICATED FOR PUBLIC usm SHALl, BE HIGH AND tlRY AND SUITABLE FOR THIS PURPOSE, EXCEPT AREAS THAT...1RBr'~DTUBAL OR "d.fAN; MADE LAKES. PAGE 10 PARAG. 2 .DELETE Paving width without curbs 24 24 20 E;r;;eO bo # e TELEPHONE: 322-8133 e e --,- e e VILLAGI: q,F NORTH ORLANDO;" FLORIDA Page three Ser,#003/3l069 NORTH ORLA.'IlDO, FLORIDA ZIP CoDE 32707 Page 10 parag.. 2 Add as parage 2 (c) All .treet. leading to' or within a SubdiThion boundaries Iu.ll 1:Ie PAVED. ADD; lage 13 Parag. lA All utility SerTice. .hall be installed underground,inc1uding electric power, telephone and community antenna televi.ion .ervice.Both main transmi..ion line. and individual .ervice connection, lines to buildingI'! shall be installed underground~ ADD; Page 13 Parag.2A REF. ORD.'5 No' open drainage ditches .hall be allowed within any 8ubdividon boundarie..Storm sewers .hall be covered and open ditche. permitted acro.. undev10ped land only al'! an outlet int~ an e.tablilhed ",rater course. When ever any outlet diteh palle. within 100 teet of any horae, the area 01' dt1t..clu .hall be t'eneed~ Page 14 parage 1 Section IV De1ele limr four.....All plane for such------eommeneement ot con.truction. ADD a. line four. All plan. for .ueh improvement shall prepared by sueh engineer and submitted to the Village along with the plat. and bonds to) allow joiat revie. and approTal prior to eommencement of con.truction. ~z three ," ,. e TELEPHONE: 322-8133 e e -,-- - e - VILLA~I: QF NORT~ ORLANDO;;' FLORIDA Page four Ser.#QO,/;1069 Page 15 parag.2 Delete tir..t sentence.. ADD; A properly prepared subgrade and an approved road ba.e and wearing .urtace with ,'MIAMI TYP!~2 CURBS AND GUTTERS .hall be provided for all paved streets. Page 15,16 parag.2 Deate (a) and (b) of par.g. 2 page 16 listed under NOT PAVED STREETS. End ot page tour ~~ PS ThenChanges and or correction. ihould made to Ord. 49 before any Plat. are approved under thia Ord. NORTH ORLANDO, FLORIDA ZIP CODE 32707