HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969 10 13 Recommendations to Village Council e e e I '.V" e . . OOSCIUPTIOK OF SEVERAL r l TYPES OF DRAINAaE SYSTBHS , 1. Paved .'tree'ts with curbs andgu'tters ... drainage tollows guttllr ~or d18,taace, .. o~, sev,era1 hundJ:ed., tee't t,o $I, a1 1, OOIh., 't--, ','t1', ,'to an, ;) :inlet .... iteDt.rs a. bUried pipe and througb/Aitltidivston in pipe to a sAti$~&Ctory outlet sucb as a natual.tr.... ,or ~,,"'(;:lbey, extat within tbet subdivision; 01' u. pipe to -the ed~c>:t'tbe $u1)division areaU no satu1'ac'tory, outlet uta... witblh 'the 8ub4ivuion area.., "rea the edge ot tbe subdiv18ion area tbe outlet draJ.nage 18 r4't.en allowed to be Qart:ted in open ditcbing across undeveloped land to a satut.t.ctory out.. let. Suesv.t.. as deacru.d above witb ,paved atreetl,.curb ~ 9Ut'tU. ,inlets and closed pipe ayateIll to a poln"l lb tbe pipe system,,' wber,.' the pipe outl, at becO, _,a quit,. .,'bi" IJ at W, b,lCb, poh't 1'ur'tber piping is not rec.pd.red and tbe drd.fta,gecan be carried ,Ion', :fenced "seeded, open ditch with l'igh'tof way, wide enougb to pcld.n lDAintenAnCe. , Increased building set, baclal u.' sometime required tromthe.emajor outlet ditcb.s. tb.u aya'tell resulta:l.n baving 80M l1Iajor ,open drainage d:i.'tc~ O\I.tl"8 vd:tbin or adjacent to tbe $ub41vision wben tbe pipe sbegets 'to SQIlG a~bltxa.ry point or pipe s1ae beyond whicb piping!. not believed to bel.. reasonable requuement. PaWd stree'ta in wider r1gbt.ot way than when ct.U:'bs are used with shallOW swales along the $'treets. Tbe swal..'ar. quite .r.allOtt., witb tlat sideslopGs and easilYlIOwable. Dxiv.....y. uea180 depressed or .AIM shape as tbe swales 80 thatdr'ive... .,wayCUlvorts are not required.. The swales are, grassed and are allowable only when tbe slopes ox<'velocityot .tll., :flow will not caus. .X'0810n. The ru.noJft travels a certa!n<U.etance establiahed by tbec~ity ot,tbe $wale to ln1e'ts.. and into a,closGdpipe uainASJe .)tat_ as describ4lld in 1. above" 4. Paved 8tr.t8 with sba110w .ale drainage aa de$CX'J..fJ84 in 3 above bUt vd:th -:Jor dxa1nage ditcb outlElt.8 allowed undltr ))reaeribed cond:l:tions U pipes become quit. large as was -,l'ibedt.U:lder 3 above. 2. 3. T~. are other aystems wbicb 91111 not be descr~because they are believed to be higbly undesirable. Tbexeue alaoall sort a of combina.'tiona ,and varia'tions on tbe above deacr1'bed general dra.inage .)tate..' '