HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969 04 04 Recommendations to Village Council ~"'.)\'m?.:i!...._,,,:,,.,...,,~,.:t~~..-; // . e ,....,;- ~".,-"'.~.,..~".'^.c " '..i!,t'~_::;"'4.lr; =- "'~:_", ~~'~"'_"I""'-"T'.. .__~~~'.I;':'::':--'-:,;' ~.- ""PCI:--,c':"-T':C~'_""'i'~_ if ;/1 J 1 I I? i e e aeco..endation. Apr. 4, 1969 Fro. I Pl..nla. aad Zoalnl Co..l..10a Villa,. ot North Orlando, North Orlando, Florlda. To . Vl11a.. Couaol1 Villa.. ot North Orlando, North Orlaado. Florida. The Plannlnl aad Zonlnl Board r.oo...nd. to the Vl11ale Counol1 that the tollowlnl ohan.e. b. aade to Ord.44. Vl11a,_ ot North Orlando. PAGE 18. SBCl'IPN 44-25. Oalt ..terlk prlor to the word R-I. Chan.. 6600 .q.tt. to 6000 sq.t,. on sa.e 11ne as R-I. PAGE 20.. SECl'ION 44-27. Add PARA. B. as tol10ws; KIN.LOT DEPTH. The aln. lot depth shall not be les. than one hundr.d t.et ( 100 ) tor any R-I 81n.le Faal1y a..ldentlal lots and no 81nll. F.al1y Dw.ll1DI shall b. oonstructed on any lot. ha.lnl a depth of less than one hundred te.t ( 100 ) 1n ft-I sonlDI dlstrlct. PAGE 26. SECl'ION 44-41. Chan.. slxty-slx hundred sq.tt. to 6000 sq.f.. Respeotfully. . C.E.KBLLBY Zoninl Board Chalrman.