HomeMy WebLinkAbout1967 08 01 Annual Report e . rr( .~ ,J, 2...; '" J e Village OouncU Village of North ~lando , Worth Orlando, Florida A~st 1,1.967 lu.bjeot ~ mtJAL mORT,Or THlaOJING JK)Dl) FOR 1967 Gentl~; " ., " The Piahn1nc and Zonfna Board has'f1&d an act1Y. yearwitb ..eting...eaoh 'month .arid twospec1al..ss1on""ere.~.ssary, '::,> -~ .'.' ", .'.' ,'-','; '_" .' .' .,:.' .' ._' .~,'t1"> 'I:", Moat'or these meetings.' v.redevotecl toJ>1ann1i1&<anct,.~a~in& of "cOlllprehen81Ye~ew Zonilla lrG1nence for the Vll1..... e . ~ , This 20ning CC)de 'staned with over 50 pages and. bas be_ changed an4., reduGtd toaDeut 2S pal~S Of'1"'P1~iiOn.. wIltt?l1 etirectilt appll ~otf.4ia 9il }~..A9~2Z9n1na!.~()t'JJ.&ht ,'i' Indu8t~i~ ,plants was dratt,ed andadd.d to the Cod..:~b.is . .' ,', -;<' ;":',", :.. .. . .' ',. :..'.1,',' ""'" _' " .:.......' .'.':, :....,.'" _.'-' 7.~. A Gel1eral Wuesenc~i,e1.U." was discussed .and. ,ddecl / ".':''':':':,:''" ::,' -,,', .' :""'> .' " .'.' ':. .' ""'~:: ",." aS8Jl... ()th.r.... A.rticl.'tcr~Wo.' \~ efteCt~:yert..sof th~ .' ", ,-' ~,J'" " , ,,;' '-,",' ' ".' . . c04e. 'Th.entire Code was approved' for Leg&l1t.l b)' the V1l1ae"~ at.t-orn81.Pub1..i~"'JJ.e~r1nls baye'been set"'~pl>!or' ":" "\"_:0/'''-" ,", - ',~,!," "~' '~,iF:' " .:''"~". discuasi,on 'of ~he Code with t.heCitizens, with hope.,ot . adopting it '1nth~ J\1.c.J.>,~ ~'.7~~~.,,'l'h...__'~ . . . . '.. ..' ..'>l(,;.,,,',,,~ '-i" .' '.. .'(. ....... .... ]': : feels that the extended.tia, .'speftt'ont'h!s Ofd1nence wi]). elim1nat. many future proble.. and add.'t.o the growth anei .value of our Village. .