HomeMy WebLinkAbout2010 03 08 Informational 102 Informing City Commission receipt of a 20 Year Consumptive Use Permit (CUP) from SJWMD COMMISSION AGENDA
March 8, 2010 MGR /DEPT %/
Meeting Authorization
REQUEST: Utility Department Informing the City Commission of the receipt of a 20
Year Consumptive Use Permit (CUP) from the St. Johns River Water
Management District.
SYNOPSIS: The purpose of this agenda item is to inform the City Commission of the issuance
to the City of a 20 Year CUP for Ground Water Withdrawals for Potable Water
Usage and to provide an overview of the parameters and permit conditions
included therein.
The St. Johns River Water Management District issues permits known as
Consumptive Use Permits (CUP) for the withdrawal of groundwater. The City's previous
CUP expired in October 2006 and staff began the renewal process in 2006. The City
received the CUP in January. The primary areas of debate the past three years were
growth projections which directly correlated to the groundwater allocations.
It is has been well publicized that the District's position is that in the year 2013
the withdrawals from the Floridan aquifer needed to be capped to avoid detrimental
impacts. Although the growth projections that were used to develop this threshold have
not materialized, the 2013 ceiling for groundwater withdrawals remains the same. The
table and graph depict the City's groundwater withdrawal allocations over the next 20
years. Note the gradual increase to 2013 and then the subsequent reductions.
The City will be able to meet these reductions and still have sufficient capacity for
growth by expanding the reclaimed water system to replace potable water irrigation with
reclaimed water. Those improvements are covered under a separate 20 year CUP issued
Informational Agenda Item 102
March 8, 2010
Page 2
in 2007 which ultimately allows for the withdrawal of up to 2.2 million gallons per day
from Lake Jesup for irrigation.
Key permit conditions include;
• #19 - Limits on the amount of reclaimed water which can be used for irrigation.
(Legislation is currently proposed which limits the Districts authority over reclaimed
• #23 — Required to adopt a landscape irrigation ordinance (underway)
• #25 — Construct 3 new 400' monitoring wells for chloride monitoring (Central Winds
Park, SR 417, and Northern Way)
• #29 — Monitor three wetlands sites (near Baywood Ave in Longwood, Sunshine Park,
and west of Sybilwood Circle)
• #13 — Expires January 12, 2030.
Approximately $35,000 was spent acquiring this permit primarily for groundwater
modeling by hydrogeologists and wetlands delineations. The extensive well and wetland
monitoring requirements will cost an estimated $60,000 to $75,000 to establish. The annual cost
is being reviewed to determine how much can be performed with staff.
Staff is investigating providing annual individual usage information on the water
bills to assist residents in monitoring their water usage.
For information purposes only.
1. CUP Graph and Table
2. CUP #8238
Informational Agenda Item 102
March 8, 2010
ar ,
Page 3
City of Winter Springs
Annual Potable Water Use ■ CUP Permitted Capacity- (Million
1,600.00 [t
° 1,000.00
0 600.00 d ,
200.00 — 1 —
t I i t
ce e 01` O~ O \-) Oft e Orb O <^ o e e 61> 6c, 'b e
Year '10
CUP Permitted Capacity
Year (Million Gallons)
2009 1,616.30
2010 1,649.80
2011 1,689.95
2012 1,693.60
2013 1,715.50
2014 1,671.70
2015 1,664.40
2016 1,657.10
2017 1,627.90
2018 1,595.05
2019 1,562.20
2020 1,518.40
2021 1,514.75
2022 1,514.75
2023 -2029 1,511.10
NB Yi, V •
S t. Johns River
\J Water Management District
91v4o.p.• '. Kirby B. Green III, Executive Director • David W. Fisk. Assistant `Executive Director
4049 Reid Street • P.O. Box 1429 • Palatka. FL 32178 -1429 • (386) 329 -4500
On the Internet at wwwsjrwmd.com.
January 25, 2010
City of Winter Springs
CIO Kipton Lockcuff
1126 E State Road 434
Winter Springs, FL 32708
SUBJECT: Consumptive Use Permit Number 8238
City of Winter Springs
Dear Sir /Madam:
Enclosed is your permit as authorized by the Executive Director of St. Johns River Water
Management District on January 25, 2010.
Please be advised that the period of time within which a third party may request an
administrative hearing on this permit may not have expired by the date of issuance. A potential
petitioner has twenty -six (26) days from the date on which the actual notice is deposited in the
mail, or twenty -one (21) days from publication of this notice when actual notice is not provided,
within which to file a petition for an administrative hearing pursuant to Sections 120.569 and
120.57, Florida Statutes. Receipt of such a petition by the District may result in this permit
becoming null and void.
Permit issuance does not relieve ou from the responsibility of obtaining permits from any
P tY 9 P Y
federal, state and /or local agencies asserting concurrent jurisdiction over this work.
The enclosed permit is a legal document and should be kept with your other important records.
Please read the permit and conditions carefully since the referenced conditions may require
submittal of additional information. All information submitted as compliance with permit
conditions must be submitted to the nearest District Service Center and should include the
above referenced permit number.
Robert Presley, Director
Division of Regulatory Information Management
Enclosures: Permit, Conditions for Issuance, Compliance Forms, Map, Well Tags
cc: District Permit File
Agent: City of Winter Springs
C/O Kipton Lockcuff •
1126 E State Road 434
Winter Springs, FL 32708
Susan N. Hughes, CHAIRMAN W. Leonard Wood, VICE CHAIRMAN Hersey "Herky" Huffman, SECRETARY Hans G. Tanzler III, TREASURER
Douglas C. Boumique Michael Ertel Maryam H. Ghyabi Richard G. Hamann Arlen N. Jumper
PERMIT NO. 8238 DATE ISSUED: January 25, 2010
PROJECT NAME: City of Winter Springs
The District authorizes, as limited by the attached permit conditions, 4.70 million gallons per day
(mgd)(annual average) of groundwater for household, urban landscape,
commercial /industrial, water utility, and unaccounted -for types of use and 1.35 mgd (annual
average) of surface water /reclaimed water for urban landscape irrigation to serve a projected
population of 39,097 in 2013 and 4.14 mgd (annual average) of groundwater for household,
urban landscape, commercial /industrial, water utility, and unaccounted -for types of use and 2.73
mgd (annual average) of surface water /reclaimed water for urban landscape irrigation to serve a
projected population of 44,962 in 2029.
Site: WTP 1
Seminole County
Site: WTP 2
Seminole County
Site: WTP 3
Seminole County
Sections: 38 Townships: 20 South Ranges: 30 East
37 21 South 30 East
9 21 South 31 East
City of Winter Springs
1126 E State Road 434
Winter Springs, FL 32708
Pemiittee agrees to hold and save the St. Johns River Water Management District and its
successors harmless from any and all damages, claims, or liabilities, which may arise from
permit issuance. Said application, including all maps and specifications attached thereto, is by
reference made a part hereof.
This permit does not convey to permittee any property rights nor any rights or privileges other
than those specified herein, nor relieve the permittee from complying with any law, regulation or
requirement affecting the rights of other bodies or agencies. All structures and works installed
by permittee hereunder shall remain the property of the permittee.
This permit may be revoked, modified or transferred at any time pursuant to the appropriate
provisions of Chapter 373, Florida Statutes and 40C-1, Florida Administrative Code.
See conditions on attached "Exhibit A ", dated January 25, 2010
AUTHORIZED BY: St. Johns River Water Management District
Department of Resource Management
By: /L. By: -
7111Harold A. Wilk: • 111 Kirby . een, III
Director Executive Director
1. District authorized staff, upon proper identification, will have permission to enter, inspect,
and observe permitted and related facilities in order to determine compliance with the
approved plans, specifications, and conditions of this permit.
2. Nothing in this permit should be construed to limit the authority of the St. Johns River
Water Management District to declare a water shortage and issue orders pursuant to
Section 373.175, Florida Statutes, or to formulate a plan for implementation during
periods of water shortage, pursuant to Section 373.246, Florida Statutes. In the event a
water shortage is declared by the District Goveming Board, the permittee must adhere to
the water shortage restrictions as specified by the District, even though the specified
water shortage restrictions may be inconsistent with the terms and conditions of this
3. Prior to the construction, modification, or abandonment of a well, the permittee must
obtain a Water Well Construction Permit from the St. Johns River Water Management
District, or the appropriate local government pursuant to Chapter 40C -3, Florida
Administrative Code. Construction, modification, or abandonment of a well will require
modification of the consumptive use permit when such construction, modification, or
abandonment is other than that specified and described on the consumptive use permit
application form.
4. Leaking or inoperative well casings, valves, or controls must be repaired or replaced as
required to eliminate the leak or make the system fully operational.
5. The permittee's consumptive use shall not adversely impact wetlands, lakes, and spring
flows or contribute to a violation of minimum flows and levels adopted in Chapter 40C -8,
F.A.C., except as authorized by a SJRWMD- approved minimum flow or level (MFL)
recovery strategy. If unanticipated significant adverse impacts occur, the SJRWMD shall
revoke the permit in whole or in part to curtail or abate the adverse impacts, unless the
impacts are mitigated by the permittee pursuant to a District - approved plan.
6. Off-site land uses existing at the time of permit application may not be significantly
adversely impacted as a result of the consumptive use. If unanticipated significant
adverse impacts occur, the District shall revoke the permit in whole or in part to curtail or
abate the adverse impacts, unless the impacts can be mitigated by the permittee.
7. The District must be notified, in writing, within 30 days of any sale, conveyance, or other
transfer of a well or facility from which the permitted consumptive use is made or with in
30 days of any transfer of ownership or control of the real property at which the
permitted consumptive use is located. All transfers of ownership or transfers of permits
are subject to the provisions of section 40C- 1.612.
8. A District issued identification tag shall be prominently displayed at each withdrawal site
by permanently affixing such tag to the pump, headgate, valve, or other withdrawal
facility as provided by Section 40C- 2.401, Florida Administrative Code. Permittee shall
notify the District in the event that a replacement tag is needed.
9. The permittee's use of water as authorized by this permit shall not cause an interference
with an existing legal use of water as defined in District rules. If interference occurs, the
District may revoke the permit in whole or in part to abate the adverse impact unless
otherwise mitigated by the permittee. In those cases where other permit holders are
identified by the District as also contributing to the interference, the permittee may
choose to mitigate in a cooperative effort with these other permittees. The permittee
shall submit a mitigation plan to the District, and obtain District approval, prior to
implementing any mitigation.
10. If, in any year, the actual volume of water withdrawn by the permittee equals 95 percent
or more of the amount of water allocated for use by this permit, then the permittee shall
submit a report to the District that explains why the withdrawal of water by the permittee
equals 95 percent or more of the amount allocated for in this permit. The report shall
evaluate the effect of the following on the volume of water withdrawn by the permittee:
A) Climatic shortfalls (drought);
B) Greater than anticipated growth in the permittee's service area;
C) Inefficient usage within the service area
D) Other factors that account for the withdrawal volume equaling 95 percent or more of
the allocation.
The report must include a breakdown of the population currently being served by the
permittee, an updated projection of anticipated population that will be served for the
following year, an evaluation as to whether the permittee anticipates whether it will be
able to meet the water needs of the revised projected population without violating the
allocations set forth in this permit, and a corrective action plan setting actions that the
permittee intends to take if the evaluation indicates that allocations will be exceeded
during the following year. The report must be submitted to the District by February 28
of the year following the year during which the permittee experienced withdrawals of
water that equals 95 percent or more of the amount of water allocated for use by this
11. If the permittee does not serve a new projected demand located within the service area
upon which the annual allocation was calculated, the annual allocation will be subject to
modification by the District.
12. All submittals made to demonstrate compliance with this permit must include the CUP
number 8238 plainly labeled.
13. This permit shall expire January 12, 2030.
14. The permittee must monitor all water from each production well using a totalizing
flowmeter. These meters must maintain 95% accuracy, be verifiable and be installed
according to the manufacturer's specifications.
15. Total withdrawal from each well, as listed on the application, must be recorded
continuously, totaled monthly, and reported to the District at least every six months using
District Form No. EN -50. The reporting dates each year after that date will be as follows:
Reporting Period Report Due Date
January - June July 31
July - December January 31
16. The Permittee must maintain all meters. In case of failure or breakdown of any meter,
the District must be notified in writing within 5 days of its discovery. A defective meter
must be repaired or replaced within 30 days of its discovery.
17. The permittee must have all flow meters checked for accuracy at least once every 3
years within 30 days of the anniversary date of permit issuance, and recalibrated if the
difference between the actual flow and the meter reading is greater than 5 %. District
Form No. EN -51 must be submitted to the District within 10 days of the
inspection /calibration.
18. The maximum annual groundwater withdrawals from wells 1 -East (GRS ID 15327), 2-
East (GRS ID 15328), 3 -East (GRS ID 15329), 4 -East (GRS ID 15330), 3 -West (GRS ID
15324), 6 -West (GRS ID 15326), 4 -West (GRS ID 15323) and 5 -West (GRS ID 15325)
for household, urban landscape irrigation, commercial /industrial, unaccounted for, and
water utility types must not exceed:
1,613.30 million gallons (4.42 mgd average) in 2009
1,649.80 million gallons (4.52 mgd average) in 2010
1,689.95 million gallons (4.63 mgd average) in 2011
1,693.60 million gallons (4.64 mgd average) in 2012
1,715.50 million gallons (4.70 mgd average) in 2013
1,671.70 million gallons (4.58 mgd average) in 2014
1,664.40 million gallons (4.56 mgd average) in 2015
1,657.10 million gallons (4.54 mgd average) in 2016
1,627.90 million gallons (4.46 mgd average) in 2017
1,595.05 million gallons (4.37 mgd average) in 2018
1,562.20 million gallons (4.28 mgd average) in 2019
1,518.40 million gallons (4.16 mgd average) in 2020
1,514.75 million gallons (4.15 mgd average) in 2021
1,514.75 million gallons'(4.15 mgd average) in 2022
1,511.10 million gallons (4.14 mgd average) in 2023 through 2029.
However, for each wellfield, the maximum annual groundwater withdrawal must not
WTP -1
1,514.75 million gallons (3.41 mgd average) in 2009 through 2029.
WTP -2
1,514.75 million gallons (0.822 mgd average) in 2009 through 2029.
WTP -3
1,514.75 million gallons (1.64 mgd average) in 2009 through 2029.
19. The maximum annual quantities of reclaimed /surface water for landscape irrigation type
use in the City's service area from the East Reclaimed Water System (GRS 404624) and
West Reclaimed Water System (GRS 404625) connection points must not exceed:
445.30 million gallons (1.22 mgd average) in 2009
438.00 million gallons (1.20 mgd average) in 2010
441.65 million gallons (1.21 mgd average) in 2011
474.50 million gallons (1.30 mgd average) in 2012
492.75 million gallons (1.35 mgd average) in 2013
554.80 million gallons (1.52 mgd average) in 2014
562.10 million gallons (1.54 mgd average) in 2015
605.90 million gallons (1.66 mgd average) in 2016
657.00 million gallons (1.80 mgd average) in 2017
704.45 million gallons (1.93 mgd average) in 2018
762.85 million gallons (2.09 mgd average) in 2019 •
813.95 million gallons (2.23 mgd average) in 2020
839.50 million gallons (2.30 mgd average) in 2021
876.00 million gallons (2.40 mgd average) in 2022
901.55 million gallons (2.47 mgd average) in 2023
908.85 million gallons (2.49 mgd average) in 2014
919.80 million gallons (2.52 mgd average) in 2015
941.70 million gallons (2.58 mgd average) in 2016
956.30 million gallons (2.62 mgd average) in 2027
981.85 million gallons (2.69 mgd average) in 2028
996.45 million gallons (2.73 mgd average) in 2029.
The permittee may provide additional quantities of reclaimed /surface water for use in the
City's service area, provided such additional quantities are as necessary for economic
and efficient utilization.
20. The permittee must implement the Water Conservation Plan submitted to the District on
May 21, 2007, and in accordance with the schedules contained therein. The permittee
must maintain a log of those activities completed as part of the plan. A report detailing
the progress of the plan implementation must be submitted annually to the District on or
before January 31st of the following year.
21. The lowest quality water source, such as reclaimed water or surface /storm water, must
be used as irrigation water when deemed feasible pursuant to District rules and
applicable state law.
22. All landscape irrigation by the permittee shall be in conformity with the requirements set
forth in subsection 40C- 2.042(2),`F.A.C.
23. Within one year of permit issuance, the permittee shall adopt a city -wide landscape
irrigation ordinance that fully implements the landscape irrigation provisions in District
Rule 40C- 2.042(2), Florida Administrative Code, and that also restricts the use of
reclaimed water by the City's reclaimed water customers to no more than two days per
week. The ordinance must include adequate enforcement mechanisms and it may not
regulate in any other manner the consumptive use of water.
24. The permittee must conduct detailed water audits for calendar years 2012, 2015, 2018,
2021, 2024, and 2027 and submit each audit to the District by February 15 of the
following year. All water uses given in the audit must be for the previous calendar year
and documentation must be provided on how the amounts were metered or determined.
If the water audit shows that, the system losses and unaccounted -for water utility uses
exceed 10 %, leak detection and repair program must be implemented.
25. Monitoring wells MW -L1 (GRS ID No. 242390), MW -L2 (GRS ID No. 242391) and MW-
V1 (GRS ID No. 242392) must be installed within one year of permit issuance, in
accordance with all specifications as described in the Floridan Aquifer Groundwater
Water Quality Monitoring Plan, Modified January 24, 2008, and submitted to the District
on March 4, 2008.
26. Within 90 days of the District's notifying the permittee that changes in ground water
geochemistry in any of the permitted wells may be trending towards a chloride
concentration or geochemical type of ground water significantly different from
background levels and indicating potential saline water intrusion, the permittee must
submit to the District for approval a plan to avoid or abate potential impacts. The plan
must include a schedule for implementing avoidance or other measures, which may
include modification of the well construction, well rehabilitation, reduction in well or well
field withdrawal rates, or other measures identified by the permittee to avoid or abate the
potential impacts. The permittee must implement the District - approved plan pursuant to
the schedule set forth in the plan.
27. If unanticipated significant saline water intrusion occurs in any of the permitted wells as a
result of the withdrawals authorized by this permit, the District shall revoke the permit in
whole or in part to curtail or abate the adverse impacts unless the impacts are abated by
the permittee pursuant to the plan approved by the District under Condition 25.
28. The permittee must have groundwater levels in monitoring wells MW -L1 (GRS ID No.
242390), MW -L2 (GRS ID No. 242391) and MW -V1 (GRS ID No. 242392) measured for
the duration of the permit according to the schedule provided for water quality monitoring
in the plan identified in Condition 24 above. Groundwater levels must be measured to an
accuracy of 0.01 foot prior to purging each monitoring well in preparation for
groundwater quality sampling. Groundwater levels must be converted to elevations
relative to the North American Vertical Datum (NAVD) of 1988, and submitted in a digital
format readable by the District's computerized database.
29. Water level monitoring must be initiated by July 12, 2010. The permittee must conduct
hydrologic and photo monitoring at each of the three (3) wetland areas listed below:
a) #60, Unidentified Mixed Hardwood Swamp, located west of Baywood Ave.
(Sec. 29 & 30, T. 20 S., R. 30 E.);
b) #84, Unnamed swamp in Sunshine Park, (Sec. 34, T. 20 S., R. 30 E.);
c) #138, Unnamed swamp located west of Sybilwood Cir, (Sec. 12, T. 21 S., R. 30 E.).
The permittee must install shallow monitoring wells at each of the wetland sites listed
above. The wells must be located near the upland /wetland interface. The monitoring
well design and specific locations must be approved in writing by the District staff before
the wells are installed. The monitoring wells must be installed by a licensed water well
contractor (as required in 373.336 (1)(b), F.S.), and all monitoring devices shall be
surveyed to NAVD (1988) to an accuracy of +/- 0.01 foot.
If another agency or utility is monitoring the same water body, then the same monitoring
equipment or data can, upon written approval by SJRWMD, be used with the owner's
consent. A staff gauge may substitute for a shallow monitoring well if District staff
determines that the substitution would be capable of capturing a complete range of
water fluctuation.
30. Transect locations where vegetation and soils are to be sampled must be approved by
the District for each wetland- monitoring site by July 12, 2010. Each transect shall be
150 feet in length, located so as to include 50 feet of the adjacent upland, and oriented
towards the wetland center and perpendicular to the wetland edge. The monitoring well
should be located on the transect (if possible). If the adjacent upland consists of placed
fill, then the transect may be limited to 120 feet in length, including 20 feet of the
adjacent upland. The following information must be recorded for each transect:
a) A permanent photo station must be monumented on the transect near the
monitoring well for annual photographs.
b) Soil surface elevations must be recorded to an accuracy of +/- 0.1 foot at 5-
foot intervals and wherever there is a change in plant community.
c) Other environmental features such as the upland /wetland interface, current
water level, cypress buttress inflection points (up to 3 individuals), lower
extent of lichen lines or upper extent of moss collars, watermarks, and the
lower edge of the saw palmetto (Serenoa repens) fringe must be surveyed, if
d) Plant communities must be described, including a listing of all vascular plant
species, by plant community, present within 10 feet of one side of the
transect line, their relative abundance, and the diameter at breast height
(d.b.h.) of any woody plants greater than 1" d.b.h.
e) A description of soil color, texture, and hydric soil indicators must be made in
the top 24 inches of soil at 25 -foot intervals along the transect described
above for 7 stations. If the soil survey depicts the soils as open water, then
the soil description will occur out to a water depth of 3 feet, and depth to
sediment surface and depth of organic substrate will be recorded for the
remaining intervals.
31. A Baseline Monitoring Site Report must be submitted to the District on or before January
12, 2011. The report must include the following information for each monitoring site (as
applicable): a) a diagram of the elevations, plant communities, and hydric soils located
along the transect, b) a summary of the soils data collected, c) a summary of the
vegetation data collected, and d) information regarding the installation of the monitoring
wells, including a well completion report, latitude /longitude coordinates of the well, well
location on a map, and a brief site description.
32. Monitoring data must be submitted electronically as spreadsheets on or before January
31' and July 31', in a District - approved computer - accessible format. Data submittal will
start on January 31, 2010. The following information must be recorded by the permittee
for each wetland monitoring site: water level (weekly without data loggers or daily with
data loggers) and pumping volume (weekly by well). Water level data must be reported
as elevation above sea level (NAVD 1988). The Permittee must contact the District for
specific details on how to submit the computer- accessible information. These data must
also be submitted as a legible paper copy (two copies).
33. On or before March 31', starting in 2011, the permittee must submit an annual report
summarizing the monitoring efforts and comparing all of the wetland monitoring data
recorded for the last calendar year and previous years. The report must include
panoramic photographs taken in September at the established photo stations, and
graphs summarizing the pumping volume and monitoring data. The elevation of the
upland/wetland interface must be indicated on the graphs. In addition, the report will
include a brief analysis of any data trends.
34. If the permittee is unable to obtain or maintain legal access to any of the monitoring sites
referenced above, the permittee must notify SJRWMD in writing within 15 days of
concluding that access to any specific site is not possible. Within 45 days of this
notification, the permittee must submit an altemative site to modify the monitoring
network. Within six months of SJRWMD approval of the monitoring network
modification, the permittee must implement the approved change(s).
35. In May of each year for the duration of this permit, the permittee must collect and have
analyzed a water quality sample from each of the following wells: Well 3 -EAST (GRS ID
No. 15329), Well 5 -WEST (GRS ID No. 15325), Well 6 -WEST (GRS ID No. 15326),
MW -L1 (GRS ID No. 242390), MW -L2 (GRS ID No. 242391) and MW -V1 (GRS ID No.
Each sample must be analyzed for the following:
Field • Temperature ( °C) Specific conductance (umhos /cm)
pH (Units) Turbidity (NTU)
Dissolved Oxygen (MG /I)
Total alkalinity (as mg /L CaCO3) Potassium (mg /L)
Carbonate alkalinity (as mg /L CaCO3) Sodium (mg /L)
Lab pH (Units) Sulfate (mg /L)
Calcium (mg /L) Specific Conductance (umhos/cm)
Chloride (mg /L) Total Iron (mg /L)
Magnesium (mg /L) Total Dissolved Solids (mg /L)
Sample Collection
Samples must be collected in accordance with all applicable provisions of the standard
operating procedures (SOP) of the Florida Department of Environmental Protection
(DEP) in DEP- SOP- 001/01, under the DEP Quality Assurance Rule, 62 -160, F.A.C.
The wells must be purged in accordance with DEP- SOP - 001/01, and well purging must
be documented using the Groundwater Sampling Log form found in the referenced DEP
SOP. Samples must be stored on ice immediately after collection, and remain on ice
until received by the laboratory. It is recommended that sample duplicates be taken to
allow for laboratory errors or data Toss and that these samples be stored by the
laboratory for a minimum of 60 days to ensure backup sample availability should re-
analysis be required.
Quality Assurance
The permittee must provide documentation using forms specified in DEP- SOP - 001/01
that field instruments were properly calibrated prior to obtaining field measurements.
All water quality analysis must be performed by a laboratory certified by the Florida
Department of Health (FDOH) and the National Environmental Laboratory Accreditation
Conference (NELAC). All laboratory analysis must be done by methods for which the
laboratory has FDOH certification. All laboratory analysis must be completed within EPA
holding times. If the data is lost or a laboratory error occurs and the EPA holding time
for the analysis has expired, the permittee must resample the well within 15 days of
notification from the laboratory that a Toss or laboratory error has occurred.
With the exception of pH, laboratory analysis using selective ion electrodes is riot
acceptable because of the inadequate sensitivity of these methods. Analysis using test
kits typically used for field screening (e.g., Hach and LaMotte) is also not acceptable for
the same reason.
AD major ion analysis must be checked for anion - cation balance and must balance
(equivalent concentrations as meq /L) within 5 %. If the anion - cation balance does not
balance within 5 %, the permittee must review the data and include in the report
submitted to the District a discussion of the cause or explanation of the imbalance. If the
anion - cation balance does not balance within 5 %, the permittee may be required to re-
analyze the sample if it is within acceptable holding times, or to resample the well and
reanalyze the sample.
A "Water Quality Monitoring Report" of the results from each of the sampling events
must be submitted to the District no later than June 30 of the year in which samples
were collected. The reports of results shall include the following:
(a) Well sampling log;
(b) Field instrumentation calibration verification;
(c) Chain of custody forms; and
(d) Laboratory analytical report in approved format.
All data must be submitted to the District in a District - approved electronic format
consistent with FDO H and NELAC laboratory reporting requirements.
36. The permittee must collect and have analyzed a water quality sample quarterly
in February, May, August and November for 3 years from the date of installation from
each of the following wells: MW -L1 (GRS ID No. 242390), MW -L2 (GRS ID No. 242391)
and MW -V1 (GRS ID No. 242392). The water quality sample must conform to the water
quality sampling criteria in the "Annual Water Quality Monitoring Report." A "Quarterly
Water Quality Monitoring Report" of the results of the February, May, August and
November . sampling events must be submitted to the District no later than March 30 for
the February event, June 30 for the May event, September 30 for the August event and
December 30 for the November event of the year in which samples were collected.
37. The applicant must submit to the District the DEP Annual Reuse Report, DEP Form 62-
610.300(4)(a)2 (Parts I -XI) by January 1 after the completion of each fiscal year
(October 1 through September 30), for the duration of the permit.
38. The permittee must submit to the District a compliance report every five years
under subsection 373.236(4), Florida Statutes. The Permittee must submit the report by
December 31st of 2015, 2020 and 2025. The report must contain sufficient information
to demonstrate that the permittee's use of water continues, for the remaining duration of
the permit, to meet the conditions for permit issuance set forth in the District rules that
existed at the time the permit was issued for 20 years by the District. In providing such
assurance, the compliance report must, at a minimum:
a) Meet the submittal requirements of section 4.2 of the Applicant's Handbook:
Consumptive Uses of Water, March 9, 2009;
b) Evaluate whether the permittee is implementing all available water conservation
measures, programs and technologies and evaluating any new programs or
technologies and the potential savings of these measures;
c) Report on progress in developing supplemental water supply projects;
d) Evaluate whether residential per capita water use remains within acceptable
e) Demonstrate all available effluent is being reused;
f) Evaluate summary statistics and time series trend analysis for each production
and monitoring well for water quality data generated under the requirements of
this permit to ensure that significant adverse water quality changes do not occur.
g) Verify that the groundwater withdrawal amounts authorized herein can continue
to be made without inducing significant saline water intrusion, causing the water
table level or aquifer potentiometric surface level to be lowered so that stages or
vegetation will be adversely and significantly affected or causing the level of a
water table aquifer, the potentiometric surface level of a aquifer, or the water
level of a surface water to be lowered below a minimum level which has been
established under subsection 373.042, F.S., in section 40C- 8.031, F.A.C.;
h) Verify that the use of the surface water is not interfering with existing legal users;
i) Provide a description of the current reclaimed water supply and delivery system
and annual flow amount for the previous 5 years;
. j) Provide a summary of the utility's efforts in creating partnerships with other
utilities to develop and use altemative water sources, including reclaimed water,
surface water and stormwater.
Post Office Box 1429
Palatka, Florida 32178 -1429
Consumptive Use Permit Number: 8238
Permittee Name: City of Winter Springs
Date of Permit Issuance: January 25, 2010 Station Name: 1 EAST
Pump Capacity: 1200 GPM
Serial Number on Meter:
Meter Model:
Discharge Pipe Diameter:
Date of Last Meter Calibration: / /
Date of This Calibration: / /
Name of Person Performing Calibration:
Method or Equipment Used for Calibration:
Initial Meter Reading at Start of Calibration:
Final Meter Reading at End of Calibration:
Readings on Equipment Used for Calibration:
Start: End:
(Attach Formulas Used to Make Calculations)
Percent of Error Between Meter Reading and Calibration Equipment:
Name of Person Completing Form (Please Print):
Company Name:
City /State /Zip:
Daytime Telephone: ( ) -
Please Retain a Copy for Your Records
Post Office Box 1429
Palatka, Florida 32178 -1429
Consumptive Use Permit Number: 8238
Permittee Name: City of Winter Springs
Date of Permit Issuance: January 25, 2010 Station Name: 2EAST
Pump Capacity: 2000 GPM
Serial Number on Meter:
Meter Model:
Discharge Pipe Diameter:
Date of Last Meter Calibration: / /
Date of This Calibration: / /
Name of Person Performing Calibration:
Method or Equipment Used for Calibration:
Initial Meter Reading at Start of Calibration:
Final Meter Reading at End of Calibration:
Readings on Equipment Used for Calibration:
Start: End:
(Attach Formulas Used to Make Calculations)
Percent of Error Between Meter Reading and Calibration Equipment:
Name of Person Completing Form (Please Print):
Company Name:
City /State /Zip:
Daytime Telephone: ( ) -
Please Retain a Copy for Your Records
Post Office Box 1429
Palatka, Florida 32178 -1429
Consumptive Use Permit Number: 8238
Permittee Name: City of Winter Springs
Date of Permit Issuance: January 25, 2010 Station Name: 3EAST
Pump Capacity: 2000 GPM
Serial Number on Meter:
Meter Model:
Discharge Pipe Diameter:
Date of Last Meter Calibration: / /
Date of This Calibration: / /
Name of Person Performing Calibration:
Method or Equipment Used for Calibration:
Initial Meter Reading at Start of Calibration:
Final Meter Reading at End of Calibration:
Readings on Equipment Used for Calibration:
Start: End:
(Attach Formulas Used to Make Calculations)
Percent of Error Between Meter Reading and Calibration Equipment:
Name of Person Completing Form (Please Print):
Company Name:
City /State /Zip:
Daytime Telephone: ( ) -
Please Retain a Copy for Your Records
Post Office Box 1429
Palatka, Florida 32178 -1429
Consumptive Use Permit Number: 8238
Permittee Name: City of Winter Springs
Date of Permit Issuance: January 25, 2010 Station Name: 3WEST
Pump Capacity: 1100 GPM
Serial Number on Meter:
Meter Model:
Discharge Pipe Diameter:
Date of Last Meter Calibration: / /
Date of This Calibration: / /
Name of Person Performing Calibration:
Method or Equipment Used for Calibration:
Initial Meter Reading at Start of Calibration:
Final Meter Reading at End of Calibration:
Readings on Equipment Used for Calibration:
Start: End:
(Attach Formulas Used to Make Calculations)
Percent of Error Between Meter Reading and Calibration Equipment:
Name of Person Completing Form (Please Print):
Company Name:
City /State /Zip:
Daytime Telephone: ( ) -
Please Retain a Copy for Your Records
Post Office Box 1429
Palatka, Florida 32178 -1429
Consumptive Use Permit Number: 8238
Permittee Name: City of Winter Springs
Date of Permit Issuance: January 25, 2010 Station Name: 4EAST
Pump Capacity: 1200 GPM
Serial Number on Meter:
Meter Model:
Discharge Pipe Diameter:
Date of Last Meter Calibration:
Date of This Calibration: / /
Name of Person Performing Calibration:
Method or Equipment Used for Calibration:
Initial Meter Reading at Start of Calibration:
Final Meter Reading at End of Calibration:
Readings on Equipment Used for Calibration:
Start: End:
(Attach Formulas Used to Make Calculations)
Percent of Error Between Meter Reading and Calibration Equipment:
Name of Person Completing Form (Please Print):
Company Name:
City /State /Zip:
Daytime Telephone: ( ) -
Please Retain a Copy for Your Records
Post Office Box 1429
Palatka, Florida 32178 -1429
Consumptive Use Permit Number: 8238
Permittee Name: City of Winter Springs
Date of Permit Issuance: January 25, 2010 Station Name: 4WEST
Pump Capacity: 1100 GPM
Serial Number on Meter:
Meter Model:
Discharge Pipe Diameter:
Date of Last Meter Calibration: / /
Date of This Calibration: / /
Name of Person Performing Calibration:
Method or Equipment Used for Calibration:
Initial Meter Reading at Start of Calibration:
Final Meter Reading at End of Calibration:
Readings on Equipment Used for Calibration:
Start: End:
(Attach Formulas Used to Make Calculations)
Percent of Error Between Meter Reading and Calibration Equipment: ok
Name of Person Completing Form (Please Print):
Company Name:
City /State /Zip:
Daytime Telephone: ( ) -
Please Retain a Copy for Your Records
Post Office Box 1429
Palatka, Florida 32178 -1429
Consumptive Use Permit Number: 8238
Permittee Name: City of Winter Springs
Date of Permit issuance: January 25, 2010 Station Name: 5WEST
Pump Capacity: 1800 GPM
Serial Number on Meter:
Meter Model:
Discharge Pipe Diameter:
Date of Last Meter Calibration: / /
Date of This Calibration: / /
Name of Person Performing Calibration:
Method or Equipment Used for Calibration:
Initial Meter Reading at Start of Calibration:
Final Meter Reading at End of Calibration:
Readings on Equipment Used for Calibration:
Start: End:
(Attach Formulas Used to Make Calculations)
Percent of Error Between Meter Reading and Calibration Equipment:
Name of Person Completing Form (Please Print):
Company Name:
City/State /Zip:
Daytime Telephone: ( ) -
Please Retain a Copy for Your Records
Post Office Box 1429
Palatka, Florida 32178 -1429
Consumptive Use Permit Number: 8238
Permittee Name: City of Winter Springs
Date of Permit Issuance: January 25, 2010 Station Name: 6WEST
Pump Capacity: 1500 GPM
Serial Number on Meter:
Meter Model:
Discharge Pipe Diameter:
Date of Last Meter Calibration: / /
Date of This Calibration: / /
Name of Person Performing Calibration:
Method or Equipment Used for Calibration: -
Initial Meter Reading at Start of Calibration:
Final Meter Reading at End of Calibration:
Readings on Equipment Used for Calibration:
Start: End:
(Attach Formulas Used to Make Calculations)
Percent of Error Between Meter Reading and Calibration Equipment: ok
Name of Person Completing Form (Please Print):
Company Name:
City /State/Zip:
Daytime Telephone: ( ) -
Please Retain a Copy for Your Records
Post Office Box 1429
Palatka, Florida 32178 -1429
Consumptive Use Permit Number: 8238
Permittee Name: City of Winter Springs
Date of Permit Issuance: January 25, 2010 Station Name: East Reclaimed Water Facility
Pump Capacity: 5000 GPM
Serial Number on Meter:
Meter Model:
Discharge Pipe Diameter:
Date of Last Meter Calibration: / .l
Date of This Calibration: / /
Name of Person Performing Calibration:
Method or Equipment Used for Calibration:
initial Meter Reading at Start of Calibration:
Final Meter Reading at End of Calibration:
Readings on Equipment Used for Calibration:
Start: End:
(Attach Formulas Used to Make Calculations)
Percent of Error Between Meter Reading and Calibration Equipment:
Name of Person Completing Form (Please Print):
Company Name: •
City /State /Zip:
Daytime Telephone: ( ) -
Please Retain a Copy for Your Records
Post Office Box 1429
Palatka, Florida 32178 -1429
Consumptive Use Permit Number: 8238
Permittee Name: City of Winter Springs
Date of Permit Issuance: January 25, 2010 Station Name: West Reclaimed Water Facility
Pump Capacity: 5000 GPM
Serial Number on Meter:
Meter Model:
Discharge Pipe Diameter:
Date of Last Meter Calibration: / /
Date of This Calibration: / /
Name of Person Performing Calibration:
Method or Equipment Used for Calibration:
Initial Meter Reading at Start of Calibration:
Final Meter Reading at End of Calibration:
Readings on Equipment Used for Calibration:
Start: End:
(Attach Formulas Used to Make Calculations)
Percent of Error Between Meter Reading and Calibration Equipment:
Name of Person Completing Form (Please Print):
Company Name:
City /State /Zip:
Daytime Telephone: ( ) -
Please Retain a Copy for Your Records
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